I thought this was interesting, but like the commentors... I think way underestimates the costs, or, as I like to say, the problem tenant problem. Maybe this is me, given what I know of our clients at the food pantry, but I suspect that...well, ket's just say that Desmond and ilk are underestimating -- possibly grossly -- the actual cost of rehabbing and fixing up a property.
I don't know...for one, no one is forcing some microbrewer to sell to a bigger firm; on the contrary, I can easily see someone figuring that they can make a real dollar there by selling out, and this is still the United States, you know. And, as the article notes..well, if people really care, they can buy -- easily -- craft beer. Let's also not discuss how we really need to modify the role of the state in beer distribution here, though I suspect InBev and ilk would buy every distributor if they could...
Let me remind everyone once again that my health care costs have MORE than doubled -- by a lot -- since this bill was passed, and I suspect that this happened to a lot of others as well. I suspect Mick Mulvaney realizes that the GOP base wants this gone -- people who are getting hammered by this stayed at home in 2018, and that can't happen again in 2020...