Well, yet another fascinating Tribe game... at least Carrasco will be coming back, which is nice, not that he will solve any particular problem (Tomlin isn't going anywhere yet, and the offense and its struggles against decent teams...). Still, the return of the #2 starter bodes well...
It could be on purpose, but I suspect it is more unintentional; much as an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters will produce Hamlet, the more idiots/people who don't understand markets running around planning things bodes poorly.
This could be me,, the hoops isn't as good or exciting as the men's game, which doesn't help, and two...women don't really watch the WNBA, either; I mean, if they really cared, they'd go and support the teams, right? Hell...they don't even watch. Myself, I hit at least six Tribe games (more if possible) a year and watch...more than 100 games, at least. In the college game (where it would be less costly to go to games), it is even worse...
I watched "Midway" thing that struck me...a what if: Yamamoto, knowing he had no air cover, decided that his large fleet could handle however many planes the US had left (let's face it, all of the torpedo planes were gone, as was one carrier) and just sailed on and tried to take Midway. I mean, he had, what..10 battleships and accompanying ships? If memory serves me, it was prolly a couple of hundred, with 100 or so being warships. Not saying it could have worked, but after a while...the US would not have had any planes left...