Monday, May 29, 2017


Memorial Day weekend come and gone...I actually found it sort of restful and sort of productive...  did some cleaning, some chores...did some special projects, though not as many as I should have.  Ate too much crap, of course, and the legs are still...well, sore, muscle-wise.  Lack of quality sleep the issue..

Crossed some films off the list --- up to 554.  "A Time For Burning" was a documentary from the 60s about how Lutherans -- black and white -- tried (mainly not) to integrate their religious communities, very gradually..  Interesting.  "The Power of the Press" was a 1928 silent with Douglas Fairbanks...cute story.  As always, I found it interesting that they showed a press run and a "stop the presses" scene. I mean, I know it is all digital and all now, but I could easily see how the printing of a paper was a labor-intensive gig back then.  Finally, I checkout the "Snow White" from 1933 -- the Betty Boop variety.  Cute, I guess...

So, Salazar is in the 'pen with Clevinger to take his spot.  I sort of agree with, but the problem is that if he cannot, you have a guy NOT throwing strikes coming into games that often require many of them.  I think Mike has been...well, ok at times, not really well enough to merit a spot, but I suspect the purpose of the exercise is to shove Danny into a low-leverage role, so, well, maybe...

I do find it fascinating that even when Trump isn't generating headlines...he is generating headlines.  Oi.  In the meantime, we are not exactly seeing GOP policies and programs being enacted by the boatload, which is part of the problem...I think people on the right could swallow crap sandwiches if they saw some evidence of their efficacy, but with the exception of Gorsuch...

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Back to the grind..

Nothing like watching the Danny Salazar implosion to start the day, though, of course, he only gave up one in the first, so that counts as progress...

Speaking of progress, I decided that my knee was good enough to do leg day again...I skipped one set of lifts, but other than that, it was fairly solid, and even put a little extra cardio in, for a bunch of reasons.  The knee is so far so good, I bet it will hurt later, but I cannot complain for now.

This is sort of true, but the fact of the matter is all of the sub-market services means that I am paying for the it really doesn't save me money, and I have to pay more in taxes...

This is also sort of true, but, as I (and more) say at the food pantry, people can afford cigarettes, bling, ink, etc., so they obviously have some money (and time) gutting food stamps isn't that bad.  The bigger issue is that in the those parts where there is the most excess labor -- often in the blue areas -- there is little ability to get these people to work, because, well, it's not quite the best environment for hiring.  Nor are these people actually hireable, I can assure you...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Speed kills

Thrilling yesterday, watching the Tribe piss away a game; the worst of it of course being Brantley losing the ball; I know he is not the best out there, can't let that happen.  Oi.

In the meantime, watched two more films, bringing the list to 551.  The most recent was "Sex Life of a Polyp," which was one of the first talkies ever made.  An added plus (the short was just ok) is that I was able to see what Robert Benchley looked like and acted...forgotten now, he was once a big name in his day...

Whoa, whoa here...this could be me, but don't you have a responsibility to solve this issue before it becomes too late, if you will? I mean, especially if we are now in the age where everyone is paying for everyone else's health, maybe we just need to say.... well, that's too fucking bad...

One minor issue lately -- I keep waking up a half-hour earlier than planned.  I've been slowly dragging in the sleep department, so this is the cause...the prospect of a long weekend offers a solution, thank God...

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A sort-of rampage

The Tribe has certainly had an interesting few days; one wants to give them up for dead, and then they sweep the Astros.  Monday's loss was depressing -- Tomlin certainly pitched better than the final line -- and tonight...well, quite the nailbiter.  Juan Gone AND Gomes are both hot, if you will, which is nice to see, given the investment we have in them, if you get my drift.  Two other notes:

Seeing Andrew Miller hit for himself was nerve-wracking...  God forbid he breaks a pinkie/wrist/something else.  But, it was dumb to pitch to Robertson; I know the idea is to get him and leave the P spot up to lead off...but after Miller worked the 8th, he wasn't going to do so in the 9th, which means you'd see a real hitter there.  I know the thought of Roberto Perez does not strike awe, but...

Twice this week -- Clevinger and Tomlin -- the games got out of hand due to pitcher errors on throws -- namely, they should NOT have been made.  I know they are competitors and all, would think a significant chunk of PFP would entail when NOT to throw the ball.

I think a good bunch of the chatter about the gap in wages/economy is that, in addition to the large number of people, is that many of these people are in competition for the same low-wage jobs.  This does seem to create a reverse-multiplier effect in terms of wages and thus wage growth -- everyone fighting for $10 an hour jobs makes the rate closer to $9.  Add in minimum wage increases (especially the high ones) and the ACA effect... 

Sunday, May 21, 2017


So, as my FB readers know, I watched "Slackers" this afternoon (549!).  Meh.  Very meh.  I can see how the style would appeal to some, but to me it was pretty stupid.  I just didn't get a feel for it at all.  Alas, alack.

Not sure what exactly caused it this weekend -- cold, the French dip and curly fries from Arby's, something else, but much of the weekend has been spent with an Aladdin's style of stomach issues, if you get my drift.  Ugh.  I did get to bed early both nites, but woke up half an hour earlier, which seemed to defeat the purpose.  I also noted that the gym was...well, I am not 100% efficiency, if you get my drift, but I think it is good to get the work in.

I was a little amused by some of the talk of the right-wing blogosphere, how they are trying to put a coup on President Trump.  I am not sure that they are wrong, but 1) He is making it easy for them and 2) It's not like the GOP has anything to lose by this; I mean, with the exception of Gorsuch, he really hasn't offered them much -- the budget was a disaster, the AHCA so as well.  So the GOPers really aren't exactly attached to a particular ditch to die in...

Thursday, May 18, 2017


I figured that I would actually TRY at least to get to bed early tonight, so the next entry on the NFR will wait until tomorrow.  I noticed that I was like 75% at the gym today (arms)...and it is ALL sleep.  I have been eating better, but the cold took a lot out of me...the knee is meh, for now.

I agree, sort of, but the problem of course is that there is an opportunity cost sacrificed in this; maybe some of that capital could have diverted to productive pursuits.  The program's beneficiaries get more benefits than they pay in, which comes out of MY pocket...that is something of an injustice, is it not?

Relatedly...this is where the boys in the Fun Run Bunch point out that women are all for independence and freedom and empowerment, until it comes time to pay the bill...  I don't think that is completely fair, but I don't think it is completely unfair, either.

In the meantime, some of my coworkers asked me what I thought of impeaching the President...I said I would love President Pence and Vice President Cruz.  The conversation, at that point, fell off...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Is it me, or should the GOP in Congress start mentioning impeachment, if only to maybe, just maybe, knock a little sense into the President?  I mean, the leopard doesn't change his spots, but...even if the intelligence wasn't as important as people thought...well, again, it is the appearance of improper behavior that is most troubling...

In the meantime, my knee is better -- not quite good -- and the same goes for the jaw/teeth.  I have managed to catch a cold, of all things -- I suspect poor sleep quality, stress, and work issues as the main causes -- so I will be in a vain attempt to get some rest.  The day game tomorrow will help.

Not sure what is worse...watching Danny Salazar throw BP or seeing Yan Gomes hit for himself...for the first, I would think he is working too much UP in the zone; some mechanical correction, I think, is in order, to get the ball down. The second...I know he is hot, and Terry would never do it, but, man, he's just not that good right now that you can trust him with the game on the line.

Watched "Moonlight" Sunday.  I liked it, but...for all of the excitement, it wasn't all that.  I know I am a hard case, was sort of meh, and I really didn't quite buy the last third of the movie.  Not saying it was bad, just, for all that was expected...didn't reach.  Am up to 548 on the NFR, watched "Being There" last nite -- Peter Sellers' last (if you will) big role.  It was...funny, in the Matt sense; not sure why it is there, unless they wanted to honor is good, and the acting is terrific, but..

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lazy Saturday, for Once

So, went to the ballgame with some coworkers...I know they lost, but it is exactly the type of game I enjoy, a close, tight pitching duel.  Tomlin actually pitched pretty well; I know the Twins offense is not the top-tier one, which explains it, but it was good to see him not sucking.  For now, at least.

My left knee is sore, still, and I am still limping a mouth is better, still a bit tender here and there.  I've discovered I also cut myself on my elbow, too...most amusingly.  I've been sleeping on the other side of the bed now, not that there is some reason for it...
Not sure I need this, but I sort of want it...

This could be me, but couldn't someone bill those responsible for this?  I mean, someone should say "Look stupid, you caused this, so in this fix it?"  I don't know; I remember reading one of those articles about the ACA and the person was of the opinion that he liked extreme sports, but he shouldn't have to pay more because his snow-boarding could mean he was more likely to crack a leg...and I was like, yes, it does...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reality biting

Graduated to a bagel at work today, though I am mainly going with soft foods.  Grr.  I am surviving, more or less, so that is something; the mouth pain was less, but the left knee was sore.  Oi.  In the meantime, the Comey scandal rages own suspicion remains it was unwise to fire him, but...the man had made a bollocks out of things, hadn't he?  I did like Mike Huckabee's daughter reminding everyone that the Dems wanted him gone until, well, last night...

This amused the fuck out of me, because...well, it's not just the state level, now, is it?  I mean, that is one of the glories of the welfare state, in that it uses other people's money, until, of course, you run out of other people...and then they don't want to pay.  I think some GOP wiseacre should put some rider in a healthcare bill saying that only Democrats will pay for X and see what happens...

This is actually good stuff; lost in all of this is that the Dems aren't paying for this; people like I am with my doubled premiums, and no one has apologized or refunded my money...

Tuesday, May 09, 2017


Another thrilling weekend of work...and last nite there was some excitement...I feel out of bed - I was trying to corral a charley horse, didn't realize I was already there, and ended up landing on my chin on the floor...EVERYTHING hurts, but mostly, my jaw and teeth.  I was lucky enough to get a dentist to see me and some X-rays... he thinks I am ok, or at least can avoid root canal -- just some pain and soreness for week, load up on ibuprofen, and some booze wouldn't hurt.  Oi.  I hope this holds...

Gomes just homered, and, you know, in the past two weeks...while I wouldn't say he is doing a good job, he is at least hitting competently, which is all you can ask for, given his decent defense.  Edwin, does seem he is drawing walks, which seems to me he has made some mechanical adjustments, at least...and the batting eye is improved.   Bauer is a hot other news, Clevinger put out a good start.  Not sure I would have relieved him, as Boone Logan has been just ok...

I am surprised by the Comey firing; maybe not that much, since he had lost everyone's confidence and needed to go, but..the timing now is a little off (just a little).  Gotta wonder who is on the short list to replace him; saw Rudy's name popping up, and I think it would be an interesting choice...

Wednesday, May 03, 2017


As you can tell, I've been working.  A lot.  It's not fun, though the romantic stinger I suffered has been much less, so that almost makes it worth it, in the "Yeah, surre" sort of way.

I see the Tribe is missing Kluber (hopefully not for long) and going with EIGHT relievers.  Oi.  I know Terry likes his security blanket, but, as I told the coworkers, the problem is you really can't make a move -- say, pinch-hitting for the catcher -- without upsetting the apple cart; I mean, you can only make one, if that.  Considering you have two former starters on the roster, I'd like to think one could be stretched...

All of this just sounded so very...Republican, and it simply amused the hell out of me.

I get the outrage, but Mo has a point; much of the cost of healthcare comes from managing conditions for the only cause is foolishness, and if you think about it -- AIDS, smoking-related cancer, alcohol-related illnesses, drug addiction -- people know better, and they choose to do shit anyway.  For all the talk of Christianity, I always like to remind people of "Let the dead bury the dead" and "go and sin now more," but those texts never seem to make it in the liberal Bible...