Saturday, January 31, 2015


Continuing a theme, the temperature gauge on my truck is now going haywire...I suspect/hope it is just a sensor, as that would only be moderately expensive, and not some actual part the requires repair or replacement (especially now, when I have some driving to do and the weather being crappy, global warming and all).  I realize that cars like houses require repair, but...all at once is a little damaging to my finances.  I was sort of thinking about this regarding my OC clients; if you think about it, there are all sorts of people for whom two or three of these expenses would be...catastrophic.  As for myself, it is unpleasant, but considering that taxes will be done and I am expecting a refund...said refund would equal much of my recent spending (the trainer is an ongoing thing and not covered).  Also, I have savings, a steady job, solid credit, and other hidden funds about that I could save on; also, of course, I could cut back on spending even further (many of my clients could but choose not to; trust me on this one).  The main issue of contention is that the cancellation of tax refunds means that that much isn't being added to the car replacement/vacation fund, which is a middle-class problem, but also something I need to face.

In the meantime, a quiet day at the OC; it was the fifth Saturday, most everyone has come, and we only had about 40 people.  We used the time to do some work...a bag of old papers was taken to the recycle bin, the shelves were filled and stocked, and I even took a shelf and took it to the trash/recycling.  This de-cluttering is the sort of thing that should be done more often...but isn't, mainly because we are busy.  Thankfully, the computer system means less paper and going forward, as time elapses, we can pitch more piles of pulp.

I also just realized I have to pay the phone bill...the smart one.  More spending.  Good God, I am turning into the President!  *shudder*

Thursday, January 29, 2015


I do get a kick out of these things; I mean, economics says quite a few things about scarcity and its relation to supply and demand.

In the meantime, several coworkers told me that the burning and inability to feel anything but pain in my arms is normal and par for the course after the first workouts, which made me feel better, if still unable to button my shirt.  More happily, I am now at the halfway point of Kennewick Man.  It is actually a series of essays, one after the other, dealing with varying parts of the analysis of his skeleton -- fingers, ribs and trunk, skull, etc., and the deductions made from the relatively close (if brief) examination he had.  It is quite fascinating -- think of it as "Bones" without the sexual harasser or the crime -- and I wonder, given what we now are beginning to learn about the settlement of North America -- that the shitstorm that was undergone at the time will be regarded as gross, abnormal stupidity and short-sightedness, if nothing else.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


If I felt crappy yesterday...well, today isn't much better.  I can lift my arms over my head, finally.  Everything else is pretty sore.  I am not sure how I will be able to do it again, but this is why I am paying for a fitness professional.

I hate to say this about Duke, but I think they are a much better team when they are in half-court and not transition basketball.  I suspect it is because they have superior athletes, and thus work better together in a system, whereas when you put on a looks good, but more can go wrong, and instead having three good players together, you just have one.  That and they make bad decisions...which pisses away leads.  Of course, it is not good to corral the aggressiveness, either.

I watched the Charlton Heston version of "Ben-Hur" today; I'd seen the silent one, and I sort of liked it...well, I liked it as well as this one.  Both are classics, but they say what they have to say in different ways.  I have to admit, at first I was like, three and a half hours, but once you get to the chariot really comes together.  Only 410 more to go...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Achy Breaky Everything

So, I had my first meeting with the physical trainer today, and all I can say is...every muscle in the upper half of my body is sore.  The bottom half isn't feeling so hot, either.  I am totally out of shape (obviously) and I felt and looked ridiculous in a gym full of people with largely perfect physiques.  I am also lighter in the wallet, as I decided (it was strongly suggested, but I sort of figured I would need it) to employ the trainer for an entire year...  I think my readers know my aversion (putting it lightly) to spending money, and this is no exception, but I decided it was worth it to get myself in shape.  I mean, if I look better and feel better, it is an investment in myself, especially if I decide to re-grow a pair and start looking for Mrs. Right again.  Let us also not discuss my age, and the ravages of said age.  Or, for that matter, the impending college reunion.

More seriously, I DO want to get in shape and look better, and this is what it is going to take, so...  in the meantime, I could not help but note that the song playing in the Patriotmobile when I got back from the workout was Alan Jackson's "The Next Thirty Years."  Lovely.

I sent the OC budget out and the only comment so far was that the utilities seemed high...honestly, they do, but as we pay no rent, I guess I never really minded.  Course, given the trend of food expenses outrunning revenues, maybe I should. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

New and new

So, had to put a new garage door on -- the springs had broken on the previous, original one, and it was deemed impossible to repair a set to handle a 500-pound door -- and now I notice a leak in the pipe under the kitchen sink.  Grr.  Homeowning...let us just say that while these were not exactly the improvements I had planned to make...they are the ones I will be making.  I don't even want to think about the carnage done to the Patriotmobile replacement plan.

In the meantime, I was able to cross three more movies off the NFR...over the weekend I watched "Forbidden Planet" (which I sort of liked, in all honesty) and "Grey Gardens" (which was about crazy old ladies).  Today I watched "Top Hat" and I have come to the conclusion that I sort of like those Astaire/Rogers films; I mean, they are fairly humorous, and they do offer something for everyone -- comedy, music, dance, somewhat complex plots, a little bit of irony, and of course, for the people of the times (the 1930s), a look at a more elegant and opulent world.

I wonder if the success of Scott Walker in the GOP race this weekend bodes well or poorly for someone like Kasich.  The advantages Walker has now could be liabilities later, and let's face it, the more time you are out there, the more pot shots you have to take.  So it would benefit someone like Kasich to hunker down and let someone else take them.  On the other hand, Walker is out there demonstrating his conservative bona fides, while Kasich is off trying to defend his Medicaid expansion, which has the "try telling that to an angry mob" feel.  It does seem a little soon for me for GOPers to anoint the next chosen one, but if it isn't Bush or Romney...I think it is ok.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Caught Up

Long time no chat...SOTU, skeeball practice, skeeball gmes, and then last nite I watched "Nebraska."  It was fairly funny, mainly because my parents are of that age and temperament, but it did have some genuinely humorous moments on its own.

One of the books from library that came in is about the Kennewick Man...all 650 pages of it, and it is...well, a real tome.  It will take a while to get through, not that it isn't interesting, of course, but simply because..well, it will be a while.  Oi.  I got myself into this mess, of course, in a way, but it is fairly humorous to consider, given all of the other things I have to read.

I have to admit, the final season of "Glee" is fairly good; it appears they have gone back to their roots -- all of this nonsense about NYC and all is gone -- and it's become sort of like, well, maybe "Parks and Recreation?"  I mean, a small-scale battle of wills over the show choir (the plot of the first season), and it does allow for Sue to have a larger and more...well, realistic, if not humorous role.  It's a wonder why no one thought of this sooner.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Well, it finally happened...I joined a gym and next week will meet with the trainer to start...well, something.  On the one hand, I am concerned, because I am out of shape, and if not exactly a fat fuck (anymore), there is much work to be done.  On the other hand, of course, at this pace it will never be done and after a point you simply have to do it.  I realize I am not the most rah-rah of types, but God-willing...we should be able to make some improvements to my physique and health.

I am almost done with Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything.  It is interesting, albeit only sort of systemic; sort of a greatest hits of science regarding the formation of the solar system, life on Earth, the fossil record, etc..  Indeed, much of it concerns what we do not know or only vaguely understand...oddly enough, he devotes nearly an entire chapter to how the Earth is in the middle of a cooling period, and that broadly speaking, we are justly slightly warmer now than for most of Earth history...  As you can imagine, I found this most amusing, given the constant drum-beat of concern about global warming.  More seriously, he suggests several interesting texts throughout, which I need like a hole in my head...but will add to the list all the same.

Two observations about the Scherzer signing:  First, it is good for the Tribe -- and the other teams of the AL Central -- in that they have one less ace (if it frees up cash for Price).  Second...I am a little puzzled that the Nationals would want to part with any of their "extra" starters -- be they Roark or, God forbid, Strasburg -- given the proclivity of pitchers to get hurt.  Hell, I mean, if someone had a dead arm or a strain or something, it would be a ready solution; just plug in Roark (the worst of the six, if you will) and carry on.  The other thing they could do is to use Roark as the long man -- running him out when needed (and I think he would be needed more than people suspect) to save the pen or stretch his arm out.  I would imagine such a pitcher would be even more useful nowadays, when people like Francona make 500 trips to the bullpen in a season, and we really do not know what effects it has on the arm.  I would think a guy who can get 100 IPs in 40 or so appearances would be quite the asset to the modern pitching staff...

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Went to the Cleveland Beerfest yesterday with some was sort of fun, even if it was a little pricey and I really do not drink all that much beer; I did have some interesting stuff from some of the food trucks, which was nice.  I drove everyone home, which was good, as everyone was completely shitfaced...I guess it has been a while since I was out with drunken types...some good memories, some bad.

Watched two films today on the NFR...first was "The Story of G.I. Joe," which was the stylized (somewhat) life of Ernie Pyle; it starred Burgess Meredith, who was the trainer in "Rocky."  (FWIW, he seemed older in this film.)  I had seen parts before, but I rather liked it.  I then watched "E.T." tonite.  I liked that too, though seeing it as an adult I could see how it was cheesy and maudlin and all.  Still, it was sort of cool, and I could see how it played a role in memory formation..

Finished the Freehan book; I would have liked more nuts and bolts talk, but it was interesting, often humorous...I wonder if there are more feuds in clubhouses today as described in the book; on the one hand, you'd think if there were, we'd hear about them, being the age of disclosure, but then again, if you could have 25 taxicabs two generations ago, you can certainly have 25 guys with ipads and iphones, and theoretically not get along with anyone at all.  I know things aren't like that, but I it seems to be a good way to block out...people, if you get my drift.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I get a kick out of these things; I mean, businesses can't survive with 50% occupancy rates, and many of them aren't even full-pay customers, if you get my drift.  Course, if Lakewood truly cared, they could buy the place and run it as the hospital of Lakewood...but methinks they won't.

Am reading Bill Freehan's Behind the Mask (with ghostwritten help); basically, it is his diary of the 1969 Detroit Tigers is fairly good.  One does get a kick out of the stories about the players, like how Freehan seemed to think that McLain got preferential treatment, or how management handled (or not) some trades.  It is not exactly Ball Four, but I didn't expect it to be, and it is interesting to read about how a borderline Hall of Fame candidate went about his business.

I see Joni Ernst is doing the response to the SOTU...I can think of nothing better than her castrating a pig during her speech, just to make the point.  Actually, considering how she stole that seat from Bruce Braley, I rather like the salt in the wound approach taken by the GOP here.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


So, OSU won, and the long national nightmare is over....I am glad, mainly because everyone seemed to be in a happier mood.  Beating the SEC and then Oregon -- who I thought was pretty good -- prolly does exorcise some ghosts, and Urban knows he has a bit more job security in Cbus.  Rah.

I watched "Atlantic City" last nite as well; I liked it, even if I had to see Susan Sarandon (at least it wasn't Commie-traitor-bitch Jane Fonda).  It was a Louis Malle flick -- did not know it going in -- so I paid extra attention to the camerawork, where I think he excelled.  I think the film was interesting in what it left unsaid for the viewer...

Finished reading McPherson's Embattled Rebel today; it is about the Presidency of Jefferson Davis and his role in the Confederate war effort...I think the book could have had more detail, but I did appreciate how McPherson tried to point out that most of the time, all of Jeff's options were, if not all bad, were often not exactly good, and that -- with the exception of Lee -- he didn't have a lot of help.  One thing he discussed at some length was the decision to send Hood north after the fall of Atlanta.  I've always wondered about that; I mean, yes, it was a spectacular failure, but mainly because Hood -- for reasons known not even to him -- decided to smash his army on the Union fortifications at Franklin, setting up the catastrophe at Nashville.

Again, all of the options were bad -- Hood and his army were not strong enough to beat Sherman in Georgia -- but I think the move is panned because it failed so miserably.  What if Hood had won a battle?  For instance, had he been able to beat Schofield's army, it would have been a victory.  It would have wrecked half of the army used by Thomas a few weeks later...there might not have been an offensive (knowing Thomas and his tendencies) or it would given Hood freedom to go north, shielded by Forrest...which would have been a major headache at that stage of the game.  Thomas in the open country...I think the Union still would have had an advantage, but of course it would have caused all sorts of other troubles as Grant tried to corral Hood.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Methinks I have a cold; I went to bed at 10:30 last nite -- I know, exciting old person here -- and I intend to do so after Downton tonite, as quickly as possible.  Alas.  At least I can be well-rested for the probably-but-hope-not slow-laden commute tomorrow.

The December stats for the OC:
418 clients, reporting 188 seniors, 587 adults, and 404 kids.  Rah.  The numbers would say it isn't that busy, but it it was only three Saturdays.

My Mom called to tell me that someone from Downton won a Golden Globe.  She finds this..well, disconcerting, I guess, because of course she had never heard of it and thus it didn't exist, until it was pointed out otherwise, and now it's some tremendous revelation anytime there is some cultural reference to the show, even though now at this point it is somewhat ubiquitous...except to her, of course....which, as you can imagine, brings shits and giggles to the family.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Finished watching "Breaking Bad" last nite...really liked that show, appealed to me in a lot of ways.  I also watching "Bringing Up Baby" and honestly...I didn't like.  Hepburn's character was simply annoying in every way possible.

Anyways, on to some links:

I think there is a lot more truth to this than one suspects; I mean, my time in NYC revealed to me how much shit costs there...and that affects people with less money.  Things are cheaper here, you can spend more on other things (sadly, our clients are beyond saving), better quality of life...etc.

This relates to the above; on the one hand, yes, but on the other...let's face it, people MADE these bad decisions, and sad to say, in this day and age, it's simply a hell of a lot tougher to get ahead when you do...whether you like it or not.  I am also not completely sold on this; there are a lot of jobs out there -- even in "jobs deserts," if you will, but people aren't taking them.  Some of it is can't, some of it is won' I like to say, you can still see a lot of people here hustling and providing for their some people choose to do it.

I got a kick out of this story...couple of weeks ago at Mass, there were no servers, and I was asked to be one.  I never was one, told them that...and people looked at me as if I was crazy...of course, the reason why I was NOT allowed to join was the molesting priests...not the girls.  I am not quite sure pushing out the girls will bring in vocations, but if it works...well, you can imagine the Holy Shitstorm that will cause.

Thursday, January 08, 2015


Tired and busy here, but I thought I would make a quick post...namely, the oddity of how two of the GOP's brightest stars (at one point) have faded.  Bobby Jindal -- a minority, gave the SOTU response in 2009, health care expert, etc. -- is underwater in Louisiana.  The governor of VA --a swing state, a solid conservative -- is in prison.  I would argue that the first isn't that uncommon; I mean, he was pretty high in LA and elsewhere, so a downward path is not impossible, but his has been steeper.  The second, though...well, the more you read about it, the more you say is...what were you thinking?

In contrast, one man who is quite high now is Scott Walker; yes, he of the recall and the ire of every leftist; but I think you could say he has a good a shot as anyone for the nomination.  We love governors (check), he is in a "swing state" (WI is left, but not impossible territory, obviously), he's won three elections, and he took on and beat the unions.  There is a strong base elsewhere in the GOP -- Rand and Jeb, to look at one pair -- but Walker does manage to appeal to a lot of GOP constituencies, doesn't he?

Monday, January 05, 2015


Finished up the FJH today and moved on to Tommy:  The British Soldier on the Western Front, which I marked for reading in a WW1-inspired spread.  It is also nearly 600 pages, full of information and small text, so I think it will also be a few days to get through it.  Rah.

Eye MD today, all is well, keep up the good's funny, because I think I need to do more.  I went to Dayton with the college guys to watch the Buckeyes, and their message is still sinking in with me...I need to get a trainer or gym, and I do need to put myself out there a bit as well.  I ate another healthy meal today (I used the toaster oven, much less risk of burning down the house) and did some steps on the stairs...not enough, of course.

Winter is back with a vengeance, which I guess is lovely, aside from the fact that it is cold and miserable and driving will be a concern.  I can't help but think that if we had a little more global warming, there would be a little less winter, and we all might just be a little better off.

Watched a few shorts -- two of which were about jazz -- to get to 230 on the NFR.  It hardly seems like much -- 420 to go, ha! -- but one or two a day is hardly an egregious slog, and you know was pretty interesting, watching music made in the era of the one, "Jammin the Blues," it was noted that there was a white musician in the bunch, but he was put in the you couldn't tell his race.  I'd like to think we are a little better today about these things, current events notwithstanding...

Sunday, January 04, 2015


I'd like to confirm that I am an idiot.  I was making some frozen cod today...I always start by putting some oil in the pan and turning on the gas; I figure a few seconds of heat facilitates cooking.  Of course, there were two filets, so I had unstick them under water...all the while, the oil is heating.  So, when I toss them in my new frying pan...oil and water go all over; well, not too far (it was a gentle toss) but I avoided injury and made a mental note to really clean the stove off.  About 2/3 of the way through, I noted that I had not taken ALL the adhesives (it was a pack of two) from the pans' packaging, and now it was melting on the side of the pan.  The fish was ready by then, so I took everything and put it in the after cleaning the stovetop off tomorrow, I can go and handle the frying pan.  I guess I should stick to PB&J.

I would also like to note that tonite is Downtown Abbey, so the no-call-zone is in effect.

Slowly trekking through the Bill James Handbook.  I mean, you go through and are like...said player did have a good season, or, boy, he really fell off a cliff, or about the defense...I think one tends to forget these things given the sheer number of games going on (and life that interferes with it), but you do see some interesting things along the way; for instance, lefties were 141/201/250 against Cody Allen, while righties were 250/341/417 against him.  You'd think with the fastball and curveball combo he throws it would not be the case -- the lefties are better at sorting out the curve -- and mind you, lefties had two more PAs against him than righties.  Odd...

Saturday, January 03, 2015


Busy day at the OC today; busy, but steady.  Didn't have time to get a count at the end, but we nearing 130 when I last checked.  I mainly packed the grocery bags minor kerfuffle came when I walked in and all of the grocery bags we've stocked up were turns out the Holy Namers through them all away because they were dirty...maybe they were, but I doubt it...the main thing that rankled everyone was that NO ONE CHECKED OR ASKED if this was a good idea.  I mean, I know I went to public school, but geez...oh well, now we can start collecting more.  In a related vein, I checked and decided we could throw out some of the old paperwork, so stuff from 2009 is going to be also frees up some shelf space, always nice.

Went to Dayton on NYD to hang out with college friends and watch was pointed out that our 15-year reunion is this weekend, so...I need to get in shape (i.e., gym or trainer), find a gf (always a good idea) and find a replacement for my work at the OC...among other items, I think.  One will be easier than the other, but if I can hit the trifecta...

Not today, though, at least on the gf front; barring catastrophe, I intend to stay home and enjoy a non-rainy day in front of the TV, reading, or catching up on the 803 items I need to handle....too cold and windy, and it isn't even cold and windy...