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Watched "Tevye" last nite (582), an interesting film, albeit one that is not quite my cup of tea... I did get the significance of it, being entirely in Yiddish and the time in which it was made...®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0&referer=
My own thought here is that they are liberals and don't know better, or have any morals and values, but that is me...
This amused me somewhat, mainly because...well, the man is not wrong; not politically correct, of course, but... state being more important than country in 1860? Yes, I would say that is largely correct, or at least so for many in the South. Lee a man of honor...well, maybe; I mean, I wonder if the general is speaking on the military side, where the man was a genius... I suspect, of course, he means that such things as at the end of the war, when Lee pooh-poohed any idea of guerrilla war and went home; certainly, this affected a lot of men at the time... The compromise thing I especially get a kick out of; I mean, we had the Compromise of 1820, which put off, well, the decisions of later; the Compromise of 1850, which put off war; hell, we had in 1860 the Crittenden Compromise, which was a series of amendments/laws that were a last attempt to put off war... I don;t know, I guess I am influenced by the Fehrenbacher essay in the companion book to the Civil War thing by Ken Burns; war came in part because people thought that now and only now could they fight it and win. I suspect, of course, there were many in the South who realized this was a bad idea, but they were outvoted/outshouted/outmaneuvered, and it sucked to be them.
I actually agree with this; I think this is something that pisses off, well, many people -- not only has PSU escaped real punishment, but the whole thing has been...well, whitewashed.
For those of you who like to play baseball GM:
As for Roberts...let's just say that he was lucky the batter in that sequence was Bregman, and it worked...but if it does go 7....hmm...