Long but interesting day; woke up bright and early for morning leg day; wanted to go again after J! (wasn't that the world's easiest final?) but of course my blood sugar was low. On the other hand, it did allow me to stay home and catch up on most of the emails I accumulated over the weekend, read some articles, and delete some bookmarks, so....
Weighed in at 192.4 lbs, which is about right, sigh. Finally finished off the food from the Polish Festival (mainly chicken); I ate a lot less than usual, mainly because we cooked and served it (which is good on multiple levels). Salmon tomorrow and Friday, and I really cannot wait; honestly, I do need to crack down more on the crap food, and walk a little more, and I think I can permanently get back under 190... I suspect I have more muscle now, so 180 might be tougher, but mentally, I would feel better.
Interesting and hilarious; if you think about, in some ways this is the Dems' problem in the House and the Senate now; the progresive wing can't roll the moderates, mainly because...well, I think they are trying to save their jobs, also because they are trying to determine what a Democrat is (besides stupid and immoral, ha!). Mind you, GOPers are doing the same thing, but we are in the minority, so this is all under the radar; also, the debate started 5 years ago or so and is still going on, so... yawn?
Interesting, if a bit long; I think we all know I love petty political crap/inside baseball (which explains why I am single), so this was up my alley. I think one thing that is being underestimated is that... well, I believe Joe Manchin wants to run again, and win, and if he caves on the green and other stuff, he is dead man walking, Joe Manchin or not; the man isn't stupid and can read a map. Oddly, I think that is his biggest selling point, if you will; the Dems want 50, and the only way to get there is to win in red states/flyover country, and he alone can fix that....
This is hilarious, and smart policy to boot. This is the sort of thing, that, in a normal year, would be genius, but with Trump in the primary (early as it is), acting like Jupiter among the asteroid belt, it gets lost. On the other hand, if something starts to improve on the supply chain side, he can claim credit, and I would think that "competence" is something that anyone could take Trump on... not saying it will work, but...
RBG was smarter than I thought...never imagined I would ever say that in my life.