After a busy weekend, I report...OC duty again Saturday, and we were, to put it mildly, swamped. 148; not quite a record, but close; we opened early and had people until we shut it down at 12:30. It was sort of funny; for a while, the volunteers were causing more trouble than the clients... Our freezers were full of stuff, and then I had a visitor saying we needed to empty our freezers in the school cafeteria to make way for the turkeys for the Xmas I said, fine, give more of the meats and such. This, of course, caused someone to ask me if I was giving people too
much stuff (yes, I know). I was like...we don't have a choice, do we now?
Anyways, that crisis was handled and then we had a mess in the clothing room and all of the winter coats came and not everyone knew about it and oi, oi, oi. So I said push the clothes and we will handle the coats in the usual way (everyone gets a pass for one, which is not the best, of course)... and then we were out of rubber gloves, and then we were short of people to handle the computers, so I had to do it -- which is fine, sitting is nice -- but I do like to move a bit. The net connection and one of the machines was a little touchy, but we survived, and by the end of the day -- we left at one -- there was
some space in the freezers (which I do not expect to last) and stuff was ready for this week, which will also be shit-busy. I was glad to go a party given by friends and Favorite Niece's 21st bday (for the family).
Sunday was more tame -- lots of chores for Mom, followed by the Johnny Football implosion -- and then I watched "Swing Time" on TCM; Astaire, Rogers, etc. I rather liked it; sort of cute, sort of smart (a lot of films in the 30s are like that; I suspect the light comedies played well in the Depression) and I didn't realize that it was the source of the song "The Way You Look Tonight," which even I know is a classic. And, another off the Film Registry.
I hate to say it, but after the weekend, a busy day of work was...well, not quite a Godsend, but a fairly nice change of pace. I am not exactly expecting that this will last, but...