The end of a season
Family Christmas -- my Dad's side -- last nite. As always, a lot of fun, even if the party meant I was out late.. not that I am old, but I do have this cold that is NOT going away and with all of the sleepless nights coming up, I should probably dial things down a bit. I intend to do so tonight, which means I will be up until two.
I watched "My Fair Lady" today...getting me to 697. It's a musical. It's long. I am not exactly sure why this one was a entry on the NFR, but there it is. Rah. I also walked during most of it -- the living room and its environs, as I am feeling the fatness, as we say in the Fun Run Bunch, and I figured one way to at least burn some calories and not sit around was to pace. I have done it before, lately, and as I am trying to burn through films and TV shows in this baseball offseason, I may keep it up.
Speaking of, one thing that impressed me was how the Reds were able to leverage a shitty pitcher with a "favorable" contract into a bunch of useful parts. As the Tribe talks about trading a starter....well, if they do, the return had better be...well, substantial.
I can imagine that a bunch of pregnant women running around would not exactly be a ringing endorsement of their "services."
I think this is a good thing... honestly, for all of the "intelligence" that went into Obamacare, you'd have thought that they would have included this in it.