Wednesday, November 30, 2022


 After the catastrophe of last year, this year's Duke-OSU game was... probably as close as I expected, though I would have preferred a little less drama.  At least they won -- despite foul trouble, poor inside play, they won.  Duke finally beat someone; no shame in losing to KU in the opener, but getting beaten by Purdue (good as they are)... ugh.  But this was a quality win against a good opponent, and let us hope that this may continue.

I still feel great, with less coughing and sniffling, even if the voice is raspy.  Maybe I am not as far along in recovery as I wanted; one nice thing about the 7;15 start means I can hit the hay a bit earlier, and if I can stop waking up with low blood sugar...  Alas, alack.

I am now more than halfway through the book I am working on, How Did Lubitsch Do It?, a look at the life and work of Ernst Lubitsch, the great German-American film director of the 20s and 30s.  Funny...I had only seen four of his films (the four on the National Film Registry) but I knew, of course, of his magic with the camera angles and shots... well, now I have a dozen more or so films to see, as the book goes through and discusses them all (even the clunkers).  The nice thing is that with the ones I have seen, it recaps some of his best shots/scenes, and I was like "Oh, so that's what he did."  I particularly liked Lady Windemere's Fan (a Wilde play adapted by him); not only did he NOT use any Wilde quotes as intertitles, but the camera shots to depict certain key plot twists -- blackmails, discoveries of supposed adulteries -- are subtle yet extremely revealing.  And this book is a guide to ten more!

In all the hullaballoo of the day -- which was productive and slightly busy -- I forgot today was payday.  I cannot recall a previous time when such an unimportant detail was skipped.  Such is the way of working from home...

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The March of Progress

 So...I had a meeting from 1 to 3 (and then a bit more) today, and I didn't get home until the 79th minute of the game.  Not that I care, of course, but Team USA is Team USA, and I want us to win every damn time, especially against Iran, a country which, by my official designation, is both a Third World Shithole of Irrelevance and a County We Should Bomb or Have Not Bombed Enough.  Now, I realize I am an American, me, playing to hold a win with 20 minutes of regulation -- much less all the extra time -- is dumb.  For one thing... conceding anything to a team like Iran -- physically aggressive yet Duke-like in dive-taking -- simply invites free and penalty kicks.  To say nothing of the fact that going on defense means that they will be on offense, playing on your side of the field... to me, the psychology is just off.  A more serious objection, though, is that what if they had scored?  Do you think Team USA could have pulled it together and marched down the pitch?  I mean, scoring a second goal (or at least trying to) means insurance, it means the ball in Iran's side, it means you are trying to win and not to lose.  I realize I am not a soccer fan, but... yet another reason why I hate this boring game. 

I must look like crap, as several people asked if I was... my voice is a little hoarse and raspy, and I still have a cough/sniffles.  But... the funny thing is that I feel great.  Last week I was clearly feeling a cold -- physically cold, tired, felt congested.  Now... back to normal. Rode a full 20 minutes at the gym, did a full workout, I even feel like a spring is back in my step.  Of course, looking like death warmed over might be a problem, and this cracky voice is, but...I can deal with that.  I should start going back to two-a-days at the gym, but I suspect a few more days of extra rest might not be the worst.  For now.

Interesting.  Now, I don't quite see how they can do it, save for a big bump in the sales tax, which I would NOT want, as it is fairly regressive, and also, stuff is too expensive now anyways.  I think you could easily cut a billion in spending, and ideally reduce the income and the sales tax by similar margins, at least as a "start."  Of course, hearing Republicans actually talk about Republican things is vaguely refreshing for a change...

Monday, November 28, 2022


Busy couple of days... mainly hanging out with my best friend from high school and his family; I guess the kids think I am a riot, or a mark (probably both).  Played a bunch of games -- One Night Werewolf, Grand Dumanji, Exploding Kittens, all of which were surprisingly fun... I would like to think I got the hang of them fairly quickly, or at least quick enough.  And it is good to see old friends -- some of whom have moved back to town.  Even if I missed blogging for an evening...

On the one hand, it was sort of hard to get back to work today, but on the other...I have a few things to do, and I just stepped in and plowed through, and it was...fairly glorious?  I mean, I want to get stuff done ahead of time, for a bunch of reasons, and no one seems to mind that.  Funny, there are always other little things to do as well...they just fall into place now.  I just realized today that the end of the month is approaching; hard to believe it will be December and winter again.  Joy.

I was amused by the handwringing about Hugh Freeze getting hired at Auburn.  First, of course, the SEC is hardly the bastion of moral paragons of coaching.  Second, Auburn -- having made a poor hire with Harsin -- needed to make a good one, and Freeze does seem to fit the bill.  Third... this could be me, but at some point...the cloud has to go away, right?  I mean, the man has avoided scandal at Liberty (which seems to be a rare thing around there these days) and is a good coach, so... at some point, some people do deserve a second chance.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Drums Along the Olentangy

 Well, that was a mostly unexpected result in Columbus today... is the rivalry back?  Will the state recover?  This could be me, but... the inability of the coaching staff to make adjustments is a problem.  Mission accomplished on stopping the run, but the deep balls...  at some point you need to move the DBs back, shift the safety, etc... second straight year this happened.  Some are already calling for Day's head, which seems a little extreme, though my comment about Urban Meyer -- a recruiter first, and a coach much lower on the chart -- seems to be the Day program as well.  Some of it is scheme, some is personnel, but some...  a mental block?

So yesterday I had a full day, as evinced by the lack of a post.  I slept in quite late (I needed it) and then in the afternoon I met some former coworkers (I love that) in Ohio City (joy) to watch the World Cup. The plan was to hit the Old Angle, but it was too full, so off to Nano Brew, which at least had space (if not help, I felt badly for the servers).  And.. it was fun to see the guys and gals, but... really, anyone who says that soccer is fun and enjoyable needs their head examined.  Even when people got excited.... there was no reason, and, by the 80th minute, it was obvious we were playing for the draw, which, as an American, simply offends my very core of being.  I also made points by saying that there shouldn't be an Iran now, as Reagan's only mistake was not to nuke them into oblivion the minute after the hostages landed back in the US.  

I should have gone home and watched a Duke movie, but I had to go to my aunt's 80th bday with the family...which was nice, and fun, but a bit fun, and as one of the few sober people, my ability to help pack the cars up was... appreciated.  But it was good to hang with everyone again -- still rare in this post-COVID era -- even if I got in late and, hilariously, woke up nice and early today...

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Trifecta

 Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and there is no better way to celebrate it with family, food, and the Sacrament of Duke basketball!  My aunt hosted today, which was nice...just five of us, but we lingered for a long while after dinner and dessert, just chatting about all sorts of things, which was quite nice.  Food was good, and I was given plenty of leftovers, which is nice, but not that I need them.  Indeed, as I weighed in at 190.8 pounds today at the gym (which was surprisingly crowded at 1 PM), the last thing I want is grub.

As for Duke hoops...even accounting for my usual theory -- that everyone plays up for Duke -- this was way to close to home for my taste, thank you very much.  A win is a win... funny; I forgot that Wayne Tingle at Oregon State 1) Went to the Elite Eight two years ago and 2) Went 3-23 last year.  Quite a turnaround, if you will, and I think you can say he will be dead man walking if he doesn't make the tourney (probably).  Course, I also think Jon Scheyer should be dead man walking if he doesn't make the tourney either.  I do like this team, but...  anyways, one thing I noticed is how difficult it is to have an inside game in modern hoops.  To be sure, the push for three-point accuracy has made putting it up from the cheap seats a viable strategery, but given the increasing size and strength and players, they do cover more space.  I always say widening the court and the paint might alleviate this would certainly allow for more of a mix of styles.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 The day had a nice Friday feel to it... on the one hand, it dragged as you wanted the work day to be over, and on the other...I got a lot of little things done (always nice) and started a big project.  I also made a seven-layer jello for a family fest this weekend.  That, too, dragged; not sure why, aside from the fact that I wanted to be sure that everything set.  I didn't use the usual sour cream in the middle white layers, which may explain why they didn't seem to set as well as it generally does.  Ugh.  I am sure the family will like it, but I am not sure...

One other thing I noted was that my blood sugar was low all day.  This is not a bad thing, but I would prefer it to be tomorrow, when I will be wanting to put away food guilt-free (sort of; I will still feel like a fat ass).  I didn't do all of the stuff I wanted to tonight (while jello making) so there is always tomorrow... alas.  Hell, my plans to conquer the laundry pile and wash a few blankets (take advantage of the now-mild weather) went completely to pot, and that is exactly the thing that can be done while layers are settling in the fridge.  I am appalled by my own laziness.

One thing I did do was finish a book -- 40 for the year, about the experience of US soldiers, sailors, and aircrew in the Pacific in WW2.  The author looked at all sorts of things -- boredom, nature, etc.  -- and the result was that only the last third discussed combat.  This was quite good, and certainly different.  I guess it was good just to take a few hours and cross something off the reading list...

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Travels and Travails

 You know, I am not exactly feeling better... in some ways, worse; my throat is a bit sore.  To be sure, I only got 7 hours of sleep last night; must do better today.  Lots to do, of course, even if today I mainly worked and caught up on the sitting stuff -- emails, some texts (still have some people I last messaged last week), and some links.  I am always surprised at how, much like Michael Corleone, no matter how hard I try to get out, something pulls me back in.  At least food pantry duty is done for the year, save for any pickups, deliveries, and etc.

I hadn't thought of this right away, mainly because it has been a while since I have read Atlas Shrugged; it should be required yearly reading, but it is a bit of a slog (especially at the end) and there are so many other books to read.  But the comparison does work...

Interesting.  One, I had no idea the building was 30 years old, which is sort of old (not really) for arenas nowadays.  Two, the timing issue... well, not sure you can blame them for that, but... this could be me, but one would think they would have been a bit more aggressive in booking events since Day One, especially after the Gateway complex went up; not every show needs 20,000 fans.   I mean, I am sure they tried, but...  I guess I am not opposed to adding more housing downtown (even if it is student housing), as it might better in the long run to create a campus district.  OSU is a campus complex, but downtown Kent is quite nice (very student integrated) and UA seems to be nice...sort of.  I would argue that if CSU can get to Akron status (and I would be surprised), they should be wetting their pants.

As I have said before...awesome as this would be, I will believe it when I see it.

I had to go to the credit union today, so I went to the branch in Macedonia...and I ended up doing some shopping there, because all of the stores I wanted to hit were close together.  On the one hand, it's pretty awesome; the taxes are lower and you can get all the plastic bags you want/need.  On the other....getting there is a pain -- with the glacially slow sewer construction on 82, right before the bridge they tried to blow up --  and getting out was worse.  It took four light cycles for me to get to Riverview and thus the long way home (to Greenleaf and then Fitzwater), and given how this project is supposed to last for months...either I need to investigate alternate crossings or I will be pulling out the few hairs I have left.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Back on the Prowl

 Busy weekend, which is why I did not post.  Started Saturday at the OC, where we had an absolute zoo; we started serving at 8:35 and served the last client right at 12.  In between...we had clients in line the entire time; hell, we had cars on Broadway for most of it.  We had a good set of volunteers -- never had to worry about waiting for bags or anything, always good, but I was the only one who knew how to handle the computer, which was a problem... would have been nice to have had a second one.  Anyone who wanted a turkey got one, which was good...  but it was a hot mess at times, and while it went well... I would prefer not to do it again.

Then it was off to a wedding -- fun but long, and to top it off, I had trouble falling asleep when I did get home.  Oi.  Sunday was... blisteringly cold.  We didn't have the snowstorm here, but... it was quite brisk, especially for this time of year.  I helped with the priests' dinner after the Eucharistic Day celebration, which was fine, but...let's just say that I crashed hard Sunday night.  

Today, I was still feeling it -- plenty of coffee -- and this cold certainly isn't any better.  I do think I just need some sleep, or at least rest, and this long weekend might be the time for it.  Hell, my boss reminded me I do NOT (and should not) work this weekend, which, as always, is good to hear, albeit still a bit new and unsettling.

It is now officially Advent!  Hard to believe, again, with it being December still (and Xmas is on a Sunday), but I probably should go and get my Xmas lists together... to say nothing of starting shopping for everyone else.  Mission one, of course, will be finding someplace to get these things wrapped...
Can you blame them?

Friday, November 18, 2022


 You know, it's cold outside.  I guess I am feeling it more due to my own illness, but it think it is fair to say that it is unseasonably cool right now.  My furnace is certainly on a bit, and I can feel a chill in the house as I move around.  At least with the WiFi I can work anywhere, and I have relocated to the kitchen table, so I sense I am five degrees warmer there.  Those windows might just get replaced faster...

Finally caught up on the J! TOC today -- I forgot it is a best of seven affair.  I suspect someone imagined a clash of titans, but that has not been the case.  The questions are slightly tougher, always good (I did love the silent film category, which I ran with vehemence), and I am not ashamed to say that today was the first time I missed a FJ!.  The cable on the TV is working again, though whether that is due to a miracle, my re-jiggering of the cables, or hitting a button that I originally should not have... well, I am glad all the same.  Not, of course, that I have been watching much TV lately.

I don't know; Trump seems to be losing some support, to be sure.  Another factor is that he is no longer new -- and he was certainly novel in 2016.  Now, we have seen the act many, many times, and as it did not win in 2022...well, many are certainly amenable to something new now.  The fact that the GOP majority in the House can be charitably ascribed to Ron DeSantis and his gerrymandering might also help boost his prospects.  Of course, 2024 is still a long way away...

Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Disaster of a sorts today. as Team Eleven lost PQ at Stone Water.  Alas!  To be sure, it was fun, good to see everyone again, and while the food there is a bit pricey (I know, what isn't nowadays), it is good... I even went with the gluten-free pasta bolognese, which is amusing, as for some unknown reason, I have always liked it.  Maybe the cream base?  Not sure.  Maybe next month I will try the salmon, even though that is something I regularly make here.

Have to admit, it was a bit unsettling to see snow on the ground, even though we already had it... had a meeting this morning in Independence (9:30) and going there was slow; not sure if people were scared, there was more ice on the road than expected, but Wallings and the highway moved at a glacial pace.  Then, when I arrived at the Panera in Independence... kiosk-only ordering (and no cash; ok, you could have seen a manager)... oi.  Half of the people seemed to have seemed to have no trouble.  The others were like me and just wanted coffee and had no desire to put a $2 charge on their credit card...I broke and did, hoping the fee is $3 or something.  Anyways, the meeting was fine -- bs session with all of the other district presidents -- but it will be a while before I descend on a Panera again.

I have always thought Suddes is sort of an idiot (even among reporters, which says something), but to me, this ices it.  How the hell are Democrats supposed to change?  Running to the left won't help them, and in most cases, the more conservative of their number have already crossed over.  Not really sure where else they can go.  Except away, which would be... wonderful.

Quite interesting; I need to read this book, and it would do me well -- aside from the fact that there are 400 other books on the list -- to read Hayek again, too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A New Streak

I had a streak of posting going, and yesterday it ended...alas.  I had a haircut, met a friend for coffee briefly in Lakewood, and then came home with the intention of watching the Duke game.  NOT on the TV, mind you; the cable is on the fritz again (I should call them), but from the comfort of my laptop.  Anyways, I watched part of the game, but about 10:30 I stood up...and immediately felt light-headed.  This was odd, to put it mildly; I drank some water and had a snack (I had not really eaten or drank anything since 5), and felt better after a bit.  But, I just laid down on the couch, shut the lights and the laptop, and went to sleep...woke up at 7:30.  Hm.

In other news, I have a cold.  This is not surprising, I guess, given the lack of sleep, weather change, etc.  But it is no fun.  For one thing, I am... cold.  Sitting under a blanket now and thinking about (not very seriously) turning up the furnace (a bit).  Indeed, sleeping on the living room couch was a bit warmer, at least.  I drank plenty of coffee today, which helped, and I will try to sleep early and more tonight.  Alas.  I am not quite as young as I used to be, despite my efforts to insist otherwise.

The SBF/FTX thing is still pretty funny; at least the new incoming GOP House (phew) may actually investigate this.  To be sure, I don't necessarily think this is fraud -- if morons give a guy lots of money to "invest" in a crazy scheme, and he loses it, it may not be a crime, though I think the spreadsheets will be hard to explain away.  On the other hand, it is awfully convenient that the guy gives millions to Democratic politicians, they hold the Senate, and then the FTX collapse occurs.  Complete coincidence, I am sure.  

I am two-thirds through the Jaffa book.  Interesting take on Stephen A. Douglas, who is certainly one of the more complex and fascinating characters of US history; I would put him and Aaron Burr as the two most interesting characters of the 19th century.  My sense is that Douglas was trying to have it both ways on the issue of popular sovereignty -- Northerners could see it as not allowing slavery in (it could be voted away) and Southerners the reverse -- until people picked up on it.  Jaffa calls him out for the immoral nature of the scheme, and, in turn, promotes Lincoln as the one who (this will shock the Antifa types) who was not only one of the loudest of the critics, but also consistently stood up for the equality of the Negro (to use the period term) in political (and implicitly, social) terms.

Interesting...first, the parish looks a lot like my parish, always good to see!  Second, it's also good to see people in the pews, even if -- let's be frank -- they are a small share of the Catholic population in the US.  Of course, people going to Mass regularly, living the life of Faith, and being active in the parish and the community as a whole is a good thing (I should think)....but not to Pope Francis.  That's the one thing in particular I don't get about his attempts to crack down on the Latin Mass; it seems to be popular now, and as this is one facet of Catholicism that is growing... why on Earth would you discourage people from the faith?  

Monday, November 14, 2022

Active Monday

 I went to a wake today; the head of our Golden Agers club at church, and someone I knew...fairly well, or certainly well enough.  She was 99, outlived most of her friends, had a good life, kept her mind to the end... and that truly is the way to go.  Small wake (for that reason, I guess) but I did see some of the church crowd and so I chatted a bit.  Honestly, that is the one problem with these things; you say your greetings to the immediate family, you say your prayers... and then what?  I don't mind a bit of chatter, but I have never been the sit around and bs type, especially in front of a corpse.  Yes, I know a room full of friends and laughter is a good sign, but... just odd.  Anyways, the one thing the coffee klatch was discussing was whether or not the probost would arrive.  No one took my wager that he would not...

I am surprised by the Hobbs win in AZ: she didn't debate, ran from reporters...and won narrowly.  Maybe Lake was too strident, too Trumpy; I do wonder what her future will be.  AZ as the new swing state, replacing Ohio?  Well...I would prefer them bright red, but... things happen.  I do wonder who will run against Wifebeater Brown in 2024.  We do have a deep bench, but Mr. Connie B-S is the Fort Fisher of the Dems in OH, and they will do everything to protect him.  I would pick Frank LaRose as my early favorite; young (Sherrod is 70), good family, good bio, and our elections are problem-free, which indicates competence.  There should be plenty of money, too.

I don't think we can discount how important the decision was to open the state early in the pandemic.  It certainly put him on the map, and, arguably, added plenty of new voters to the rolls (to be sure, they were fleeing blue states, which doesn't help there), all of whom were ready to vote GOP for open schools, few restrictions, and, dare I say, ready availability of vaccines.  Funny; Mike DeWine's reaction to the pandemic didn't hurt him in the general, but in the primary... I do wonder what would happened if one real candidate had challenged him.  Would Dems have tried to contest the state more fully then?  The primary was a protest vote, I think, but the argument could be made that because he had it in the bag...

Interesting, and a cool video at the end.


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Lazy Sunday

 Interesting day today... first, snow.  Now.  I mean, remember those T-shirts that show weather in NE Ohio, with 70 and two days later freezing... I felt like that today, with a smidgen of accumulation on the grass and the driving sleet that came down during the day.  Oi.  At least the latter stopped, eventually, but it was still nice and cold throughout the day.  

Then, oddly, during Mass today I had a hell of a time paying attention; my mind was racing on all sorts of different things.  I did graciously volunteer to help with the Festival leftover sales today, which was fine, but I really don't know why I was so mentally preoccupied before... then it was off to the gym to lift, Best Buy for the new DVD player, and then home to do some much needed (and put off) dusting and straightening up.  It does look cleaner in here -- floor is nice, dust gone, and I even sprayed some air freshener...  to be sure, I prefer the spring cleaning concept, as you can let in the fresh air, but... one does as one can.

I started a new book over the weekend -- Jaffa's Crisis of the House Divided, which is a political look at the 1850s.  It was (at the time) a revisionist history -- one that looked at the role Stephen A. Douglas played in the decade, but not exactly assigning him blame; rather, a more nuanced look, pointing out that much of what he was trying to achieve was a way to defuse the slavery crisis.  It's quite dense, to say nothing of lengthy, but I am enjoying it immensely.  Lots of looks at the speeches of the era, parsing of arguments, comparisons to Clay and Webster -- all good stuff.  There is, of course, a second volume -- that looks at the decade after the Lincoln-Douglas debates -- so I added that.  I should have read this before, but...better late than never, as always.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Lazy Saturday

 OC duty today, and as expected, it was...busy.  Not exactly a zoo, but the count was 141, which was quite high; not a record, but definitely above average.  Save for a box of squash (imagine that), we gave away all of the produce, all of the baked goods, and about half of the frozen meat.  Canned goods took a huge hit as well.  We set up the second computer to accommodate the demand and a volunteer who prefers that, so... it worked rather well.  No IDs were lost and it did speed up the line; I tried to keep only produce (and not bakery) on the outdoors table to prevent people from clumping up, and while that did not last, the spirit of the plan was largely kept, so... people got in and out quickly.  Phew.

I broke down and ordered for myself a portable DVD player, at least to prevent the Netflix stuff from piling up.  As for the DVD/VCR combo...not sure.  I could, of course, buy one -- they are out there, and I could theoretically install it myself -- but I may hold off for now; too busy to watch too much, and I do want to economize a bit before the say nothing of the fact that I have a HELOC I want to pay off to start the next project.  Actually, I have been considering getting new carpeting -- bathroom be damned -- as I think I want a change.  Heady times at Chateau Mattie.

Interesting; I love shit like this (only the Boston Review could forget that it was William F. Buckley who said he would rather be governed by the first 100 people in the phone book than the Harvard alumni directory) and I think it could work, or at least better than the current system.  Of course, a lottery isn't technically representative; a political party, in theory, is supported by its members who technically believe in many/all of its principles.  A bunch of randos, of course, are not actually supported by anyone.

Interesting, and the more I ponder this...correct.  Funny; a couple of days ago, myself and one of the FunRunners were helping a friend move crap, and while discussing the election...the movee noted that if all these women -- despite the surging inflation which largely falls on them the most -- went out and voted for Dems because of abortion, that was just horribly selfish of them, and the species in general.  As you can imagine, we had a field day with this one, asking him how he had managed 40 plus years of like without managing to ever talk, much less date, a woman.  (His wife was especially amused.)  But...he wasn't wrong, and as the page above notes, eventually there will be a reckoning, even if this is a problem along the lines of OSU Hires Urban Meyer...

Friday, November 11, 2022

Catching up

 Humorously, I crashed hard last night (Wednesday night I simply fell asleep on the living room floor) and for some reason, I slept poorly, with the attendant result being that I feel...sleepy.  Plus, I woke up early (I was off from work today) to help a friend move.  This was fine, but his two puppies were extremely eager to see me, with that attendant result being the minute I got home chore #1 was laundry.  To be sure, I was getting ready to do it anyways, but this sealed the deal.  A pet person, I am not.  I also need to dust, which may or may not happen today; there is the weekend, which, for now, is surprisingly...empty.

I am fascinated by this story as much as anything.  Now, I think it is a scam, or at least something that should be done by people who are willing (and accept the risk of losing everything), but plenty of people are losing plenty of money on this, so...heads may roll.  What I am especially fascinated by is the fact that no GOPers are pointing out how he spent all this money on Democrats in the election, and now it is gone.  To me, the obvious insinuation should be...well, these wins are tainted, and this guy ran a Ponzi scheme to protect abortion or whatever.  Probably not true, but no one believed the John Edwards story in the Enquirer, either.

Humorous incident of the OC people called me to tell me they found mouse droppings in the food area (not common, but not rare, especially now) and that I had to call the exterminator... this amused me because everyone has the number and can call, so I just emailed them and they will send the tech out this week.  Fine.  So, I looked at the order, and what is there.. boxes of pasta and cereal, and bags of grits.  Gee, wonder how these little creatures can live... OK, it's not like we wouldn't order it anyways, but...if this is the time of year for visitors...

Wednesday, November 09, 2022


 Well, that was...disappointing.  The red wave didn't happen; indeed, right now it is more of a trickle, as House races are slowly decided and the votes trickle in in NV and AZ.  Honestly... if I lived in Georgia now, I would move.  I couldn't imagine another month of ads.  I wonder why they came up with this system; I bet no one imagined this set up, but I am not sure that two elections in a row is any better.  To be sure... the GOP will probably win the House, Vance won in OH, there is a chance for a GOP Senate, and Ron DeSantis won big.

I guess the main lesson for the GOP -- among many -- is that candidates matter.  That, I think, caused us many a loss; abortion, to be sure, was more of an issue that I thought it would be, but simply put, many of the people we selected were...not so good.  And, as several have noted, these were Trump's picks.  Of course, as many have noted, he will learn nothing from this, and neither will many GOP voters, but... well, maybe more of the party actors will think it best to move on.  That would be the accountability that many in the GOP would want.  Honestly... I think there are more out there than one thinks; the chants of "two more years" at the DeSantis speech were pretty funny, and indicative of what people are thinking.  He has a big war chest, a record, and of course, that BDE.

In somewhat happier news, I finished book 37 yesterday:  Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil, which was a look at the logistics of the US Navy in WWII.  Concentrated on the Pacific, it looked at how we supplied the fleets and men that fought the Japanese.  It was... impressive, not only because I like the stuff, but just the immense quantity of material that had to be sent -- and sent -- just to keep ships fueled and men fed.  That and how planners continually underestimated the needs for a campaign.  I am not surprised, but it seemed that for every operation, what was budgeted for ammo, food, etc., was never enough.  

The next four books in the pile are quite thick, so my plan for 50, then 40 books, peril.  Alas.

Monday, November 07, 2022


 I had planned on staying in tonight, but a friend texted me and invited me to dinner, so... off I went to Gordon Square, to Ninja City.... it was pretty good (especially because he treated, for once).  Chicken pad thai, always a solid choice.  Then we meandered and talked... as always, I am the fount of useful advice about life and relationships, obviously because I am so good at them.  But it was good to escape for a bit and just to be out and have adult conversation.  To be sure, I missed the the Duke opener -- the Sacrament of Duke basketball should not be missed, even if my dinner companion granted me the indulgence of periodically checking my phone.  Such are the sacrifices of friendship.

I guess it is now Election Day, and I intend to get up and vote as soon as I can.  I do like the actual process of going to the polls and doing one's civic duty, even if it allows the locals plenty of time to use my GOP ballot as toilet paper or whatever Dems do.  Can we retake the Senate?  Can Vance win what he was expected to do?  All eyes will be on PA, GA, NV; even WI.  It is exciting, and I do love all of this, but... it will be a long night in many ways.  Hell, I would love a win in NH, given that the Dems put their finger on the scale there.  I only hope we can do the same in 2024; not that anyone will primary Wifebeater Brown, but...Joe Manchin?  Hilarious.

This, as you can imagine, amused me, as -- and they even discussed abortion -- that if one side can declare some people (children) to be non-people and subject to the most basic of violence (abortion), the other side, can, technically, do the same...

This is...fine?  As I have often said, I, for one, will be glad to see the end of the Thurston Howell wing of the party, and I realize the next few years will be messy, but we will be a stronger party in the end.

Sunday, November 06, 2022


I got a kick out of this, as I so often do about Brooks.  I think he is on to something, but, being a liberal, he is not smart enough to know what it is.. I think the issue is that politics has become a winner take all (and spike the football) affair, and thus, when it happens to you... well, after the name-calling and the demonization, you only want to go back and do it again.  Many people are uneasy with the changes to our country, and their pace...and everyone wants to double down and attack them for it.  That never used to be that way.  And... that is a problem.

This could be me, but isn't this racism to silence a black man with an unpopular opinion?  More seriously... I guess to me the answer should be "the guy is a moron but he is allowed to have these views, not that anyone should ever endorse them."  Yes, he can be suspended, but does that put the controversy to bed?  I am not sure that it does.  I would imagine the loss in income and mockery is punishment enough.  Certainly, the people who hold similar views as he does will find it easy to believe the worst the next time something happens to him.

I love political ads, but the texts... I can really do without.  I guess this is because I don't mind the commercials (I don't pay attention, and I seldom watch TV besides), but the texts, they pop up, and you never who they came from until you check.  And, 90% of the time it's an ad or a plea for cash.  Sigh.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Life is a gamble

 Good day today... no OC duty today; rather, I attended new volunteer/home visit training today for SVDP.  I hadn't been in a while, and as a team from our new conference was going...I figured I should be there.  It was good -- some refreshers not only about what we do but how and why.  New wrinkles, too; not only with COVID but also how technology is changing things (the phone, for instance, can take pictures of utility bills and such).  It was certainly worth it, even if I missed food pantry duty...and it is good to see and be seen at HQ.

After some errands (and total neglect of paperwork), it was time to hit the casino; my aunt turns 80 Monday and some friends treated the her (and the cousins) to dinner... at Kosar's.  Yes, it was quite a tab, even with the casino chits...  it was good; not sure it is worth all that, but my veal piccata and risotto was quite good.  The carrot cake was quite delicious as well, and the service was outstanding (course, it should be).  Then it was off to the casino; I put $5 in a machine, lost it (61 pulls, I counted), and that was that.  It was good to hang with the cousins and such... my remark that after Mom died I would never return to one has now been proven false, and that is fine with me.

Daylight savings time ends today...I guess I am pleased about the extra hour of sleep, even if I will probably stay up and fart around.  I should read and get through the book pile...

I am still laughing about this one!

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Life in the Village

 Here I am...nodded off, but then woke up with low blood sugar, and now waiting for everything to stabilize...  My sister and I finally had our monthly dinner (for October), and I selected Paradise Ranch.  It's the former Cleveland PM, and, well, you can tell it was a strip club.  Anyways, it is a Mexican place now, and, it was...very good!  Not a lot of tables when we were there (which was sad), but... it is a bit pricey, but the portions were quite large.  My sister ordered fajitas with steak, and I the seafood chimichanga; both came with rice and lettuce/salsa, and it was with effort that I cleared my plate.  Also quite hot...  but I would definitely return.

Met the Holy Name SVDP Conference today... this was somewhat amusing, as I am there all the time for food pantry business, but they seldom participate at the OC.  Anyways, it was good to officially meet them -- they have some newer volunteers so I was able to give them some insights, and I got to hear about what they were doing and the issues they had.  Our inner city parishes in the East District get a lot of calls from areas without an SVDP presence (ghost zip codes), and they need the help...  but that is not easy to get.

I don't know, Jake...sounds like serious journalism there... didn't think that was allowed.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Horse racing

 I was fascinated by today's TOC game.  I haven't looked at the Coryat yet, but it was...close throughout.  Exactly what one wants to see!  (Also, categories I could run, like baseball and artists.)  Anyways, as luck would have it, the two leaders go into FJ! with a tie.  After another suspiciously easy Final... one contestant bets it all, and one does not, and...that's that.  I don't know; save for some oddball category, or a potential of a triple stumper, how do you not bet everything in the Final?  It really is Pascal's Wager, but people do it all the time.  I guess, of course, this is just a way of me reliving memory lane...

I get a kick out of the polling news and spreads.  To be sure, it is impressive, and good to know, but for most races -- especially the Senate -- it's not terribly useful, unless you believe (and it has some validity) that given the economic conditions/President's approval ratings, the large majority of the 12 undecided voters will break GOP.  Going into the nitty-gritty of the Senate races... to have better (or better-campaigning) candidates.  Ohio is way too close for my comfort, PA and GA have slight D leads, NV is too close to call; I suspect Masters will fall short in AZ (ditto for NH).  Not good.  

One thing I have been trying to do lately is keep the email inbox clean; easier said than done, for a bunch of reasons -- some things do not need to be answered immediately (or at all), other times it is useful to keep stuff in the front for ease of access, and sometimes I just don't feel like.  The latter, of course, is the WRONG answer, and lately I have been aggressive in handling shit and reading stuff.  I realize in the grand scheme it hardly registers a bubble, but I feel better, dammit, so reasons.

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Out For Blood

 So, today I did something different, sort of; I went to dinner.  I decided that today was a good day to run through the pile of gift cards and off I went to Bonefish Grill.  It was...pretty good; bit pricey (what isn't), but I liked it and would go back.  I had the cod almondine (stuffed with cheese and seafood), rice, and green beans, and the bread (prolly should have skipped due to deliciousness) and it was quite good -- cooked perfectly.  Service was fine, and, for all the talk of a recession and inflation...there were quite a few people there on a Tuesday.  

Went to Mass this morning.  Now, I knew it was a Holy Day of Obligation, and we all know what kind of people skip Holy Day of Obligation Masses (Democrats), so I was up early and at them...but I did forget that the 7 AM Mass is at 6:45, so I had to hustle to get there on time.  Funny; Mass was very crowded.  Either people get up earlier than I thought, or the new policy of guest Benedictines are a big hit.

This is exactly correct.  Now, I have no problem with them getting pummeled (figuratively, not literally, DHS readers) next week, but this is only part of the solution... I only hope that payback -- if and when it arrives -- will be severe.

This, of course, is worse.  I read the original offending article, and... no.  I mean, the people who brought upon all of these things -- shutdowns, loss of wages, educational collapse -- need to suffer.  Hell, this inflation has been caused by the government giving away money to offset the losses caused by the shutdowns, which is a less-than-amusing reprise of "OSU hires Urban Meyer to solve problems caused by Urban Meyer."  It's not like they are even sorry for having caused any of this, besides.

I listened to the Liz Cheney talk at the City Club today.  It was interesting -- and moderator Judy Woodruff hinted at this, but briefly -- but no one seemed to ask the ultimate question, which is:  If Liz Cheney can't win a primary in her own state, and GOP candidates everywhere (even the Vance campaign is running fundraisers off this!), are bragging about how Liz has endorsed their opponents, how the hell does she think she can affect anything that is going on in the GOP?