Continuing a theme, the temperature gauge on my truck is now going haywire...I suspect/hope it is just a sensor, as that would only be moderately expensive, and not some actual part the requires repair or replacement (especially now, when I have some driving to do and the weather being crappy, global warming and all). I realize that cars like houses require repair, but...all at once is a little damaging to my finances. I was sort of thinking about this regarding my OC clients; if you think about it, there are all sorts of people for whom two or three of these expenses would be...catastrophic. As for myself, it is unpleasant, but considering that taxes will be done and I am expecting a refund...said refund would equal much of my recent spending (the trainer is an ongoing thing and not covered). Also, I have savings, a steady job, solid credit, and other hidden funds about that I could save on; also, of course, I could cut back on spending even further (many of my clients could but choose not to; trust me on this one). The main issue of contention is that the cancellation of tax refunds means that that much isn't being added to the car replacement/vacation fund, which is a middle-class problem, but also something I need to face.
In the meantime, a quiet day at the OC; it was the fifth Saturday, most everyone has come, and we only had about 40 people. We used the time to do some work...a bag of old papers was taken to the recycle bin, the shelves were filled and stocked, and I even took a shelf and took it to the trash/recycling. This de-cluttering is the sort of thing that should be done more often...but isn't, mainly because we are busy. Thankfully, the computer system means less paper and going forward, as time elapses, we can pitch more piles of pulp.
I also just realized I have to pay the phone bill...the smart one. More spending. Good God, I am turning into the President! *shudder*