Sunday, September 29, 2024


OC duty yesterday and it was...fine?  I mean, I spilled some bad potato juice on me while taking it to the compost pile, and I got some rain on me when pushing the racks back into the clothing room when it began to rain.  If that is the worst thing that happens... it's a good day.  That and a couple of our homeless clients had their crack pipes fall out of the pockets while giving us some incredible BS story, which amused the hell out of me.  Somewhat more seriously, I do need to get that list of other food pantries/pagan (i.e., non-Catholic) churches for clients (especially crackheads) can pester for food.  We need to crack down on the one visit a month....and giving the clients a list when they walk in is far more helpful.  Helpful in a passive-aggressive way, but... in many ways, it is not sustainable.

Today had an amusing start, as Mass was delayed for 15 minutes as we did not have a priest.  Either it was a schedule snafu, or sone other nefarious cause (ahem), but eventually Fr. Steve came by and said Mass.  Funny; he did a good job; few rambles and asides, no Fox News homily, and the result was that it took about the normal amount of time.  Well, mostly.  But it was a nice change, in a way.  Then it was off to the OC for a bit, then the gym, then off to take Communion to my Polish friend... I think it went well; she likes a visit from someone new, and I do try to make her laugh...

Then it was off to St. John Cantius for their Polish Festival.  I met my friend Christine there and we caught up, which was good.  Theirs is just one day, which -- trust me -- I get, and it is much smaller than ours; the food basics, just beer and wine at the bar, baskets, and bakery.  You don't make as much but it is much less work.  On the other make less.  I also learned that there are Polish-style polkas, which, as I told her, is a misnomer, as polkas are not Polish.  (More horns in Polish-style, or, Polish-American, more appropriately.)  They also have those silly ticket things -- buy tickets for food -- which certainly affected my spending.  Anyways, it was nice -- even found a semi-decent parking spot -- and one should support our fellow Polish parishes.

Home, catching up on stuff, doing some work, going through the checkbook, and, of course, doing it all at once, but somehow actually doing it, which is...impressive.  I have way too many links and bookmarks to handle, and while the email is somewhat clear, there is more to cull -- not necessarily this week, sadly, but soon, or I should...

I e-signed an agreement to get the attic steps fixed and installed; hope to get this done ASAP.  I also realized that 1) I need to call the bathroom guy to see where I am on the schedule and 2) another fluorescent bulb is out in my kitchen light (making it pretty much worthless), so I will have to get that fixed, as it's some non-custom shape and the ballasts are askew in some way.  I am not fucking with it anymore, so if I can, I will Thumbtack that replacement.  I always joke about replacing my truck on part as a time, but it seems to be happening with the house now.  Sigh. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Mattie the Panhead

Yesterday I decided to treat myself and hence I went to see Skillet at the Agora -- there had been a discount ticket deal a couple of weeks ago, and it moved me to make the purchase.  As my sister told me, I do deserve a treat once in a while, and honestly, I wanted to see them.  And it was awesome.  The first two bands -- Royal Lynn and Tim Montana -- were also quite solid, and Skillet really rocked the place; very loud and awesome for an hour.  One thing... it was as close to a MAGA fest as I have seen at any rock concert.  I realize that if you listen to punk pop and such you get libtardery, but...not that they were explicitly political (and Skillet made comments that decried politics), but there was a lot of pro-police, pro-first responders, pro-military stuff.  There were a number of Trump shirts in the crowd, and also a lot of families with young kids, which is also something you do not really see.  Plus, every time I hear one of their songs I remember one of my favorite put-downs (and I have so many):  "A Trump voter would of course recognize the Christian content of their songs, but to the average Freedonian it is over their heads."

American kids have fallen far behind in math and reading | Vox
If Vox notices this, this must be a crisis.  Of course, they missed the leading causes, but... well, baby steps.

Hung out with one of my friends who was in town with his boys tonight; we played Monopoly and I won each time.  I do not exactly think skill had much to do with it -- some lucky dice rolls, maybe some judicious house and hotel buying -- but they thought I was some master of the game, which of course I tacitly encouraged.  It was fun, though, even if -- as always -- I wonder if I should have had kids.  Probably not for their sake, but...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


We are going to try this "Go to bed early tonight" thing again, though there is something I have noticed... I get tired about 9, but get a second wind about now (10) and don't really feel like sleeping.  I mean, I am going to try anyways -- off to bed after I post -- but I need to.  I definitely felt less than good today.  I skipped the gym again and laid down after work, taking an hour nap.  I am not sure if it was worth it, but getting some rest is good.  

I used Thumbtack to get a bid for the attic steps repair, and he sent the quote tonight.  It is a bit more than I expected to spend, but I think I will take it, as I can afford it and I want to get it done; heck, it needs to be done with winter coming and all.  Hopefully it will be done sooner rather than later, though...well, I am quite aware of the labor shortage.  But... if it can be done, it should be.  I still need to call the bathroom guy.  I also set up my FSA reimbursement (yay!) and tried to handle some dental claims, which was less than effective.  Oi.  I guess I will call tomorrow during business hours.  Sigh.

The Civil War Still Echoes in the South, Forcing Towns to Take Sides - WSJ
As I often say, we need to put more and better statues to highlight the loyal troops of the south -- white southerners who fought for the Union, and, of course, the freedpeople who joined the USCT.  This will never fly with some of the population, but it would allow you to have your statue-cake and eat it, too.

How Pediatricians Created the Peanut Allergy Epidemic - WSJ
As they say on my side, I thought the science was settled.  More seriously, doesn't the original idea -- absolutely no peanut products -- seem unwise now?  I mean, I would think exposing the kids earlier is better, and it seems to make sense in every other country... 

Voters Love the Policies That Economists Love to Hate - WSJ
Are we really surprised by this?  We as a society always kick the can down the curb, and the political system is designed not to punish those who cause this in the first place (and certainly not their voters), so... nothing is ever really solved.  Alas.


Nothing like an AM blog post.  This is because last night -- I felt meh and tired all day -- I decided I was going to bed early, and indeed I was in bed and all tucked in before 10.  Rah, right?  I figured at least 8 hours of sleep would get me... well, if not recovered, feeling better.  As always, my plans were cruelly interrupted.  I woke up four times in the night, needing to go the bathroom or whatever.  Oi.  I also have had these dull muscle pains, Lord knows why.  Finally, I woke up at 5:15 and after laying around for 20 minutes or so...well, here I am, up and at them.  I suspect I will try another early bedtime today.  Yes, I guess I got more sleep than usual today, but... sigh.

Pac-12 Trying to Bail on Mountain West Deal That Helped Its Two Surviving Members (
This, at least, amused me.  Not necessarily surprised, of course, and I think that the MWC will cave and make a deal, but... well, they shouldn't, and the claim that the Pac-12 made the deal in duress is...spurious, to say the least.  They should be hauled to court and made to defend that, but they probably will not.

Yesterday I watched (I didn't even go to the gym. that's how meh I felt!) "On the Firing Line With the Germans," a 1915 silent film shot by an American who -- unlike most of his peers -- went to the Eastern Front in WWI.  Interesting, of course.  We now know a lot of the scenes were faked (i.e., not actual battle scenes) but there were some real action shots, as well as just the fact that it was cool to see WWI live and in action.  I seem to recall that there was more freedom in WWI than in WWII for American journalists (at least early, though Mencken was there in 1916) and thus they had all sorts of interesting articles.  Shirer's WWII stuff is an exception, but he had been there a while and was regarded as an even keel.  Now that I have the VCR working I should do a film sweep, as there are a few on VHS that might be out there.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Mattie is amused

Double Lauren Bacall feature on TCM with "Murder on the Orient Express" and "The Shootist?"  Count me in!  I will try not to cry at the end of the last movie -- the last one of the Duke -- but I think we all know what will happen next.  In the meantime...well, funny; I crashed -- hard -- last nite, before 11; I fell off on the bed and woke up at 3 with the lights on.  Anyways, I got a full seven-plus hours of sleep last night, and today...  well, I was tired all day.  Odd.  I guess I am overtired, but...I was surprised.  

Trump Only Needs These Three States to Win the Whole Election - POLITICO
Is it me, or is this a bad thing -- that only three states will decide the election?  I mean, I am sure it is fine -- people live where they want, and there is some self-selection there, I am sure -- but if 40 states are irrelevant, so to speak, this is... probably not what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

New Court Filings Place Matt Gaetz at a Party at the Center of the Sex Trafficking Scandal - NOTUS (Allbritton Journalism Institute)
I forgot about this; between people like him and Mark Robinson...well, we are the family values party!  I have to admit, I find the Robinson story hilarious.  From now on, every campaign and candidate is going to have to hire someone to make sure there aren't any neo-Nazi posts or Ashley Madison accounts floating around.  I am not exactly sure that this is proof of evolution -- it is certainly not an improvement -- but it is amusing.  The bigger and actual issue will be if it flips NC; most people have it leaning red, so if he loses that... 

Exclusive | Sean 'Diddy' Combs' Hamptons sex parties with 'gay rappers' (
This is also amusing, in a slightly different way.  More to the point, does anyone actually believe that no one knew what was going on?  The pics with Leonardo DiCaprio are... revealing, to say the least.  Back to my original point, I suspect plenty of people knew what was going on, and hung out with him anyways, or more likely, because of what was going on.  And, of course, no one is ever going to call any of them out about it.  Oi.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Old is Old But New to Me

Busy day yesterday; got up early (but not early enough, of course), hit the gym, did some food pantry affairs, and then crossed over to the East Side to go here:

Home - American Porcelain Art
It was in the NYT a few weeks ago (not that I get the NYT) and I was like "Gee I need to see this," and as I had a sort-of free weekend, I decided to check it out.  I had a vague idea of where the place was (the old South Euclid library), and while going to the East Side is never fun... interesting place.  Basically, for a time -- post WWII to 2000 -- the US was the global leader in fine art porcelain sculpture, and the museum is a large collection of that.  The pieces were quite beautiful and intricate -- highly detailed nature scenes -- but on the other hand, one could tell that the process of creating this art was... a long way for not much (in terms of output).  The industry has pretty much disappeared in the US, so it's not like there will be more, sadly.  

While out there, I saw the signage for the Armenian Fest at St. Gregory's in Richmond Heights.  I love ethnic festivals, as we know, so off we went.  Funny; I passed by Hunan East (a favorite dining spot when I was at TFG) and I was like, worse comes to worse, I can go there.... and in retrospect I should have.  The people were nice, but the food was...meh.  And, dare I say, cold.  This is not good, given that I was there about 30 minutes after it opened, so you think that stuff would have been ready to go... the food was ok; the lamb was decent, but the rest was meh.  I am not a Mediterranean fan -- the cuisine is close to it -- to begin with, but this didn't help.  I meandered into the church itself, and it was...fairly plain?   A few interesting things, but... not as ornate as I expected.

Then it was off to Tremont for a wedding.  I meandered around Lincoln Park and saw the Arts Fest for a few before -- mainly to quell my stomach which seemed to have a brick in it.  The sight of not-so-wonderful art and all the libtards did do wonders for the digestive system (I guess) and it was just good to meander.  It was a late day, and then I did some laundry once I arrived, so... it was late to bed, and I didn't really sleep well, anyways.  Alas.  Feeling it now.

Today was the usual -- Mass, gym -- and then I came home and did some delayed cleaning.  Bathroom was done, as were the countertops in the kitchen.  Most importantly... a couple of weeks ago I bought a combo VHS/DVD player.  Yes, a VCR...basically, I have plenty of stuff on tape -- silent films, family movies, J! stuff, rare films -- and this stuff was basically off the market.  I found a site that had repurposed electronics, and for $200... anyways, it came and today I decided I would put on my big-boy pants and install it.  (I found my PS2, which made me nostalgic for dynasty mode in NCAA 2005 Football. But another time...)  Anyways, they sent me a detailed instruction set on hooking up 20-year-old tech to the modern flat screen, and after some worked!  We have VHS and DVD again, and it was...glorious.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Jug Day

 Yesterday was the Little Brown Jug, and I went down there with my aunt and some of the cousins.  The weather was pretty much perfect -- maybe a bit sunny, but there was a good breeze, not a cloud in the sky, no moisture... ideal for a long day of racing.  Amazingly, I came out ahead $31; I hit three trifectas and turned a slight profit, which I have not done in a while.  The usual racing issues -- one horse being an overwhelming favorite per race, too many trotting races ruined by breaking horses -- but it was still good to see some quality racing.  The best horses can really fly, and you can tell that they are a cut above; sometimes they just pass the field down, or other times they just cruise out there and take the lead.  Family fun time was good, of course.  Dare I say that Delaware is... really nice now?  Downtown is very nice, very gentrified; hardly a townie/student bar there anymore.  Very sad, sort of -- would have been nice when I was there...

Bishops propose Catholic education ‘varium’ to CCHD (
I don't know how I feel about this.  I mean, the CCHD should be viable and sustainable and do Catholic stuff, but is this the way?  There is a point to be made that they need the money, but given how an increasing number of states are giving away money like... politicians, drunken sailors, and/or Franciscans, is that something we need?  It's not like the Church has the money.  And, of course, educating a bunch of non-Catholics doesn't solve the priest shortage or other issues.

Mark Robinson, NC GOP nominee for governor, called himself a ‘black NAZI!,’ supported slavery in past comments made on porn forum | CNN Politics
Well, this is a train wreck, live and in the flesh.  I guess my first thought would be for him to say that "Yes, I said this, but that was before I met Christ," and while I don't necessarily believe it, it is certainly better than the truth, and hell, this is NC, so it might work?  Two, this came out when he cannot be removed from the ballot.  Obviously, they have been sitting on this for a while... not sure you can prove it -- that they waited til now to put this out there -- but if it is true, the GOP should be boycotting them until Doomsday... and, of course, trying to find some dirt on them.  The Nancy Mace clip was pretty awesome, but there has to be more out there.

Feds sue pharmacy gatekeepers over high insulin costs - POLITICO
Again, the way to handle this is to go and remove the patents and let anyone make insulin; there is plenty of profit out there for multiple participants, I can assure you, and that would be more beneficial for prices than anything.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Good workout today, despite the fact that I have not exactly had plenty of restful sleep.  Arms, which to me is more important, even than legs, as those are the foundation... yes, I know, but maintaining (or trying to) one's physical strength is important.  Also got some bike time in and that means some time reading.  I am reading Rebel Yell, a biography of Stonewall Jackson.  It is interesting, though we have barely started the Civil War.  He was.... unorthodox, to say the least, and in some ways...less reprehensible than many other Confederates.  I made a comment to a friend of mine that while of course as a Civil War buff you have to read about these people, you don't have to like them.  I would say "sort of like Democrats," but these people were Democrats, so...

I was going through the restaurant list a couple of days ago, and a bunch of them have closed.  Not surprising, as it is a tough business, but... there is no reason why I should not be hitting some of these places.  OK, I am cheap and fat, and have the pretense of caring about my diabetes, get my drift.  This weekend I should go to one, because, well, there is no reason not to.

Rashida Tlaib Rages Against Hezbollah Pager Memes, Gets Flooded with Hundreds More (
This is too funny, and I only wish I could see the ones that are not family-friendly.

A Populist Democrat Fights to Survive the Trump-Fueled Populist Wave - WSJ
As I so often say, all of the populists I know have five houses and live in gated communities.  More seriously, I have been thinking about the situation in Springfield, how all of the Haitians are taking the jobs.  Good for them... but it is not that Americans cannot fill them, it is that they will not fill them.  Some of it is wages, to be sure, but a lot of it is that there is no incentive -- positive or negative -- for Americans to fill them.  One would think a senator who goes on and on about the dignity of work would do something to make sure that Americans are actually working...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A return to tradition

My sister and I had our monthly sibling dinner today -- my choice -- and I chose Harry's in Independence; the neither of us had been there since Mom died, and aside from the jokes that I was the youngest one there (and my soon-to-retire sister will be there often), it was quite good.  Not much has changed about the place, which is good.  I assured my siter that the next time we eat for me, I will really spin the globe, which she appreciated immensely.

I was most pleased with myself; I had a little water blister on my knuckle today, and being a Pimple Popper fan, I decided to pop it myself.  It was tiny, but when I applied pressure, it shot up several inches.  I was impressed with this, and while I think it is gone (I have made some supplemental fluid drains)...well, let us just say that, as always, my true calling should be have been dermatology.

The story out of Lebanon -- where the Mossad exploded all of those pagers -- is quite awesome.  It is a shame they were not able to kill more of them, or took a few prisoner (such as by using agents as ambulance drivers).  Of course, they will be able use social media, hospital records, etc., to learn much about them...

FBI Visits Man Over Social-Media Post, Regrets Choice – HotAir
Good Lord!  The FBI is investigating social media posts?  Whoever authorized this should be fired immediately, though, barring a Trump presidency, that will not happen...

When Heroin Hit Jazz | City Journal (
Interesting and a bit sad.  I know little about jazz, for reasons, but it seems to have its own subculture, which should interest me...

Monday, September 16, 2024


Is There More to JD Vance’s MAGA Alliance Than Meets the Eye? - POLITICO
Interesting read.  I guess I would what?  Or, more to the point, don't liberals and leftist institutions collaborate on their policies?  Of course they do.  But, when the GOP does it, it is part of some sinister cabal to do whatever.  That, to be sure, is part of the issue, and everyone should be calling them out on it.  In the meantime, the article directed me to this link:

J.D. Vance | The Universities are the Enemy | National Conservatism Conference II (
You know what?  It's quite good!  It is preaching to the choir, mostly, but if you listen, he is spot on.  Of course, not enough are listening, but... in some ways that is to their detriment.

This state legalized cannabis. So why does it still have an illegal weed problem? - POLITICO
Interesting?  Yes.  Surprising?  Not really.  I mean, there is not nearly enough legal supply of pot, so of course people are going to go elsewhere, and to them, a fake store is better than getting it on the street and maybe getting arrested, robbed, etc.  I guess I see what the state is doing here, but there is something to be said for getting it out there faster; not only will they get more revenue from legal taxes, but more legal pot means the law enforcement elements can go after real criminals, as my parents used to say.

Cuyahoga County dismisses potential property tax reduction for residents – ‘We need the money ourselves’ (
This could be me, but if the county is short money, shouldn't they be trying to at least cut some spending?  I mean, even the appearance of trying to do something would be better than not doing anything.  I suspect, strongly, that there are GOPers who believe this to be true as well... in the meantime, you would think that some GOPer would be calling them out on this, but of course... well, tomorrow is another day.

In the meantime, a good day today, mostly; I couldn't fall asleep last night -- and when I did fall asleep it was neither long nor well.  I was certainly feeling it today, especially after all of the restlessness of the weekend.  Oi.  Then today my blood sugar ran high in the AM, until the afternoon, when it dropped -- I thought I took enough insulin -- but it was worse than that and now I am trying to get it back to normal.  Sigh.

I was talking with one of my coworkers today about the morass of college football in Florida, with FSU 0-3, UF 1-2, and there are prospects for winlessness down the board (sort of).  I was joking that Jimbo Fisher was available, as might Ryan Day be if he loses to UM this year.  In the meantime, Billy Napier's buyout is $26 million, and -- as we have cured cancer and world hunger -- that of Mike Norvell is but $65 million.  To be sure, they will find the money if need be, and then spend more on their replacements, not realizing it was the money that caused the issue in the first place.  And, let's face it, tOSU -- and anyone else -- would do the same if they could.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 So, my weekend of doing not much is over, and I did some of what I wanted to do; I did clean up one pile of stuff, but not another.  Hit a couple of documentaries and some links and bookmarks, but not enough.  I guess I ended up being busier than I thought; last night I met a friend for drinks (for him); he is a traveling nurse, in town for a few weeks, and he ended losing a couple of patients, and was in a mood to forget, if you get my drift.  I am not one for the medical profession, but he was shook up, even if, as I noted, he should be used to seeing people die...he was, but... I think he still felt it.  Anyways, I ended up taking him home (ha!) and putting him to bed, and it was later than I thought when I got home.

And I was feeling it today; not much sleep, and my calves have been tight all day.  I guess the double gym yesterday did not help.  Anyways, I soldiered through, but I have been tender.  If this is what aging is, I am NOT a fan.  Alas.  I guess I was not too sad that my blood sugar was a bit low at the gym and there was no cardio, though I needed the reading time.  Then it was off to CWRU to meet another friend for coffee, which was fine, as it was a beautiful day, but there is no parking there; I told him he has to come to me next time.  

I took advantage of the trip to the East Side to hit the Hungarian Festival at St. Elizabeth of Hungary, up on Buckeye.  Pretty church; not as pretty or ornate as St. Stan's, of course, but quite nice.  Well-maintained, you could tell...shame, of course, they don't have more parishioners.  The festival itself... not much per se; food, ethnic dancing, the usual.  Their hall is not so large, so I took food to go (and I am not a fan of ethnic dancing).  i was tempted for the liver sausage, but with Boar's Head fresh in my mind, I went with the pork steak and red cabbage.  It was quite good -- a very large portion of each -- and I think I would go back next year.  Then it was home to work and yet another assassination attempt on the Donald.  I don't think it will exactly move the needle, but some GOPer somewhere should be trying to make hay out of this; this one is clearly a lefty, and there is plenty of stuff out there from left about them out for it, preferably with a nifty ad...

Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Day of Activity

 Busy day today and it is not even over!  Slept in a bit -- always bad -- but started the day off with a good workout (chest) and got some bike time, where I was able to make some slight damage on the next book (I am up to 34 but the next few are lengthy, alas).  Then it was off to the bank to play some more money games -- another principal-only payment on the mortgage, which is good, of course.  I then went to Lowe's to try and get the attic doors, but they do not install them.  Ack!  I guess I will have to use thumbtack.  This is not too bad (I hope) and if it can be done quickly... so be it.  Next, off to the West Side to get some Boy Scout popcorn.  Not coincidentally, I assure you, I hit the Fitworks in River for some leg work and some more bike time.  Then it was lunch at Red Lantern -- the Chinese place next to Marc's in Kamm's Corner.  It used to be more of a... dive?  Traditional place?  Now it is much more upmarket.  But quite good; they have lunch sales which I took advantage of so there was sushi and chicken, rice, and veggies.  Quite good.  Then home, where, I took a nice long walk -- again, it was a beautiful day, so let's get some sun and some exercise.  I suspect my legs might rebel later, be it.

Breaking Down OnlyFans’ Stunning Economics —
i have never used this website, I can assure you, but I am fascinated by its rise, growth, and economics.  So here is something to read.  Quite good, and honestly, I see no reason -- provided the rates are not too high -- that this site cannot keep growing, as we are horny buggers, if you get my drift.

Americans Are Falling Behind on Their Bills. Wall Street Is Alarmed. - WSJ
This should be something the Trump campaign should be stressing; I have mentioned before how Biden is keeping rates high, which makes it harder to pay the balances down.  You would think that he would mention this more, maybe even offer up a plan to keep rates down... this would be the sort of thing that would make waves -- and votes -- in the border states.   Hmmm...

Why Men Hate Kamala | Frontpage Mag
I don't know; for one, she is something of a scold, and men hate that.  Also, she is full of empty promises -- men want action not talk.  I don't necessarily think that the fact that she slept her way to the top is a problem, but I think we are know females in the workplace who get ahead by doing not much, and that is annoying to.  Next we get to the policy, and it really goes downhill from there....

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Start of Something Good

Operation Quiet Weekend started with...well, I worked late to finish up a project, which was a little odd but good, and then it was gym, dinner, and J!  I did some contract work and now I am going through the list of links.  This of course is something I enjoy, so... let's plow through a few more.  One downside of the day was that I missed our quarterly Hunger Network meeting, and there were some changes to the monthly reporting process.  I got an informational sheet, and a video (video!) is coming, but I prefer to see it live and in the flesh.  Alas.  I need to plan/schedule tomorrow -- gym, errands, money games -- since we all know I love to complete (and occasionally do) complex schedules. 

I forgot to post about this yesterday:  I am fascinated by the latest reincarnation of the Pac-12, with 4 MWC teams joining the conference.  There is are money games, of course, but I suspect it will more than pay off, eventually.  The issue, of course, is that now the Pac-12 has but six teams, and needs two more to be a real conference.  Several people pointed out a potential (and easy) solution -- that Stanford and Cal, now ACC members (I think of California when I think of the Atlantic Coast), could return.  On the one hand, it would be a good deal; they would have to pay through the nose to leave the ACC (after joining at a discount) but it would solve all sorts of travel issues (important for the non-revenue sports) and the Pac-12 needs the dudes.  On the other hand, there is a good reason to not let them in -- they left in the first place and really fucked over Wazzou and Oregon State.  Just because the new spouse is worse than the first doesn't mean the first one will take you back, right?

Who’s Responsible for the Housing Crisis? - The Atlantic
Long but interesting.  Quite interesting.  I guess I would say that I agree with some of the things they address but not all; I think people remember the degeneration of the cities and the inner-ring suburbs when all sorts of interesting people moved in, and now that they have their own little NIMBY suburbs, they want to keep them that way.  Nor do I particularly blame them.

The new J! season is....meh?  Averaging 41 correct a night, and three FJ!s correct.  I think I am giving two or three of them away by not paying closer attention to the categories, but...yet another sign of my incipient (and depressing) mental collapse...  Or, I could not multi-task and actually watch the show.  I think we all know which answer I prefer...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Last Stand

Two days this week without blogging... not good, but I was just tired and sleepy.  I think my cold symptoms are somewhat gone, and if I cared for myself properly (such as by sleeping), I think I would be in better shape.  Such could be said about the Trump campaign and his debate prep, to be sure.  Even his not having any more debates declaration is something of a defeat, as he is admitting (but not to himself, I am sure) that he cannot compete.  Oi.

On the other hand, there is a good chance my weekend has absolutely nothing on the schedule, which means that -- in theory -- I am free to do stuff like work, catch up on things, play some money games, go through the backlog of bookmarks and movies/documentaries, even read some books.  I think we all know much less will happen than I hope, but...I guess it is good to be aspirational.  Hell, one of the money games I want to pay is making an extra principal-only mortgage payment, if only to get the house paid off faster and in turn free up money for more home improvements, or, God forbid, a truck.  I mean, yes I know there will be a day when I need a new one, but...

I went to the dentist yesterday and had two cavities (small) filled; I think that took a lot out of me, too; not only the drugs but the whole process.  It was quick and painless, but at the end of the day my stress levels get to 100 very quickly the minute I get into the chair.  I try to hide it, but I can feel it, and that is the worst of all.  I did schedule a cleaning/maintenance for November, which I think I need, if only to prevent more drilling and other ills.

When a Trailblazing Suffragist and a Crusading Prosecutor Teamed Up to Expose an Election Conspiracy | Smithsonian (
Interesting, and I am shocked, shocked that Democrats would be involved in that sort of thing.

The Rise of Vince Lombardi Democrats - by Ruy Teixeira (
I don't know; if anything, the rise of Donald Trump showed that you really do not need policies (or at least deep ones) to win; just the idea is enough.  Ok, maybe Obama showed that too, but Trump -- aside from the wall and tariffs -- really didn't offer that much; most of the stuff later were GOP ideas that he grafted on to appease the actual Republicans, if you will.  Maybe this is because of Trump -- as he is the Deshaun Watson of this election cycle, sort of -- but it seems that people are increasingly willing to trust a candidate to represent them, no matter how imperfectly.  Interesting but certainly a little odd.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Debate night

 Debate night, and it was.... a hot mess?  I think Harris won, but I do not think it was the slaughter the CNN crowd was proclaiming.  I guess my main issue is that Trump lost the debate, and I do not think that he is the type of person who can win it.  He avoided the obvious errors, but you can tell he is not good at this.  So many times he wandered off, or, worse, never got to the main point -- you have been there for 3.5 years, why haven't you done it?  He did it early, when the talk was on economy and border security, and at the end, in his closing, but the rest...  he could attacked her on the values question, why her staffers flee so often, the flip flops; even the race question he could poised -- with her accents -- as part of her constant "evolution."  Any actual politician trained in debate would have attacked her and ripped her to pieces, but not Trump.   Oi.  Give her credit for making those points, but... she left herself open, too, with a lack of detail on policy questions and such.  I don't think she really deflected those questions about the flip-flops, either.  He could attack her on that at the next debate, if they have one.  Again, though, even if he did 100 debate preps...I don't think he would.  Sigh.

Will it matter?  Some?  I think there are enough undecided voters that it might, especially given how close the race is, especially in the battleground states.  I don't think the base will be moved either way.  Hell, if anything, the Donald can claim it was rigged and the moderators were against him (not wholly untrue) and use that, though... the funding disparity is an issue.  The GOP really shouldn't be losing these things, you know...
Let's just say this is a little less true now...

Virginia parish adds ‘sensory Mass’ for neurodiverse Catholics (
This  Good?  I think we need more of these, and not just every month, either!  To be sure, my prejudice against long Masses with too much music has nothing to do with this.  :)  Moreover, the Church should be everything it can to be bringing people to the Church...

Republicans pushing Christianity into public schools are hitting resistance — even in red states - POLITICO

Isn't this a good thing?  For one, I don't think we want to teaching kids the good parts of Genesis.  More seriously, there are constitutional questions here -- I think the Bible as lit is ok, or as an important part of our tradition (look at the Pilgrims, or the pro- and anti-slavery arguments -- both could quote the Good Book ad nauseum) -- but there is not exactly any evidence that Biblical knowledge improves morality (as evinced by Democrats).  Nor is it exactly conservative to blow money on court cases you will probably lose.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Hot Tub and a Time Machine

Today was an absolutely beautiful day; I noticed while at the gym and while taking Communion to my Polish friend in Edgewater, and I decided to take a brisk walk when I got home, and it was the correct decision -- it was slightly cool but not terribly so, and it was indeed bright and sunny.  Certainly brisk walking weather!  And then it was home for a spot of work.  I put some good contract work in, and even if I didn't get through enough of the links or the film list... well, it was good enough.  Summer has certainly flown by; that was something my friend and I discussed today.  It does go faster as you age!  Alas, alack.  

Is it me, or do I find the upcoming debate more of a trap for Trump than Harris?  I would think that if the man can stick to the facts -- economy, immigration, Biden -- he would win, but that would be require discipline, and we all know how that is not his strong suit; indeed, I can see Harris setting him up and goading him into saying something foolish, and that would be that.

Trump’s allies fear he’ll blow the debate — his best chance to regain ground against Harris - POLITICO
Well, I guess it is not just me...

Friday night I went to a hot tub party hosted by some friends -- they bought a house, rehabbed it, and among the improvements was the hot tub.  All I can say is that now I want one, and not outside -- I mean, it is nice, but getting out in the winter you would freeze again.  More seriously, it was...impressive.  I have no doubt it is expensive to install and run, and of course I would need some improvements to the house.  Also... I think I am past the age where I can successfully host attractive people to join me, as we are now at the age where there are things you do not want or need to see...of course, I could sit in it and read and enjoy the heat.  I have so many other improvements, but... maybe this should be added to the list.

Saturday, September 07, 2024


Ben Shapiro loves trolling liberals. Republicans are putting that to use. - POLITICO
Isn't this awesome?  I mean, liberals should be trolled, early and often, and here is a guy who can do with ease.  Quite frankly, we in the GOP should be doing more of this, for a number of reasons.

I have to admit, I am not really one for football, or emotion, but seeing the NIU coach and his players after they upset Notre Dame today was... pretty cool.  It is a big win for any program -- not that the $1.4 million check they got doesn't help.  Let's face it, 95% of the time, these games are pastings for the host school (tOSU really scheduled the hell out of this one), but for those games that it does not... much like March Madness, it is fun for nearly all involved.

OC duty today, pinch-hitting for another co-manager.  Busy as expected; I predicted 157, we had 152, and everyone gave me credit for being close enough.  Almost all of the produce went, we carefully rationed our limited meat supplies, and in general it was controlled chaos.  One client insisted I had his ID -- and I did not -- and kept insisting...til he found it in his wallet.  I told him I couldn't give him the Mom look, which he appreciated.  Another client complained that I was disrespecting him because I wouldn't give him meat, even though he had been told three times to bring his ID and proof of residence.  Mind you, 90% of our clients (at least!) have done this, so....what is the problem?  Oi.  On the other hand, most people were fairly pleased with everything -- few complaints, picked us clean -- and some people were even happy they got certain items, like hot dogs and produce.  Some people with large families (reportedly) complain we don't give them more, but...we really can't, as then everyone will claim they have large families.  There is something to be said for treating everyone as equally as possible.... 

Local leaders have become pigs at the taxpayer trough, but they weren’t always like that: Letter from the Editor (
I got a kick out of this, as Chris Quinn -- shockingly, I can assure you -- left out the most important part...that the problem is voting for Democrats.  As the PD exists mainly to shrill for Democrats, of course they would never do it, but...

Friday, September 06, 2024

Progress and backsliding

I just finished Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days That Shook San Francisco; it's interesting, I will give you that.  Basically, Milk was a pedophile, rapist, and shameless opportunist, and many San Franciscans fully embraced the People's Temple...until Jonestown, at which point it went down the memory hole, and no one ever called them out on it.  Mind you, this is a very American thing -- how many politicians ever pay any price for their actions?  I mean, not talking about losing re-election, but going to jail, being reviled, etc.?  Few and far between, if that?  Maybe it is easier now to go after people, as everything is online and can be easily recovered... but it does trouble me somewhat.

I had a discount coupon and thus had Jimmy John's for dinner; it was good not great?  I mean, it's good, but the new pumpkin white chocolate cookie, I had high hopes for it, and... it was ok.  Maybe too high?  Alas.  I guess it was good not to cook for once, and I can afford it.  Sort of; I do need to save for savings, prepare the return of a HELOC balance, and as I am ahead on my mortgage, I could go and make a larger principal-only payment on that.  I mean, there is something to be said that you don't really do much, but on the other hand, you get a few hundred extra on it, then a principal-only one, and it does go down faster.  Paying down a mortgage faster is not an unwise goal...

One thing I have noticed -- my bookmark and link pile is getting longer, and the list of movies and such that I need to watch (including some of those links) is getting longer as well.  My weekends have been somewhat busy, as has been work, so there has been less time to watch and read stuff.  Alas.

The jobs data came out today, and while everyone expects a rate cut... one, I think it is too little too late, and two, will they cut enough?  I mean, I think 50 basis points would be a powerful symbol, and it would really dice down mortgage rates and credit card rates, which would in turn fuel some home buying and selling, and all sorts of other fun things.  I suspect they will just go 25, and while it is a relief, it is not much of one...

Thursday, September 05, 2024


Cut the grass yesterday, weedwhacked today, and when I was done I was like "Gee, this could be the last time you have to do that this year."  On the one hand, this is good, as I hate those yard chores.  On the other...summer is rapidly fading -- getting dark earlier, had to close the windows or get a blanket because the breeze was too cool.  Not good.  Also not good:  my tires are ok; I needed a new front axle.  $600 later, it is fixed.  I mean, it happens, and I can repair it now, but...still.

In the irony department, I had planned to send out a monthly budget report for the OC, and today Downtown emailed me -- they are doing their annual budget (the joyous off-year FY) and wanted me to finish up/fill out theirs.  I have all the data, but guestimating -- even for a month -- gives me the jitters for some odd reason.

I listened to the state of the county speech -- sponsored by the City Club -- and it was pretty much a crock.  No one called him out on his BS about the state being the ones forcing the tax increases on the public, not that I expected anything less.  The whole thing was quite rah rah, and with all of the videos...well, now I know what the county is spending our money on.  Not, of course, that our friends at -- or anyone else -- will call them out on it.  Alas.

Why Can't the U.S. Build Ships? - by Brian Potter (
Interesting but not surprising, and as the article notes, the saddest thing is that there is no political will to solve the issue.  I would think it would be an easy win, but politics gets involved, and... we all know what happens then.

The ‘Safe Space’ Where America's History is Debated in Real Time - POLITICO
Odd; I have never been to Williamsburg, but seeing this makes me really want to go and experience all of those tours.  I can see how some people would be offended, but as this history was not taught (or poorly if at all) in the first place...well, I think we all know how I love that sort of thing.  To me, the best part is how they are trying to be objective and accurate; that alone makes it worthwhile to me to study.

Amid declining church attendance, a different religious renaissance is underway (
This could be me -- and there is some selection bias here, as I attend such a parish -- but could it be that one of the reasons why people stopped going to Mass in the first place is that the places were ugly/modern/unispired?  If that is the case - and it is a factor -- isn't this is a good thing?  Oi!

Wednesday, September 04, 2024


 The GOP Is Better Off With Kamala Harris in the White House - POLITICO
Is this me, or is this one of the dumbest things ever written?  The problem, of course, is that Kamala Harris would be Biden on steroids, and while the lefties of Politico and the press would love that... I am not sure the country would.  I have no doubt that a Trump win would be far better for our country than another four years in the wilderness, and it would be irrevocably bad.  Also, I do not see a scenario where we hold the Senate (or the House) if she wins, which would put a real kick into that theory.

In the meantime, my pharmacy keeps not getting the prescription my MD calls in, which is annoying, to put it mildly.  I went to bed early last night but of course woke up in the middle of the night.  Also:  I felt sleepy, decided to go to bed, and then... could not fall asleep.  Vastly annoying.  I should have asked the MD about it yesterday, but...oh well.

The car goes in tomorrow; it has sounded like a jet engine for a few days, and I hope it is just that I need new tires (which I have been told a couple of times) and not something more severe.  Not that I cannot afford it, but... I would prefer the Behemoth give me a couple more years, so I can pay off some more debts and better complete some home repairs.  I think of how old I am, how I will soon be 50 (sort of), how the summer is over, and I wonder, sometimes, why I do not have better financial plans.  Then I think to myself that I have a 401K (of decent size), own more of my home than the bank, have savings, and a debt-to-equity ratio that is fairly favorable.  I guess I am doing ok, but there are more things I would like to do...

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 Didn't post yesterday, as I was tired and decided to try and get to bed about 11.  This, of course, was comical, as I could barely sleep and also woke up at 2 in the morning with low blood sugar.  I think I did not have enough caffeine yesterday, as I am quite tired now; certainly feeling it and will try to get to bed soonish, work and stuff I have to or need to do be damned.  Alas but I am tired.  I didn't set the clock yesterday and only slept til 8, after a night of poor sleep as well...

Good weekend; work, caught up on stuff, answered some emails, did some links, etc.  Sunday night I went to a 90th bday, and the honoree -- a friend's grandmother -- was surprised (maybe not a good thing) but took it well.  I only hope I am in as good as shape (body AND mind!) at that age, if I make it.  Sad -- a family friend passed away this weekend at 58, probably an aneurysm.  Very surprising, not expected, and 58 is sort of young... but such are the vagaries of life.

Yesterday I slept in a bit, did some work, and then took a friend to St. Rocco's for their Italian Festival (he had never been).  They changed stuff around -- where you go in, where the rides are -- since the redo.  The lines were fairly long for some of the stuff (especially the fried dough balls, which are huge) but the sausage sandwich was quite good.  We stayed for the greasy pole climb, which was... interesting, as I said on Facebook.  I do not think it was that interestingI do like to support our ethnic parishes, as I belong to one and the Polish Festival is certainly coming up.

That night I met my college roommate Tom and his family as they swung through on the way home from vacation.  The kids like me -- I am the permissive uncle who occasionally says something slightly inappropriate -- and between the dinner, the jokes, the comments about my age, and the horsey and shoulder rides...all were pleased.  My friend's wife tolerates me, but... well, part of being the indulgent uncle is to raise havoc with the child-rearing, right?

How Dungeons & Dragons Made Me a Conservative | US News Opinion
Interesting take.  I guess I never thought D&D had a political bent, nor do I think it should...but these things do happen, I suppose.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Back in the Saddle

 Long and busy weekend -- friend stuff, 90th bday today, errands, gym, the usual.  Days were just long, and not that this is bad, but... it was not exactly a weekend full of rest and catching up on stuff.  But it was fine; tomorrow is another day, I guess.  :)  One thing of new insurance kicked in today, so I tried to renew and pickup my prescriptions.  This did not go well; the one they said the MD didn't call in (they did) so THAT has to be handled; the other they coded in wrong and had to re-enter.  At least they were polite about it, and while I am tempted to switch to another drugstore... I might not.  We will see.  I mean, it would be another pain in the dupa to switch this again, and I need that like a hole in my head now, so... inertia will probably win out.

With boost from grieving families, Trump sharpens attacks on Harris (
I don't know; this might work, but of course, the press won't cover it, so... unless it gets in the ads, the effect will be muted.  Not that it shouldn't be tried, but the Libya thing really didn't hit HRC, so I am not sure this will.  It should, of course, but it won't.

Watched a documentary -- "When Whales Walked the Earth" Friday, as well as "Shoulder Arms," the Chaplin WWI movie.  Both were interesting; the first because of how whales came from the same ancestors we had 43 million years ago or so.  The second because, well, it was funny; Chaplin films are humorous, and he has this way of being somewhat oblivious to situations, which in turns adds to the comedy.  Sight gags, I think, have gone the way of the dodo, but they are still funny, especially if done well...