The Duke game tonight was sort of slow-motion disaster; you (or at least I) just knew it would end poorly, and it did...Duke had its usual stretch of playing like shit, just at the end of the game. My one friend pointed out this is on Coach K, and he is not wrong... some of it, of course, is the fact that these guys just don't play together long enough... like getting the ball to Duval -- 61% from the line -- at the end of the game. I mean, maybe you can't bench him, but they have to know NOT to give him the ball... oi. I realize there is no getting around it in this day and age, but...
Watched two more of the "Why We Fight" films... you know, they're pretty good. The graphics were certainly eye-popping for their time, and if some of the explanations are simplistic and devoid of inconvenient truths...well, they are quite effective in being, well, propaganda. At least Capra doesn't have to invent a good ending. :) More seriously...every scene -- Britons fighting back, the Maginot Line, German POWs, strutting and goose-stepping.... all project a certain image, and all are done in just such a way to be highly...evocative?
From the department of Trump is colluding with the Russians...
More seriously, Gates and Manafort getting popped for tax evasion...this could be me, but, so far, at least, I am not seeing collusion. To be sure, I still expect 1) that shit was pulled and 2) the Donald knew about it, but we are a long way from 3) Proving it. And, the perpetual motion machine of truth...well, it is a ready-made defense; funny that, having grew up in the Slick Willie era, we now have the next best thing...
This amused me, because, of course, Chelsea Clinton has grown tired of the same thing...