Staying Up
Been a long and busy week. Funny. sort of.... I have been staying up later to get stuff done, make sure the blood sugar is ok, that sort of thing. In consequence, I have been sleeping through the alarm. This is not exactly a bad thing, I suspect -- I need the rest -- but I do like to get up in the morning and do stuff as hit the gym, read the news and articles, that sort of thing. Not happening. Oi.
Went to St. Mary's in Berea to try their fish dinner (not a fish fry, as I usually order baked). It was a little far, and I had to navigate there -- it's on a two-lane street in a residential neighborhood, sort of odd, but not that hard to find. I was greeted by an exceedingly cheery student who told me that they were out of cabbage and noodles. Out. Anyways, they took my order -- double pierogis as the side -- and in half the time they said it would come out, it arrived. And it was pretty good; two pieces of fish, seasoned fairly well; store-bought pierogis (potato) but cooked perfectly, a decent roll, and homemade cookies (rare nowadays). Indeed, to make up for the lack of cabbage and noodles, they gave me double helpings of pierogi and dessert (I saved one bag of cookies for later), so that was good. At $10 it was a good deal.
I think this is exactly right.
I have read this twice, and I can't help but think this was everyone coming together to move/throw the election for one candidate over the other. If that was the case...this is something that needs to be punished and not celebrated; but 2024 is a long ways off. Hopefully, the GOP will have long memories.