Monday, June 27, 2016


Well, this time, I have an excuse -- my laptop's hard drive died and it needed a replacement.  So here we are -- new drive, rah.  I have to admit, this is quite costly...and it's been a week for spending.  I bought a new fridge (the old one was 35 years old so this was in the budget), a new phone charger, this, office set of files for the new laptop (the new overlords won't front for it) and here we are.  I have not been able to figure out how to update the bookmarks (I have 300 or so!) so now I am going through and either manually doing it or cutting them altogether -- I suspect this will enable me to find something to do over the long weekend, if nothing else.  :)

The Tribe is rampaging...I was at the game Monday, and a visitor from out of town told me that I -- as with other people -- were too hard on the Tribe.  In light of the win streak, maybe, but...I don't know.  Rajai Davis is still the best OF on the team, which speaks volumes.  Naquin has been ok, but he is young.  Napoli/Santana are...ok; I mean, Napoli has had hits when needed, but neither of them are on fire.  Ramirez is a utility guy at 3B; Uribe is playing like a 38-year-old.  Chisenhall has been not lately but Gomes has been a vortex of suck.  The pitching -- especially lately -- has been outworldly, which is what people expected.  Not sure it will continue...I mean, we all hope it does, and with the relievers being solid, even better, but you can't win 3-1 all the time.  I have to admit, though, never though I'd see the day when the Tribe used Verlander for batting practice...

Thursday, June 16, 2016


The Fun Run bunch decided that this is between a battered wife going back to her husband and Barack Obama refusing to call it Islamic terrorism.  I mean, Terry should be given some slack for his loyalty, but...there are times when Shaw is simply NOT the pitcher he should be.  There should be no real problem -- during those times of struggle -- when they cannot go to Manship or Chamberlain; both of them have pitched well this year.  For a week or so, they could make'll note that Otero, it seems, has flipped over McAllister in the bullpen, and deservedly so.

In other news, I watched "The Matrix" yesterday (part of the list); I liked it for the special effects, though much of the plot was of the "What the Fuck?" variety.  I have heeded the advice of everyone and will NOT watch the sequels, which, from the wikipedia entries, seem even worse...

I made the point on facebook...the filibuster was good politics, but the GOP -- such as Mitch McConnell -- should have said "You can have the vote until the President declares the attacks to be Islamic Terrorism -- and uses the words.  Until then, talk away."  For one thing, I don't think Dems have the stomach for too much gun control -- guys like Tester and Manchin have more to lose than, say, Mark Kirk.  For another, I think most people -- even on the left -- would say that it is a cause, if not the main one, and letting the Prez off the hook is a good way to play politics.  Finally, if it really means THAT much to the Dems to get something passed...well, they always talk about working with GOPers, why not do so?

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Saw the Calder Cup Championship last nite; sort of cool, actually.  I mean, we were in nosebleed seats, and the game terms of excitement at times, but the place went crazy after they won.  It did not seem that anyone expected 20K people for a hockey game...

The Tribe continues its winning ways, not the Angels are exactly hot stuff.  Uribe's injury, like that of Gomes...oi.  Oh.  At least Yan is back; I think the bat will come around, and...well, much as we appreciate the Gimenez/Bauer connection, you can see he is much better.

I think the Donald is right -- the President should say that it is Islam -- even a part of it -- that was responsible for yesterday -- and while I don't think that it is a high crime, like the Donald does, it does, I suspect, illuminate his path to victory...while his gun stance might not work, I think a LOT of people will say you know, maybe he is not off about letting some people in.  I would argue few people believe that he will shut the border down, but the implication -- less immigration -- is something that polls indicate is a plurality, if not majority view...

Thursday, June 09, 2016

back on

Bad sleep habits, an excess of exercise...not sure; all I know is that my left knee is sore.  Early to bed tonight and some elevation will do the trick, I was leg day, supposedly, so I canceled it...alas.  I guess a day or two without isn't awful for the physique.

this is interesting, in that...well, the polls obviously didn't show the whole story...I still put the Donald's chances at 1 in 4...

Well, yeah...and if Goldman Sachs is the one to tell you this -- the people who profited most from the Recession, right Bernie-bros? -- I can only imagine what the people who are "benefitting" from the arrangement are thinking about it..

Git a new Fitbit yesterday; my sister ordered me the Flex; not quite as nifty as the last one (no step counter, just dots, for instance) but it was cheaper and it is not as if I kept the last one up.  I hit the steps today, and assuming I don't lose this one...calories will be hit hard over the weekend.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Well...where should we begin?  I am 38.  Ugh.  Actually, I decided -- having been an ass for a few days -- I need to sweat this less.  It sucks, but...if people want to be nice to you, let them.  I get worked up...Friday was an exceptionally crappy day, I was jacked...and when I decided things could not get any worse...I lost my Fitbit at the OC.  I was doing crap, and looked down...and it was gone.  Could be in a 1000 places...ugh.  My Mom suggested I get a replacement, but as I told her...this one didn't last six months, no point in wasting more dough.  Besides...I can walk and exercise without it.

As a matter of fact...three people in the last week have commented that I and/or thinner.  As you can imagine, that has helped, and in honor of this...another killer day at the gym.  Tomorrow is leg day, so I might actually get killed.  I did hit 60 lbs on the squats, and will keep it up -- I need to do MORE stuff here, such as squats and planks.  I've been adding protein when possible, at the expense of carbs, and will continue to do so...

The Tribe is on something of a tear...I was at Saturday's game -- Tomlin pitched well, the power surge was nice, and a decent crowd made it...well, a very good vibe.  I am not sure if this will continue, but the pitching has been good... Salazar's rest concerns me, I will admit, though -- as I pointed out to the coworkers -- we have 100 games to go, and we will need Danny for at least 20 more of them, so, caution is good here.

Thursday, June 02, 2016


Pub Quiz was last night...fifth.  ugh...we only missed placing (or even second) by three points, which we bled all night long, and blew the missing link.  Ugh.  Alas.

I think this makes a lot of sense, but 1) Who thinks about tomorrow; 2) Hope and Changers really don't care about debt and/or reducing regulation (fewer government employees, perish the thought) so hence we are stuck...

I think the argument cuts both ways; I mean, if you get enough of the minority vote, or the women's vote...well, it doesn't matter; but it you piss off enough white men (and married white women), well, as they are a large constituency in most states...then Hillary doesn't have enough votes anywhere else.  I suspect that is the Trump calculation -- win the white whale of votes in the Midwest -- and you can lose CO or AZ.  Not saying it will work, but in an odd way, the GOP is...trying.

I see Terry is back to the parade of relievers as the rotation looks...less strong right now.  To be sure, Carrasco was coming back from the DL, so I expected some rust (and he didn't look that bad at times) but the starters have been inconsistent, which is no way to compete, especially with the offense and its...scuffles.