Salazar has pitched pretty well...have to admit, wasn't sure if he would. Yes, I am sure the extra rest was beneficial, hear virus, weight loss, etc., and you wonder how much he had actually had. But I guess he had enough...though, give him credit, his stuff was good and the location was where it needed to be all night. In the meantime, Terry and his bunts...good God. I mean, playing for ONE in the FIRST is dumb, especially against the Toronto offense. Never mind the whole taking the bat out of the hands of the best player.
In the meantime, work is going to be no fun for a while (ideally, this week) though I survived today's conference call fairly unscathed. I still have a pile of work to do, and a pile of articles to read, but..
Funny gym story today...I worked through lunch and left at 3ish to do some leg work. I arrived at the squat-weight rack at the same time as a fairly attractive I told her "Pearls Before Swine," which she seemed to really appreciate. Then she took a weight that was ten pounds heavier than the one I was planning to use, so I had to take the one ten pounds heavier (because I have external gonads)...and then do my squats, etc. It was NOT fun, and of course, today, we had a Fun Run, and let us just say I did NOT win this one, though we did not come in last (because I have external gonads, nor am I French).
Well, that was an exciting inning. I do have to give Francona credit for going to his best pitcher in a tight situation...even if said pitcher also creates said situation.