So, the November 2014 stats for the OC are:
531 households, totaling 1,606 reported clients...588 children, 807 adults, and 211 seniors. Reportedly, of course.
It is pretty impressive, watching FSU trying to implode. I think the relief of OSU fans -- beating Michigan in a closer game than expected (albeit not by me) has been tempered by the injury to Barrett. One can only imagine that Cardale has been attending football class, at least.
In the meantime, I bought my gift for the giving tree today, which was not exactly expansive, but within the price guidelines, be it. I am glad NOT to be involved with it anymore; not that it was a lot of time, but...still, I need to be less involved in the parish, especially given the large number of people who are of the Do Your Fair Share philosophy, if you get my drift.
Not only do I have five books on the shelf, but I was full of some irrational exuberance, if you will, when it came to ordering some from the various Ohio libraries, so I need to hit the books...not in the chore sense, but just to move some of the piles around. With the exception of the fiction list book, they are all nonfiction, so it is both fun and educational...which is nerdy, even coming from me.