Friday, May 26, 2023


 I would not say that Operation House Clean is off to a roaring start, but... I did go through a couple of bags and loose stuff; filled one box with recyclables, one box for garbage, and one for the OC, so...that is not that bad, I guess.  I did find a container to put some folded clothes in to take to Plato's Closet, so once I wash it out...well, maybe I can fill it with some stuff.  I have nothing planned for tomorrow, of course, so aside from a trip to the gym... I can put a few more hours into crap culling and closet restoration.  Probably should read a book with all the free time, too; it's not like I don't have a list of them, or anything like that.

In the meantime, here I am, up past my bedtime.  Of course, I was planning on not setting the clock tomorrow, which is fine...but I should get extra rest sometime this weekend.  I would have gone to bed sooner,, I was thinking about replacing the vacuum cleaner, and two, when I came home, two bathroom tiles had fallen off the wall.  To be sure, it is high time to get the bathroom remodeled (almost done with my savings goal!) but I can't have two tiles off, so sometime tomorrow I have to run to a hardware store and buy something that will keep them in place til the renovation occurs.  I guess years ago I used Elmer's glue on the one, which may be why I am in this predicament today.

What Happened in 2022 | Catalist

Mystery at the Midterm: What Happened to the Red Wave? | RealClearPolitics

Both of these were quite interesting; the question is what will the GOP do to fix it?  Precious little, I am sure!  I think they could have delved more into candidate quality, though I would guess that is more subjective.

Geraldine Tyler Wins ‘Home Equity Theft’ Case With SCOTUS Ruling (

I guess I am not surprised that this happens, but my concern is that the people who perpetrated this fraud upon the taxpayers will go unpunished, and that is a huge concern for me.


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