Monday, September 28, 2015

Flickering Away

Somewhat more amusing (not really) than the whole Tribe wild card thing is the President's contention that by working with the Russians we can solve the problem of Assad/Syria.   Given that Obama didn't solve the problem with the red line declaration...well, now we have even more problems, to say nothing of the fact that the blood of all those Syrians is on his hands...and those of his supporters.

Started know, I know this is in large part the translation, but I like it; very concise, very Realpolitik.  It is not exactly rapid going, but...we will make some progress and go from there.  One of my coworkers gave me Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier, which I've always wanted to read, but with everything else on the agenda...well, we will make room.

The September OC stats:
501 households, encompassing 218 seniors, 703 adults, and 491 children.  Rah.

Watched "Selma" last nite and "Crisis:  Beyond a Presidential Commitment" today.    Both were interesting and I liked them...guess it has been a fest of civil rights to start the week.

Friday, September 25, 2015


The great painting job is almost done; I need to touch up a couple of corners and the front door, went.  I would not say great -- I need to put two coats on some places -- but I finally got it done.  This is why I've been silent the last few days, as I spent some time taping the molding, moving furniture, and putting my life somewhere else.  I had a hell of a time putting up the under-drape, if you will -- by which I mean it is NOT up; the bar isn't as wide as the brackets, so that has to be handled.  Ugh.  If I cannot get them up tomorrow (and Mom is coming to show me how, which is amusing) I think they will be in the trash.  The whole concept -- putting them on a hook, etc., -- screams female logic, in all honesty, given the clusterfuck of getting them up.  Oi.

In the meantime, not much to report -- watched some films, up to 350, with "Force of Evil" being the latest.  I am starting Thucydides, which is 500 pages of...well, I do want to read it, but it is a daunting prospect.

I have to admit -- I do not think the Boehner retirement makes a shutdown less possible; if anything, the scalps will be out...

Sunday, September 20, 2015


So, took Mom out to see the sunflower display that is the Prayers for Maria memorial out in Avon; Mom has always said she wanted to go, so I said I would take her...until I told her I would take her.  Anyways, we got there, and as I expected, she loved was very beautiful, but it was also...very depressingly sad; there were all these families and children there, running around, making plans to go to Menchie's and all playing, taking pictures...and here we were, doing this in a place that is designed to honor a little girl who died...I realize I can "Dover Beach" anything, but this was a bit...well, I don't know.  I guess in some ways it is a proper tribute -- life is the antidote to death -- but...yes, I am getting maudlin in my old age.

Anyways, then we had dinner at Bubba Q's -- again didn't want to go til we were there -- and finally home.  The Tribe reached .500 on its playoff quest, Johnny Football won a game, and I measured what I need to do to paint the living room -- two gallons of paint, a mile of tape, a scraper, a roller and brush, pan, etc..  Lovely.  I would rather NOT spend the $200 or so, but it looks like shit, we go.  I spackled the holes in the wall yesterday...most impressive, if I do say so myself.  I think I will take a little time today and move some stuff around...everyone has said the work is worse than the painting itself.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Links and Catchup

I am shocked, shocked by this... I mean, one never hears about this from Catholic school kids...*cough, St. Ed's, cough*

All I can say is...yes and no.  I've been over this before...but I suspect that the solution is to force people to buy certain items -- fruits and veggies -- and to limit the rest...but the notion that people don't have the time to cook healthy foods or NOT eat crap...well, trust me, that is not completely true.

As I like to is one thing to be naive at 20ish, but when you get to be my age...well, then you're just plain dumb.

Anyways, finished up the Powell series today; a little anticlimactic, a little down....I will sort of miss it, because at times it was interesting, even though the ending was a little...well, odd.  I've decided to wait a bit before hitting the next fiction book  (Deliverance, awesome) to catch up on the nonfiction pile/knock off some films.  Rah.

The Tribe is back to .500 and in the Wild Card race (snicker); I have to admit, putting a six-spot on Chris Sale was most impressive.  Equally impressive is the fact that they actually put Bauer in the bullpen; I mean. the move has been needed for a while, I just didn't think Terry would have the stones to do it...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rendering unto Caesar

Well, that was an impressive Tribe be sure, I find it hard to believe they would have won, but...let's just say that Matt-the-hardass for wanting to trade Aviles -- sick daughter or not -- seems more brilliant now...given my theory that the job of the GM is to prevent the manager from fucking up with the roster he has by giving him the roster he needs.  Like it or not.

Sister came over today to discuss some family affairs and the paint job...just the walls, the ceiling is in good shape.  I need to take some pics to consider the matter at Home Depot or such...she seemed to think I should go away from white (now); into beige or taupe.  I don't know...I sort of like the white.  Unless I go blue or purple (ok, not purple) or black or something.  I need to do it soon, for a variety of reasons.  Alas.

I posted on FB about churches paying property taxes...I think it is an excellent idea, given that it would put some skin in the game and the fact that it would be the progressive congregations that would suffer.  I think the urban Catholic parishes would be ok, provided they had a school; given the push for charters/vouchers, you could just roll the taxes into the bill, paid for by someone else (taxpayers), and it would be basically a liberal scheme.  I think the megachurches would be fine; people like Hagee and Prince and all roll enough dough in that it would hurt, but...more fundraising.  The big losers would be the Pilgrim UCC types and especially the African-American places (some of them do well, and some of them put every relative on the payroll -- and generously); a lot of these places don't have wealthy people to subsidize everyone else, and if no one wants to pay their fair share (imagine that)...well, here come the padlocks.  The Fun Rn has discussed this a couple of times; it would be funny as shit if we/fellow Amuricans would buy one of these places and turn it into something different...the Randian/Hayek reading rooms, the shooting range; hell, we could offer job training and say we are a community center.  I want to put a big Chief Wahoo up, of course.  No one would trespass or protest too closely, given the shooting range, if you get my drift...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

First World Problems

Interesting; not sure how I feel about this, but I suspect that it will push MORE people to private schools.

I get a kick out of articles like this, mainly because...well, Jesus fucking Christ, it shouldn't take people a season and a half to figure this out?  Don't they, you know, watch the fucking games?

In the meantime, the OC was busy for a couple of hours today, the rain came, and I left early...109 at the time.  It was a hard and cool rain, and no one wants to sit through it..after errands with Mom, I went and tried to install the digital converter box for my non-HDTV and the took a while because I misread the cord directions (don't ask) and I couldn't help but wonder at the first world problems we had, but...I got everything right (I think) until I realized I haven't an extension cord to hook it up to the outlet. to hardware store sometime.

I also noticed -- I don't use the living room, save for watching old films, can you tell -- the paint is cracking by the door, and it is looking rather Slavic Village, so...I have to paint.  Ugh.  I mean, I doubt it is THAT hard, but...this will entail spending money (we know how I feel about that) AND painting the whole room...oi.  More of those first world problems...

Wednesday, September 09, 2015


I really can't wait for this week to end; ideally, I should get my project in tomorrow, which will help.  But, the heat, the humidity, sleep issues, work has been a challenge.  We had the company cookout today at work, which was fine, but a chore of sorts, as I had to get the grill and take it back, and help clean I stayed til 6:30 just to get a full and uninterrupted hour of work in.  Oi. I also skipped the gym due to a general sense of just wanting to be done, and that was prolly a mistake...not that the body doesn't need some rest.

Really?  Really?  I mean, I understand the optics here, but a game against an FCS school they would win 63-6 is going to hurt then?  I guess stories like this make me feel better that the Big Ten is dropping those schools from the schedules.

How shall I say this?  I don't think it is wholly coincidental the place opened in SF...and, if you think about it, it is a rational decision, given the push for wage hikes (equipment is a fixed cost in many ways).  Again, I don't think this is a totally bad thing, getting rid of crap jobs, but...when you get rid of jobs in general, and you don't have replacements...oops.

Monday, September 07, 2015


I probably should stop doing this eventually, but I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn (again!) and went to the gym...yes, it is not exactly convenient from Chateau Mattie, but I digress... I did it Saturday, too.  I mean, I feel I am behind on the weights/fitness thing, so I may as well make up for it as much as I can...I've yet to do a Sunday fest, but... I do feel good doing it, as it is nice to get a good workout in, feel the burn, etc...  Also, I ate like a pig yesterday.

Today I worked and watched movies...all on the list, of course!  I started by finishing "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse," a 1921 silent starring Valentino; interesting, very modern theme, though the Bible stuff would go over everyone's heads today.  Next up was finishing up "Stories from the Kindertransport," which detailed efforts to move Jewish children to the UK in the 1930s.  It was interesting and also very sad, given the scope of the eventual tragedy.  Also very relevant, with the Syrian issue.  I also watched two shorts -- "Luxo Jr." (it is Pixar's first ever film, rah) and "Princess Nicotine, or the Smoke Fairy,"  I have a couple more I can watch (maybe even today)...while I work, which is what I have been doing for much of the day.  Alas, alack.

In the meantime, we are up to 346 on the film list, which is cool, even if I am neglecting other things, like reading.  I have to admit, getting out this weekend was good; ideally, I can wrap up work this week, and while things will be hairy later on...I should be less hectic in all, and thus more...sociable, if you will.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Firsts and Feasts

Two things can be said about my was busy...and I ate a ton of food.  Lunch with Mom -- pasta -- and then I went to the St. John Cantius fest to see our fellow Poles in action for their not-really-Polish festival.  It was fun -- hanging out with parishioners, catching up on gossip -- and then I bumped into a college friend, so we hung around some more.  It was fun...  anyways, I've always wanted to go to St. Rocco's for their Italian fest, and as no one wanted to go (stuffed)...I went.  It was not that far from Tremont, in all honesty, and I also passed by St. Michael's on Scranton -- I need to check out the place; the angels in front looked awesome.  Anyways, because I am a man and can read a map (also mapquest), I found my way there with minimal fuss and, miraculously, found a space to park the Behemoth,

The church is fairly small, but very nice; they have the European tradition of having many side altars (4 to side) and two in the front; the altarpiece was interesting, and while it was lavishly ornate, it was quite charming.  The festival was also interesting; I couldn't get into the main hall (I had a third place to be this evening) but I did get a sausage sandwich and the fried dough balls, and they were pretty good, in all honestly.  It seemed most of the action was outdoors, and, in all honesty...I've never seen an Italian festival with so much...diversity, if you get my drift.  To be sure, I did not exactly see...well, co-mingling, if you also get my drift.

Yesterday was another first -- I went to Oktoberfest (with one of my coworkers, another first) and had a good time (not a first, but close enough).  It was interesting -- you pay to get in, and buy beer tickets -- and it was sort of clusterfucky with the online food tickets/Will Call...but it was fun.  I had some beer samples, nothing that wowed me, and some of the entertainment was fun.  My coworker, new to Ctown from Clemson, was also pretty fun, so I am glad I was able to spread kindness in some manner.  Tomorrow, I am going to be working and spreading some of my fat ass on the exercise trail...

Friday, September 04, 2015


Yes, it has been a while...busy with work, Pub Quiz (3rd, alas), and life.  Looking forward to the weekend; I may be able to catch up on some sleep and do some things, like read and watch films.  And, of course, work!

I am shocked, shocked, by this...more seriously, one thing that ACA opponents tend NOT to stress -- and should -- is how this will drive up costs over the long term.  We all know who has to pay for this...well, some of us have to pay for it.

I've always wondered why school lunches do not attract more sympathy; on the one hand, who wants hungry kids, but...let's just say that in my experience in the world of social justice, there just aren't that many "hungry" children, and there are certainly not that many whose parents cannot afford to feed them at least the basics...

In the meantime, Josh Tomlin is pitching lights-out, which is good for what we all hope is a temporary Kluber absence; I am not holding out hope on the wild card spot, but...