Yet another hiatus...I was trying to catch up on sleep (failed), made soup for company potluck (didn't win), and get the OC budget in order (more or less done). And here we are...
I note this because the author is correct; for a wide range of items, the cost-differential is too great for the US consumer, who, despite claims to the contrary, has never been interested in US-made products if they are too expensive. Alas, alack.
Um, because they don't WANT to... I mean, I am NOT trying to be pro-rape here, but it would take a hell of a lot of balls to go after the football team -- which at most schools brings in bank, wins games, generates interest, etc. This is not a good thing, of course, but the entrenched interests in the powers that be have their reasons to look the other, if you started busting some football players now, a lot of football players will not want to come to the place later. Then of course, guilt means liability and lawsuits, which costs money...