A week between posts...a new low, even for me. Well, most of last week I was prepping the house for...Christmas. It was my turn to host among the cousins last year, but with the pandemic, we couldn't do it. However, grandma and grandpa would spin in their graves if we skipped, so...I proposed then that we postpone it, and casually suggested the last weekend in June (the midway point). Well, it rolled around sooner than I expected, but I was every amount of time I had was spent in cleaning, dusting, getting party supplies and food, that sort of thing...
And Sunday it happened. And, it worked! Fewer showed up than expected, but we had plenty of food (I had a mini sandwich platter, made asparagus and cauliflower bites as well as jello, and had a multitude of snax and desserts) and drink, so everyone ate and took stuff home (I had accumulated a small quantity of takeout containers, and most of them conveniently disappeared). The poker -- Texas Hold 'Em is the family game -- was good, if we only played once...
Anyways, Monday I took off and spent it on errands and putting the house back together (still need to run the tables and chairs to my sister's). I guess I was more exhausted as I crashed (hard) Monday and Tuesday nights; both cases were lights on and I fell asleep in the chair/lying down. Yes, I need the sleep, but yes, I have shit to do... So today was a posting imperative, and even with a double gym visit (yes, I need it), I am typing away...
We watched (live) the Naylor injury, and it was...extremely unpleasant, to put it mildly. Naylor was sort of settling into the RF role; I would argue the lack of a minor league season last year affected guys like him, as the development he could have had was stunted... anyways, he was at least useful out there, and filled a hole. Now...well, Mercado is up; this could be me, but if you don't want to play Daniel Johnson now, when do you?