Saturday, April 30, 2022

Full of Vim and Vigor

 Normally I don't post again so soon, but so much to say today!

I am reading Milk, by Mark Kurlansky, and I like it.  He writes all sorts of books like this -- I enjoyed Cod and Salt -- because he not only discusses the history of these things, and the role they play in societies, but he also looks at the cultural stuff.  Each book he includes all sorts of period recipes, as they not only look at how people cook, but what they eat, and what it says about the time...which is a cool way to look at it.  He has a couple of more I should check out, like I have time to read.

Interesting, but being the NYT, they are missing something...namely, his policies are more popular than what an NYT reader, or the critics in the article, seem to get... if you think about it, a lot of the recent population growth in Florida has been from people fleeing the COVID response elsewhere; this is a conscious choice to pack up and move to hurricane heaven, and I suspect a lot of people either shed their crappy politics on the way...or weren't attached to them in the first place.  This makes CA and NY blue, but if it crosses FL off the battleground state list...I can live with that.

I never thought I would see something like this in the NYT, honestly.  Dare I say it is...fair and balanced?  Almost sympathetic?  Again, I think the main thrust of the argument goes over the head of the NYT reader, but he notes that Vance -- like Trump -- caught at something, the palpable anger and distress of those left behind.  One hopes Vance -- who was actually on that track -- is more able to do something about it.

Most of these make sense.  I just started using Twitter for work -- and thus my account is ONLY for work -- but I do surf other peoples' sites, and I can see how most of these things would be of use.

Friday, April 29, 2022


 Busy day for me, which is why I am up now, blogging away...  not that this is bad, but I think I would have preferred something a little less hectic.  The day started meh, to put it mildly; I woke up at 4 with a charley horse -- above the knee, oi -- and while it was fine about noon, it was hell in between; I skipped the morning lift at the gym (shouldn't have) because walking was...a bit tenuous.  I guess I need to sleep more, watch my electrolyte balance, and reduce late night caffeine consumption, but... not today.

Interesting news about Trevor first thought on seeing the headline was "Gee, this is very convenient for the Dodgers." I don't know...on the one hand, he is sort of a scumbag, or severely on the autism scale (I am not the first to think this, FWIW), so yes, he merits some punishment.  On the other... one, he has been punished -- missed a year -- and will NOT be charged, so he is...legally off the hook (I am aware of the other and new allegation against him).  Hell, he is even suing his accusers...  I am not sure he can do much about MLB, besides appeal; the fact that the union seems to be staying out of this is a concern, but I wonder how much of this is simply that Trevor is a dick.

I think this is largely correct, which is why I was quite pleased when the Donald skipped out on it as POTUS.  Hell, I think every GOPer from now on should skip it, and not only call then out on their hypocrisy at every opportunity, but also schedule some major out-of-DC event or policy fest just to drive them out of the city...

This is...interesting?  Not sure I agree with it fully, but I think she does make some points about the series -- in particular the difference between season one and the rest...

And, in finality...there is never a bad time to listen to this...

Thursday, April 28, 2022


 Interesting, if long day... work was fine; started a new project, and it is interesting.  Not sure exactly how I want to lay it out -- there are a few good options out there -- but I think I will just do some research and go from there.  

Less happily, I made no progress on the insurance front... I need to order a new continuous glucose monitor, and my insurer needs a prior authorization from the MD to cover it.  Of course, he has sent it out at least twice, and they never got it, or did so on time...I tried to find out why we need one, and no one (and no one is in the US, of course, which doesn't help with the communication issues) can tell me why.  Oi.  I also had to switch pharmacies, which is also a chore, albeit the people on the corner are friendly and helpful.  But I have no idea when any of this will be resolved, not that my premiums are not automatically deducted without fail.  Sigh.

The downstairs toilet had to be manhandled into flushing.  Oi.  Another thing I might need to fix or replace.  Gulp.  

A friend of mine -- more acquaintance, I would say -- is going through some rough times and asked me to store his stuff for him while he reorganizes, if you will.  I agreed -- in some ways I wish I could do more, but I have been burned in the past -- and thus I hauled his stuff to my garage.  I was going to store it in my house, but he smokes...and let's just say that the Behemoth reeked the entire trip back home.  I mean, the hoodie I was wearing is in the next wash, the truck interior got a Febreeze bath, and I decided that I like a clean living room, so the garage it is.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 Went to dinner with a couple of former coworkers last night; hit Betts downtown, right off E. 9th... it was surprisingly good (I even found a free parking spot!).  Bit pricey but not terribly so, and the dinner -- cider chicken, side of brussels sprouts -- was quite good.  Good to catch up, honestly -- one of them also has a new job and we were in complete concordance that the new job was better for us in many ways.  Honestly, it was good to be out of the house, just chilling...something I do miss about downtown, always someplace to go... and you can walk.

One thing my coworker told me -- and I reminded him of it -- that the Dems' 50-50 tie in the Senate was the worst thing that could have happened to them, because then they would assume they had a mandate, and...well, they didn't.  Hell, they can't even get their slim majority to agree on anything.  Now, were it not for the expected idiocy of the GOP (and even our race here is part of it; all of this infighting is not good), we could be looking at taking 5 seats or so; I think we will lucky to pull a +3; thank God the House is more gerrymandered, is the time to strike and sweep them all.  Alas.

So what?  I mean, the more I read and follow about Elon, the more there is to like.  More is he going to make this thing into a more profitable business, if he decides to alter with the free speech and moderation policies?  I can see -- quite easily -- a reverse Florida here, with people fleeing the site as things get a bit loosened.  Now, they have a right to do so, would ruin part of his plan for the purchase.   I am truly fascinated as to how this will turn out.

This isn't the first time LeBron has pulled this; if I recall, didn't the Cavaliers redo a roster on the fly because his machinations produced a team that looked good but was a dumpster fire?  I realize he is LeBron, but wouldn't someone just take a trip down memory lane and say thanx but no thanx?

Monday, April 25, 2022

Catching Up

 Probably should have blogged this weekend, but did not... caught up on a lot of stuff. Emptied the email inbox, for one (a temporary victory, but I feel better, damn it).  Picked up some stuff around the house.  Caught up on some work.  Ate out twice thanx to the pile of gift cards... hard to believe that a CFA combo meal (upgraded to a shake) costs $11 nowadays.  I mean, it's good, but it's not quite worth $11.  I finished off a Cracker Barrel gift card (yes, I know it is not real food, but I do love the chicken and dumplings!) and that was about the same cost...  I know, I know, inflation...but still.  I can see how people are slowly getting pissed about this.

Busy day at the food pantry Saturday... funny; the co-manager for the month was of the opinion that we would not be that busy... I was of the opinion, that, after the off weekend for Easter, people would be there in droves.  As it turned out, I was closer to correct -- 112 clients, and a lot of them came in the same car, so we were really cleaned out at times.  On the other hand, we gave away a lot of clothes, all of the produce we had (which was not a lot), cleaned out several freezers, and even got rid of some of the "excess" peanut butter and jelly on the shelves.  We even -- some of the co-managers -- discussed that maybe it will be the time to start letting people back into the pantry.  No one, of course, thought that this was the time, but... some day, we will need to have this discussion in all seriousness.

I have been listening to the "Man in the Window" podcast about the Golden State Killer on Wonderly... while it is interesting, the whole time I keep coming back to "if this guy isn't a poster child for the death penalty, I don't know who is."  I guess I can see preventing the witnesses from having to testify, but... some people in life deserve a hanging, you know.

I think Kavanaugh is spot on, I think the article is correct in asserting that the best way to deal with it to prevent it from happening in general, but I also think there is something to be said for letting the kids lead it and the coaches staying as far away as possible...

Friday, April 22, 2022

A Glorious Return

 The new (sort of; it's a refurbished one, same as the last one, a bit odd) arrived last night.  I did some work on putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, but crashed -- hard -- about ten; I woke up at about 3 and found myself on the living room floor.  This was fine, but then, when I tried to actually sleep in the bed, I couldn't; I was quite restless.  Now, of course, when I want to get some rest... I cannot.  Alas.

Anyways, today I was able to go through Facebook and email as many of my contacts as I could (the old list, of course, did not transfer); I think about 12 are lost permanently, unless they text me.  Alas.  I mean, I could find these people on social media, or they can contact me elsewhere...but I am ok with having only a few people on the list, in all honesty.

It has been a while since I saw this theory, and I was not convinced of it fully then...or now.'

Um...interesting?  Odd?  A bit scary?  On to something?  All of the above, honestly.  To be sure, one of things I have always liked about Vance is how he has been calling out the elites for their role in America's ills... so if this is the natural progression of this argument, I guess should not complain, even if I think it is a bit of a stretch to go from "the elites are actually idiots and mucking things up" to "there is a grand cabal devoted to destroying America from within."

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 So, no new phone yet... I am not quite worried, but if it does not arrive tomorrow, that might be an issue.  I mean, on the one hand, I like being without the phone -- remembrances of a simpler time -- but there are a few people I wouldn't mind texting again, just letting them know I am still alive and such.

Jay Wright's retirement at Nova was...interesting?  I mean, he does seem a bit young to retire so suddenly, which much make one wonder if there was another reason for the departure.  One hopes not, of course -- Wright has certainly earned the right to go out at a time of his own choosing -- but it certainly seemed like he had plenty more career left.

Interesting.  I sort of have mixed feelings about this... in any order... Yes, someone or some group should step up and house this group.  (I think a billionaire who owns a newspaper might be a good place to look!) On the other hand, commercial development is a better use for the space -- it brings in jobs and tax revenues that can be used (in theory) to house and feed these people.  Also... it's a problem that so many need such help for such a prolonged period of time (we certainly have decade-long clients at the OC); that's a failure on multiple layers, and I am not sure it is ALL society's fault.  Yes, many people are poor and it just happens.  But not all, and there is a subset (larger than any liberal will admit to!) of people who find this early than actually working, and we allow it to happen.  Then again, it is damned near impossible for people -- especially without skills -- to make it on a minimum wage job today; they definitely need the help, and through no fault of their own!  Indeed, our tax and benefits system is designed to make it impossible for people to work... which is also a problem.

Funny; JD Vance and Donald Trump Jr. had a town hall in Independence today; I thought about going, but decided against it for two reasons...  One, I am too damn busy at work, and two...I didn't have a mobile phone, so even if I signed up, how do I get in -- you need an email or a QR code, and while I doubt these things are that secure (give the aging demographic of our party, I doubt I am the only mobile-less person out there)...still, it was a headache I didn't especially need.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Technical Difficulties

 I had to put my four-wheel drive to get to the bank this morning.  I realize this is Ohio, but I should not need to activate the four-wheel drive in the middle of April...or, as I like to say, behold the power of global warming!

So... in addition to the usual Easter weekend excitement, I have had...other first world problems as well.  First, Saturday, the check engine light came on in my truck.  I was able to drive it (though I didn't go far) and these things are usually a sensor.  Of course, it went out Monday, and my mechanic told me not to worry about it unless it comes again.  As I often travel in Hope and Changey neighborhoods...well, as I used to tell Mom, no one tries to carjack a broken-down vehicle.

More phone died Sunday.  I mean, totally, Monty-Python-parrot dead.  I was reading (and finishing) the American Empire book, and didn't pay attention to it...but at 5, when I went to check the messages... dark as the (now empty) tomb.  I engaged the T-mobile online tech help, who assured me I could take it to my local Broadview Heights store... I suspected not, but (I had a check engine light on!) off I went, and.... my phone (mind you, five days from the expiration of my warranty) was under a Sprint contract, they didn't handle that... but if I went to Parmatown, they could help me.  Off I went there, where they found rust in the charging port but that didn't turn on the phone... so off I went to North Olmsted, where they have a tech center (the Parma people, though nice, suggested I call the store for an appointment...with my non-working phone.  Sigh.) and they looked at the phone.  They didn't find any rust (as I suspected), but nor could they fix the phone.  So....I will be getting a new one, once it arrives.  

It's...interesting.  I mean, as Mom used to say, how did people live without cell phones for hundreds of years, and it's not been too bad; I talked to my sister, and we emailed... but that's it.  Not that I have needed to talk or text to anyone, but I am sure some people are befuddled by my radio silence.  To be sure, it might be longer, especially if my contact list is lost (like the last time); I am thinking I may need to go and write everything down on paper...oi.

Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Easter came and went...and it was good.  Friday night it started when I made the Easter cuisine in time for basket blessing.  Saturday morning I woke up early, hit the gym, did some errands, and then went home in time to be ready for the noon blessing.  It was nice -- lots of people, decent homily...good to carry on the tradition.  Caught up on stuff the rest of the day...

Today was interesting.  Mass was fine -- good crowd, church beautiful, service wonderful.  I was the EM, and...I really had to work.  I had a bunch of people in the pews to whom I brought Communion.  Then, at the altar, when Fr. Joe ran out of hosts, he left me to handle the crowd (I don't blame him, it is hard for him to stand)...and it was a lot!  I wasn't worried about running out of hosts, but they just kept coming!  Phew. Then, I had to report to the choir loft twice to bring Communion to all the musicians.  Good -- and holy -- exercise!

Speaking of exercise, noticing the fatness, and the fact that this weekend is not a good one for the diet...I took a series of long walks yesterday and today -- four three milers.  I haven't done it in a while, and with the weather being cool but not wet... well, it felt good.  My time was about the same, and if I can keep them up...well, it's not the exercise so much as the eating, but a combo of both... the weight will slowly recede.

Anyways, family brunch today was wonderful -- good to see the cousins and the aunts and uncles again.  My little cousin Jacob is 11 months old, and he was very happy to see everyone...cute kid.  Heck, even the dog was nice to me; he must have sensed I was the weak link and was most likely to feed him human food (which I did not).  Then home and then to visit a friend who doesn't have anyone around...I brought him some Easter dinner -- which he truly appreciated -- and then home.  Rah.

I realize this is the NYT here, but...saying it is bad for democracy because a good hunk of men are disillusioned...mainly by the changes encouraged by the NYT...well, that's slightly rich to me...


Friday, April 15, 2022

Big news

 So...I needed to make the kielbasa for the weekend, but of course I didn't want to make it during the I waited until midnight, fired up the oven... and here we are.  Aside from the non-violation but still sketchy avoidance of The Rules, it was...pretty good.  Cherrywood smoked from Krakow Deli and some (supplied by my sister) from State Road Meats.  A couple of fixings, some paska bread, and, once I get the basket down from the attic...we will be ready for the basket blessing tomorrow.

Noon Stations -- I don't recall the last time I went -- was actually somewhat crowded.  While I was glad they were there... I couldn't help but wonder where these people are the rest of Lent.  Alas.  At least I was able to finish up one project at work and clear up that backlog ever-so-slightly.

Of all the Democrats out there, this is the only one they can find that can't mentally cut it?

So, this is big!  But, can it help him?  Especially with stuff like this...

I don't know.  First, this is sort of late in the game.  Second, Vance hasn't been on air nearly enough, and while I like his ads...I bet there are plenty of people who didn't read Hillbilly Elegy and thus don't know all that much about him.  I think we can define most of the other guys in the race -- who they are and what they stand for -- but Vance has a good a story as anyone.

On the other hand...looking at the data from the article...about 15% of GOP voters have not made up their minds (seems hard to believe, but ok).  That's certainly enough -- with any slacking from the others -- to eke out a narrow win.  Now, I think he has to run an inside straight to get there, and then we have to win the general (in a red year), but if Trump can convince his voters to alter their allegiances... it could happen.

Thursday, April 14, 2022


 Interesting day... very busy at work, not that this is a bad thing; I am learning much, and people want, or need me.  And it is still better than the last job...  also went to the dentist first thing in the morning to have two cavities filled.  That was fairly painless, and the one side of the mouth felt normal in a long hour; the other, though... it was almost one before it was back to usual.  Odd.  I took the opportunity to do some shopping in low-tax Summit County (stuff is also cheaper there!) and hit Stan's Northfield bakery for their paska bread, which I had never had.. it was quite good.  Not quite as good as Samosky's, I think (theirs is sweeter and has cherries) but it is close; lots of raisins, light and crumbly, and the streusel topping is a nice touch.  I think I would go back!

I helped out at the Holy Thursday service today... it was a bit discombobulated at first, but quite nice...I sort of like it; I mean, not the reason, of course, but the service is well done, with the pomp and circumstance, at least as much as the occasion allowed.  Foot washing returned to the rite, though I did not partake.  I did help take down the altar -- everything!  The candlesticks on the altar are quite heavy; didn't anyone think of these things 100 years ago?  (No.)  The real excitement, though, was when I pulled in the lot... I guess some local youths tried to steal someone's car, they were warded off, and the cops were combing the scene when I arrived...  As I like to say, given that the area is full of Hope and me unsurprised.

Interesting.  (And to think that it might happen in Delaware County!)  I mean, I would put him third, behind Gibbons and Mandel, for one, and two, he certainly has a record of anti-Trump rhetoric.  Of course, the Donald is not exactly known for verbal consistency, so that is hardly an impediment.  Would it throw the race to Vance?  Maybe?  I mean, receiving the crown would certainly be a bump, but he has been less active on the air, so...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Drawing Til You Fill

 It was TV night (Dr. Pimple Popper) and in addition, I watched "Richard Pryor: Live in Concert," bringing me to 792 on the NFR...  It was...interesting?  Ok, it was largely funny.  In some ways, he reminded me of Dave Chapelle, with his humor (especially when he made fun of white people; as I said of Jonathan Larson, Chapelle obviously didn't adapt Pryor, he copied him).  Speaking of, in this day and age, I was surprised the thing made the National Film Registry, given its...language and subject matter, if you get my drift.

I also listened to the Baker Mayfield podcast.  It was mildly interesting; I had forgotten about his college football journeys -- playing a TTU, walking on at Oklahoma -- so that was cool to hear, as well as some of his insights about being motivated to play.  On the other hand, there was a general lack of tea spilled about the end of his Browns career, and that was why I was listening...

A series of podcasts that I have been listening to is the "Presidential" series on Apple; basically, a WaPo journalist is doing (this dates to 2016, I know, where have I been) a series about every President, and trying to put some context to their stories.  I am at Chester A. Arthur, and much of the focus was his come-to-Jesus moment about civil service reform...anyways, I find it enjoyable and interesting, at the very least.   One thing... by now, this is the fourth President to have died in office, and one seems to pay attention to the choice of the Vice President.  Now, of course, it's all about balance and such, but back then, it seemed...well, not that balance wasn't important -- Arthur and Andrew Johnson, for instance, were "balance" selections -- but that it was more inside baseball; they tended not to pick luminaries for the role.  Now, then as now, the job wasn't that important (there was much less emphasis on finding stuff for them to do), but considering the frequency with which Presidents bought the farm then, you would have thought someone would have tried to elevate the game...

If calling someone a motherfucker is racism, I am the Grand Dragon of the KKK...

Monday, April 11, 2022


 One thing I have discovered lately is that if you miss an episode of Jeopardy! -- certainly not encouraged in this household -- it's literally on Youtube the next day, or even the same day.  It's pretty cool.  Anyways, Friday I missed J! due to Stations, and today we had an emergency (of a sort) meeting at the OC regarding the van situation.  Namely, the truck we have been using from Downtown (for free) has been in the shop for nearly a month, necessitating a number of unpleasant changes in how we operate.  So we met and came together and offered up a couple of alternatives.  Not sure how they will go over -- it is Holy Week, to boot -- but it might offer up a solution.  

And yes, it is Holy Week...Fr. Joe had Mass yesterday, and it was an interesting (and good) sermon.  Don't often hear one on Palm Sunday -- the Passion of the Lord is enough -- but he made the point that the story of Baker Mayfield was akin to what Jesus suffered.  (Fr. Joe is a sports fan, and we know this, so...)  Basically, both went from hero to zero in a week; hearing the cheers to hearing the jeers.  I rather liked it, actually; pithy and relevant.

You know, this makes a lot of sense to me.  Nor do I exactly think this is a bad thing; I mean, certain Trumpisms -- his embrace of Putin, his corruption, his adultery -- I cannot abide, but he was a throwback to what were in some ways traditional GOP themes -- isolationism, a desire to help the people here, low taxes, less regulation -- and we might be seeing more of this, given all the "competence" Biden has been demonstrating.

My first thought upon reading this was "This is exactly correct."  My second thought was "This is in Newsweek?"  To be sure, it is a guest opinion, but... I don't think he is wrong, which is why people like Glenn Yoiungkin are winning and GOPers are popping up everywhere to run for the school board.

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Back on track

 Quite the long hiatus from blogging...I know, I am a horrible person.  Wednesday was a busy one -- parish night of Confession (the Easter Duty!), then I hit the gym and made it home in time for Dr. Pimple Popper.  The ratio of English-speakers to Polish speakers was about 1:10; so either the Polish community is very sinful, or the natives are... moreso.  Oi.  Anyways, I crashed hard  Wednesday.  Thursday was Pub Quiz at Rustic Grill, where -- as expected (and should be) -- Team XI was once again victorious.  The questions are a tad on the easy side, and a lot of pop culture stuff, so they are not exactly my powerhouse.  But the grub is decent, and it's good to see everyone again and win.  Yesterday I hit St. Leo's -- not a new place, but quite good; fish taco platter is only $7.50, and you get the full panoply of sides.. they did overcharge me for the meal, but I didn't contest it -- it is for the church.  Mom spins in the urn.

I am reading Hopkins' American Empire, and it is...interesting?  I mean, it is ok; it's a semi-Marxist look at the rise and fall of the American "empire," which he takes to me economic and social ties, not just political, to account for US policy.  It is long, and some of the text is a bit much...more to the point, not much new.  Yes, there is a fresh look or take every so often, but a lot of the stuff I have read before.  And, he is a Brit, so he is obsessed with what calls our "gun culture," which amuses me.  Anyways, funny stuff yesterday; he went on -- at some length -- at the labor wars of the 1890s, namely how mass immigration greatly caused wages to fall during that time -- which caused all the strikes. A Marxist complaining about mass immigration?  Someone better not tell Bernie and AOC!

This whole story...I guess I was surprised by the lack of a conviction; there just seemed to be so much evidence, and even if you account for the fact that the FBI seemed to be ginning up the crew... I do wonder how much of this was just jury nullification; the antics of the agents during the raid did seem a bit much, and the extracurriculars...well, it certainly didn't help the credibility of the FBI.

Really, Dabo?  Really?  This could be me, but coaches like him are part of the reason why college sports are so messed up.  For years, they have commanded the high salaries, jumped contracts for bigger and better coaching gigs, spurred all this spending on stuff that does NOTHING for the classroom, kept kids from transferring, fought (mostly) to the last ditch against NIL-related activities... and now they complain about the course of the sport?

Tuesday, April 05, 2022


 Is it me, or are all these GOP Senate candidate commercials too much?  I mean, I love political ads -- billions of people would literally die for the right to vote in a free and fair election -- and I realize that the plethora of candidates makes it worse, but... I think 2/3 of the commercials on during J! are political ads; hell, some of them even repeat, which is something of an accomplishment, given their number.  As we say around here, oi.

So, I was cruising through my Wondery subscription (for now) and I came upon "Gladiator," the series by the Boston Globe about Aaron Hernandez.  Since we all love train wrecks, I listened -- it's about four hours total -- and it was interesting.  Learned a lot about him, and I sort of felt sorry for the guy; not the homicide part, of course, but the crappy and abusive childhood, sexual abuse, repressed sexuality, running into Urban Meyer...not hard to see how someone could snap.  To say nothing of the CTE... on the other hand, he definitely killed one person and possibly two more, and it is hard to sympathize, or even empathize with that

This, I think, is exactly right; the Senate race has occupied the attention of the GOP and the candidates opposing DeWine are just "meh" enough that he will survive.  That, and the fact that most GOP voters realize (more or less) that DeWine would probably win his race, whereas the others...not so much.  GOPers have plenty of experience in holding their noses when casting ballots, I guess, and they will be putting it to good use in this primary.

Monday, April 04, 2022

The Storybook Ending That Wasn't

 So, the storybook ending was not to be.  Alas.  But, as I like to say...Duke has lost many a basketball game, and they undoubtedly will lose more.  Still, it did hurt a tad....

Sunday I woke up and there was this thin veneer of snow everywhere and I was like "Well, that's pretty."  Then, of course, I said to myself, it's April, for Christ's sake, followed by the usual declaration of "behold the power of global warming."  I mean, it was nice in December (maybe), but now...well, I think we are all done with winter.  Hell, Holy Week is next week!

I realized something today; namely, I haven't made a restaurant excursion in a while.  Course, I have been hitting a parish fish fry every week, so I am spending about the same (actually, less) and it's not like our parishes don't need the money any less than restaurants. Now, with all this inflation... trying to fill the truck up with gas has been that of the Danaids, and I am driving less...anyways, it might be wise that I have cut back a bit, but I do feel a jonesing for some culinary tourism.  After Easter; I should make some kielbasa or buy some delicacies; didn't last year, but... well, I deserve it (not really).

I am not really surprised by this, though I was surprised by the source.  Of course, LaRose doesn't want to get primaried, either.  I mean, I tend to agree that the Court is going way too far in this -- hell, even Thomas Suddes of the PD noted that the erosion of Dem support in rural areas makes it hard to draw a map just right -- but I am not really about the cure; this seems a bit too harsh.  Nor would it exactly solve the problem...

Saturday, April 02, 2022

Fun city

 Yesterday I was confronted with the usual Friday decision of where to go for dinner...I decided on St. Stephen's, up in the Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood; as I like to say, I like to go where they need the money, not where they want it.  Anyways, it was take out only (brought my own silverware) and the menu options were limited; I went with the shrimp/fish combo (fried only).  It was...pretty good; you certainly got a lot of food for $11.  The fish was good -- nice and hot, good breading.  Shrimp was fine.  Sides were acceptable -- mac and cheese (not a fave) was decent, and the cole slaw/pierogi/applesauce was good.  I was pleasantly surprised.

Since I had some time before Stations, I checked out the church.  I didn't get to meander; they had Stations/Adoration going on, but it was certainly very nice in there; sort of like St. Stan's, with the woodwork and the floor plan.  Quite a few people there, too; I was surprised.  It is a Jesuit parish...  I was surprised no one tried for a grope, but then again, in that part of the world, they don't have to go far to find that, if you get my drift...  anyways, then back to my parish for Stations.  Odd... Polish service was going on, and they went til 6:59, and it was...full.  We had the usual group of four.  Very sad.

Interesting, but I think -- and thanx to the pandemic! -- times they are a changing, and this is for the better.  To be sure, as I have often said, teachers have no one to blame but themselves, but this is amusing...and let's hope more parents get involved here.