So, for a bunch of reasons, we took Mom to the casino for Mother's Day... Mom liked it and was even ahead, a nice touch...while I didn't gamble, meandering, talking with the fam, and then getting in some chapters of the The Canary Murder Case-- the next in the Philo Vance series from wayback.. I am trying to read classic mysteries and it is a nice break from nonfiction. In the meantime, the casino people are genuinely nice, but you do see a lot of old people there (not that I wanted Social Security) and I do wonder if what is spent is worth the cost...
I made panne cotta today; Mom had seen it on "Chopped" of all things, and said it looked interesting..I looked at the recipes and it didn't look that hard, so here I am... I found two, picked the one that looked easier and had fewer ingredients. It is setting now, we will see how it goes..
Up to 649 on the film list; watched "Wild and Woolly," a Douglas Fairbanks silent from 1917 (sort of funny, though it hit every stereotype known to man and now people would cringe) and five minutes of footage showing the NYC subway...which was interesting...
So, another shitty start for Josh Tomlin today; I mean, it's getting to the point where you have to consider other options. I did like the part about Zach McAllister having mechanical issues...maybe, but the fact of the matter is in the 5 years or so he has been here he has yet to develop a second pitch, and he prolly never will. It does suck, but...
This is funny as hell, and after the WHCD...well, if the GOP had any brains, they would be running clips of her talk in every ad, just to remind people what the other side thinks of them...