Thursday, November 28, 2019

Catching Up

Well, that was a prolonged blogging hiatus!  And it's Turkey Day!  Well, the usual customs have been completed -- family dinner, avoiding the Food Pantry, watching that WKRP episode, and now we rest, sort of... the washer overflowed and I cannot get the water in the laundry sink down.  Grr.. This happened a few weeks ago, which leads me to believe that something needs to be snaked, and I need the prospect of another bill at Xmas like a hole in my head.  Alas.
You know, I had completely forgotten about this.  And, ashamedly, Mindy McCready, but that is another tale...  interesting viewpoint here, in all honesty.
I've liked the other posts in the series, and this one I found fascinating as well, so I figured I would share...

Monday, November 18, 2019


This, of course, is blogging within a week, which is much better than the current, or usual, practice.  Ha!  Funny, of course... I mean, I have actually gone to bed fairly early the last two days; I think I have a cold, or am not fully recovered from the sinus infection, so...
I always get a kick out of stories like these, like the ones about Trump being a Russian puppet... I don't think the man can stop getting out of his own way, but i also think that the man does have a knack for finding, identifying, and trying to take advantage of someone's weakness.  This is one such way; no one expects to win the black vote, but if you lose 80-20, or even 85-15... you've actually gained votes, which is something... and in election where the key states might be close....
I marked this a while ago, mainly because I was like...of course it is;  I mean, it wasn't always, but now -- thanx to your friends on the left -- and in turn, everyone else has to fight it that way...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Three Things

Jesus.  Didn't realize it was nine days since I have blogged!  Lots of amusing shit going on, in any order...

1)  The Astros.  As I told the boys at work, much like Louisville basketball, or, say, the President, it's not a good idea to have a new scandal when the old one is still ripe and stinky.  I did joke that I would for MLB to come in, like the NCAA, and strip the championship banner off the wall and stuff like that, but that's not happening. As to the actual punishment..  what can they do?  Suspend people? Take draft picks?  Bonus pool money?

2)  Impeachment.  Good Lord... what the hell is POTUS thinking?  I don't know...I realize the man is not one to listen to consul, or counsel, but... I would like to think that at some point, someone told President Awesome (prolly not in those terms) "don't do this, ever" and of course he just went and did it.  I wouldn't say that I don't think the man can't get out of it, but...  as I like to say, the primary duty of a politician is to be re-elected, and that means winning a primary.... and in the GOP...

3) The Tribe/Lindor trade.  I think it would be easier to trade him now, but I suspect it will be done at the trade deadline this year, because 1) the suitor pool would grow and 2) the return would be higher if a contending team believes they really need him.  Mind you, I don't think this team/front office will get anything close to the value of Lindor (by any metric), for  a bunch of reasons, but...

Monday, November 04, 2019

catching up

Remember how I said I was going to blog more?  Yeah, me too.  Though I have been busy, and also, getting to bed at 10, or 11, in an attempt to be less sick -- I got an antibiotic for this sinus infection and I figure it is the least I can do to meet it halfway is to sleep.

In other news... I think the idea of firing Freddie Kitchens is a bit ridiculous, but I didn't exactly see playoffs for this team, either.  More interesting, to me, is the canning of Willie Taggart at FSU.  This could be me, but... maybe he rose too fast?  I don't know, one year at Oregon, to me... well, not enough seasoning?  I also think maybe he got fired too soon?  Yes, the team is craptastic, but firing a guy a year and a half in...not sure that is the move that had to be made.  Also, I think Akron's last coach could have done better than... 0-something, but this could be me.

Snow this weekend?  In the middle of -- hell, before -- November?  Oi.  I realize it is that time of year, like it or not, but...
This is interesting.  I do not think it will work as well as anyone thinks, for a bunch of reasons....but it is good to see someone trying.

One thing that surprised me was Francisco Lindor winning a Gold Glove.  I don't know; I think he is a good SS, good as some of the other guys in the league? Not sure about that...