Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Voodoo Tuna

Hard to believe it is May already, well, almost.  It does seem that spring is here, and while I am not fully ruling out snow, I did take my winter jackets to the dry cleaners, so... guarded optimism remains?  Exciting Cavs game tonight, which I was able to follow on my phone.  Hard to believe a playoff game isn't televised; you would think someone in the legislature would be up in arms about this sort of thing.  But no.  Odd.

I had my haircut in Lakewood today and I decided to try Voodoo Tuna; I have literally passed the place 100 times or so, always wanted to try it, and I thought....well, why not today?  And it was... quite good.  The sushi menu is quite extensive but you cannot mix and match (which I would have liked to try a few different things).  I went with a salmon fried rice bowl as a main dish, and it was quite good; I mean, hard to fuck up but not impossible, but it was well done.  Funny; I cook salmon quite a bit, but never get it perfect, while at a restaurant... I wonder if it because mine are usually frozen and at a restaurant you get fresh?  Anyways, my blood sugar was running low so I went with the banana lumpia, which was... good.  Needed a knife but you could smell the banana wafting from it, always impressive.

I get a kick out of the student protestors... this could be generational, but even if my parents had had any sympathy for the Palestinians (and they would not have), they would have been pissed as hell if I decided to go out and cut class, etc., to protest and such.  They would have literally beaten my ass, especially if I was suspended or expelled.  This, of course, leads me to wonder where the hell these students' parents are?

Monday, April 29, 2024

Slaving Away

Surprisingly beautiful day; maybe a smidge warm, but nice and sunny.  I of course was mostly working, though I did get a couple of trips outside to get the mail and to take a brief walk.  I decided with the good weather -- and the fact that I am rather busy this week -- I decided to cut the grass.  I tried to start it after work, and... nothing.  Oi.  I tried a few times, figured the thing was flooded, so I went in, had dinner, watched an archived J! (blew the final again, after putting a 51 on the board, sigh), and then went out to start the engine.  I had just finished a Hail Mary, and then... fired right up.  I remembered that this worked for Fredo in The Godfather, Part II.  Mostly.  

Got a new project for my contract job, so I put a few hours in on that... fun.  Interesting, and good to be poking around for data and making estimates and calculations about the ag market.  Odd; I just started to learn my way around, and....  alas.

A new era: Enrollment declines forcing Ohio colleges and universities to look at cuts, mergers and closures - cleveland.com
This could be me, but given that this has been talked about for half a decade or so...shouldn't someone have guessed that this might happen and figured out a plan for it?  I realize that that would mean colleges lose programs and people lose their jobs, but now we have a system where everyone, at the very least, is going to have a very severe haircut, and if people didn't want to work on a potential solution... nothing would amuse me than to have our GOP legislature and sort-of-GOP governor make a plan for them.  Of course, as we are Republicans, so if we had any brains...

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Not-So-Lazy Sunday

Mass today was quite nice; on the one hand, plenty of interesting (and snarky gossip), and on the other... well, right when the Eucharist was being elevated prior to Communion, the sun poked through the windows and the place just brightened up.  One of those things that just makes one revel in glory.  Plus, with the warm temperatures...well, I brought out the sandals, and that was wonderful.  Can't wear them to work, but... it certainly felt like summer today.

Managed to pull a gym double, first by going after Mass and then after brunch with some friends.  That felt good, getting my legs stretched out and doing some cardio (and some reading).  I am behind on my reading, and even 30 pages a trip to the gym... well, that is as good as anything.  Mostly.  I was able to do some work on my contract job (very interesting, and I get to keep up with the ag industry) and finally finish transferring all of the files I had saved to the new email...of course, I remembered a bunch more things I forgot to transfer over.  Oi.  This process has been -- to use my new favorite phrase -- worse than dating.

Finished watching "Mr.  Bates Versus the Post Office" on PBS... interesting; I had been following the story off and on, and... as in this country, the people who suffered did so greatly and unnecessarily while those who inflicted it -- or stood by and did nothing while it happened -- got away literally scot free.  That is the problem with government, of course; there are seldom any consequences for shitty behavior.  No one ever takes a hit in the pocketbook or has a stint of ankle-grabbing.  As I so often say, if Republicans had any brains...

Why You Can’t Get a Restaurant Reservation | The New Yorker
On the one hand, he's right; why can't you use an app to pay someone to stand in line.  On the other, now we have this, though, to me...I would just go somewhere else.

How athletes and entertainers like Shohei Ohtani get financially duped by those they trust (aol.com)
This could be me, but if I was making that much money, I wouldn't trust anyone with it...and I would certainly pay closer attention...

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 What It'll Take to Create 21st-Century Mammoths, Dodos, and Thylacines (gizmodo.com)
Dare I say that I am not sure this is a great idea?  I guess I am glad they have given some thought to thinking about habitats, foodstuffs, predation, and that sort of thing. I mean, this is a cool idea, and certainly on some level one wants to see extinct creatures brought back, but...many a science fiction story has started with this plot idea and it often ends up poorly for mankind.

Food pantry duty today and while the count was fine -- 116 -- it was certainly interesting.  Mainly steady (not exactly slow) and it was interesting, as we had nearly 30 people who were walk-ups.  It is beginning to get a little chaotic in the front, and as I am one of the co-managers in May, there will be some ordered changes... I bought some spray paint and I will create a lane for them in the vain hope that this will settle things down.  Plus we dawdled leaving and of course people showed up after noon.  So next week we will close promptly AT 12 and I intend for all to be off-site at 12:01.

My CGM alarm just went off -- it said that it is not working and I need to replace it... 8 days premature.  Oi.  It does happen, and they often send replacements, but it is a pain in the ass, and if this one breaks early...of course then you have to bicker with the insurance company as to why you need a new one.  Joy.

My homeowners insurance went up $150!  Yowser!  And, I added a new roof, so one would think that liability issue would be diminished... let's just say that while I have been thinking about having a crack in my windshield repaired... I was thinking of delaying it due to the cost of filing a claim, but now...

Friday, April 26, 2024

Social Justice

 Had our quarterly Hunger Network meeting for leaders today, and as I am the default/de facto leader... there I was.  For some reason, they moved it from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, and they selected a church literally ON the campus of the Clinic, so there was absolutely no parking (and we know how I love that).  I had to park in the Clinic garage off 93rd (that was an adventure) and hoof it.  Now, when I arrived they said they were parking cars for us... but that helpful factoid was NOT announced anywhere.  Oi.  Plus, they wanted pictures of all managers.  Oi.  At least they provided lunch and the meeting was interesting and informative (somewhat; ok, mostly).  I was of course at a table with people more progressive than I am (joy) but the post-meeting small chats were interesting; one was about how for many pantries... the idea was that we were to provide supplemental food, and now we are providing all of their food, and that  is a problem for a lot of places, for many reasons.  I was tempted to say that if you voted for Biden, you deserve all the inflation you are getting, but...anyways, afterwards I also poked around the church with the assistant pastor and saw their food pantry (not in operation) but it was interesting... and basic.

$20 Minimum Wage Backfires as Restaurants See Orders Plummet (msn.com)
Then there is this; I am not sure what to think.  I think the US consumer is used to cheap (or cheaper) fast and fast-casual food, and much of the model was based on paying people poorly (or with tips).  As that goes away, restaurants will have to adjust.  Raising prices in a time of high inflation only makes it stick out more, so people eat out less.  Cutting staff means people get miffed about poor service; then, of course, people go elsewhere.  Restaurants never really had really strong margins at any time, so...there is a not a lot of fat to cut in many places.  This is one of those things where slow and steady, as unpopular as it may be, might be the smarter choice...

Is it me, or is part of the issue with the Trump trial that for him, his personal life and his political career are intertwined, and thus it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them?  Or, another way... the efforts to pay off porn stars and whomever were part of brand protection, in a way, and thus it is not exactly fraud, just basic lawyerly payola, done in a legal but sketchy way.  I am not sure if that is the strategery, or if it will work, but it has the advantage of being somewhat (mostly?) true, and thus is not quite a crime...

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Back in the saddle

 The laptop is back, stripped down, clean (in every sense of the word), and ready to go.  I am about halfway in transferring stuff; I should be organizing some things slightly better, but... maybe later.   I think all of the important files were saved, and while some stuff I will regret deleting... not that much.  I am still thinking of things I need to update or transfer to the new account... which is not good.  The Geek Squad techs were of the opinion that I didn't necessarily have to get a new laptop; as I am not gaming, but using it for life, I should be ok.  I still might get the upgrade; on the exercise bike today, I was thinking of all the stuff I need to upgrade -- some new pants, a vacuum; all the way to windows and the driveway.  I mean, not going to do them all at once, but...between work and my side hustle, there is some more cash out there, and I should put it to use, inflation be damned.

The economic news today -- lower than expected growth in GDP-- might be the sign that American consumers are stopping their spending, or at least spending less on unimportant things...to be sure, one month is not a pattern, but I am sure for many people they are at or near the breaking point when it comes to expenses.  This, of course, coming from a man creating a spending list!

Minor hiccup on the path of the Communion dinner; namely, what downtown had in mind for a budget seems to be woefully less than the market, so... not sure what we are going to do.  I have an idea, actually that is simple and elegant but could be more trouble than it is worth.  One downside of being employed; tracking down a brunch caterer is one thing if there is nothing on the calendar, but I have plenty of stuff to do besides, like work and all, and now it is just "Sigh."  I will ruminate on it tomorrow in my break time...

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Tonight was the monthly dinner with my sister -- my choice, my treat.  I selected King Wah in River -- actually, I gave my sister a choice of three and she selected the one that had the least adventuresome selection.  As one of my church friends pointed out, the place has both Chinese-American and order-from-the-picture menu fare, and that was good enough for her.  It was quite good, and, as we noted, they didn't skimp on the portions (in this era of Bidenomics, one notices).  We discussed many things -- her impending retirement, my brother-in-law and his lack of business sense (or, as I say, extremely old-fashioned business sense), Church stuff, food pantry stuff, and the fact that I need to start getting my affairs in order.  Not only do I need a will, but there are things I should be buying and upgrading, and there is no reason not to do it now...

I have to admit, Joe Biden certainly put on a show today, with the Ron Burgundy moment and then crossing himself before addressing some pro-infanticide affair.   Really, the next priest who gives him Communion should be laicized on the spot.   Again, this could be me, but every GOPer should be asking every Dem (and those who claim to be Catholic) about these things.  They won't, of course, but...

Laptop (in theory) returns tomorrow and it will be nice to have it back; a sense of normalcy.  I mean, there are files to update on the book list, OC budget stuff to complete, emails to finish; not that I have not survived with the old Pebble one, but it is not quite the same, and of course I remember my career there, and...for a man who is somewhat devoid of sentiment, I can be quite wistful at times.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The End of an Era

There has been a slight hiatus in my blogging; basically, my email account was receiving/sending another round of spoofs, so I took the laptop  to Geek Squad for a full diagnostic.  I asked about what could be done so that this never happens again, and aside from having complex passwords (I barely remember them), they suggested deleting my email account (the thought had crossed my mind).  This, as you can imagine, was problematic, as I have saved literally hundreds of things -- SVDP stuff, food pantry stuff, memories, funny stuff, etc.  Anyways, much of Sunday was spent culling or saving that; followed by unsubscribing and resubscribing (I created a new email account!) to all of the various things to which I am connected -- from the utilities to the library to the grocery store.  I don't even think I have them all!  Finally, I had to re-email everyone from the old account to remind them to use the new one (I can always find a reason to write, I guess).  This also took some time, and I hope I got everyone.  Of course, this morning when I went to log on...the new account was temporarily blocked.  Oi.  While there is something nice in NOT having 52 emails to handle a day... being out of connection is NOT good.

In the meantime... Communion breakfast planning was done in earnest, I finished a book -- The Conquering Tide, Ian Toll's middle volume of his trilogy about WWII in the Pacific -- and am a third of the way through another, and went to bed slightly after 10 yesterday, getting an unheard of eight hours of sleep.  Funny; I didn't exactly wake up all refreshed today; indeed, quite the opposite.  I suspect I am overtired, and the stress and annoyance of the past few days has not helped.  I think I can get seven tonight, which would be impressive.

Is it me, or is the GOP missing an opportunity by not more closely linking all of the college protests and all to the Democrats?  Ads of chanting (not-in-class) students calling for the rape of Israelis and violence -- all while demanding to be free of student loans -- would be, to me, ideal.  And, of course, all of these people ARE Democrats, and linking them to AOC and the like couldn't hurt either.  I would like to think these things would be easy to crank out, too, and given the cash crunch that seems to be affecting the GOP...well, the best type of food is free food, as they say.

Saturday, April 20, 2024


Good day today, nicely helped by the fact that the plans I had originally made -- a fundraiser -- were cancelled due to an outbreak of COVID.  Odd; years ago this would have been a somber time, but now...well, the event could have gone on, but it was decided that due to the fact that half of the people had been in contact with those laid up...discretion is the better part of valor.  Also:  either everyone is vaccinated or the symptoms are mild, because no one seemed to be....worried about it.  This is good -- it's not a killer -- but it still is causing issues.

I went for the echeck today, and... it is much less of a pain in the rear nowadays.  I remember when you first went it took 10 minutes or so; they revved the car, took all sorts of measurements, etc.  Quite annoying and many were convinced this was not good for the car.  Now... well, for one, they have self-serve kiosks, which I figured would not be suitable for my older truck, so I went in line.  Which, of course, was empty.  And... very fast.  You have to start the truck again to make sure there are no check engine lights, the very polite tech ran a few tests, and...that was that.  I passed -- phew -- but I wonder what they are not looking for now.  Unless, of course, we have solved the issue of vehicular air pollution.

Ministry Fair at church this weekend, and since the schedule was now open, I arrived for the post-5 PM Mass fest.  Not many people there -- the general assumption being that the Cavs game kept the crowd down.  Let's hope tomorrow goes better and there are some people who are interested... I think I have surrendered myself to the reality that there is no successor on the horizon, but...with a few more volunteers (and I should be asking for them!) we could more things in the area, or make some adjustments at the OC.

Farewell, Voyager 1 | The Spectator
It is a sad thing if this is the end, but these craft have had incredible runs!

The Duke Blue Devils Roster Is In Shambles After Numerous Key Departures (outkick.com)
Seven players have left the program...seven!  While the draft decisions were not unexpected...well, five transfers is quite a bit.  While I think Power would have benefitted from sticking around, he would also have benefitted from more PT.  Mitchell and Stewart will be missed for their size and toughness.  While I have no doubt that there is a solid recruiting class, and that Duke is an equally desirable destination for transfers, the whole thing is...jarring.  I guess I (and many others) viewed Duke as a place once aspired to transfer to and not simply move away from for reasons... I can see why a lot of the more older coaches have decided it was time to hang up their whistles!

Friday, April 19, 2024


I slept in a bit today -- worked from home -- and it was good, but I still feel a bit sleepy.  Alas.  In the morning I was fine, but in the afternoon... I really crashed.  Thankfully, several cups of coffee later, I was... somewhat invigorated, if you will.  I even managed -- on my lunch break -- to handle a bit of banking and untangle the switch from 30- to 90-day prescriptions.  One thing I did NOT do today was do some SVDP stuff, and -- also -- clear out some old emails.  At least the new stuff was handled, but the old.  Sigh.

The check for the first installment of the payment for the bathroom renovation was posted, so I took some of the money I had saved up and made a payment to the HELOC.  While so far so good... there was something sad and jarring about seeing a balance -- at these interest rates -- again.  I was listening to one of the economics podcasts today and one of the guys likes to blend personal finance with his commentary.  Today he was discussing that there are some people who are so concerned that they don't take any on, even a HELOC, which is bad -- you use it to improve your house, etc., and you can pay it back -- if you are so concerned, pay it back faster.  I of course was "I resemble this remark!"  To be sure, I am undertaking home repairs, but I am concerned about debt!  But they were correct; if you can manage debt, you can use it.  Indeed, once this bathroom is done... more to do.  

I watched "Matewan" today -- 831 on the National Film Registry.  It's about the labor wars of the 1920s in West Virginia coal country.  Impressive cast -- lots of famous faces, some of whom I even recognized.  The story was quite good; I was feeling somewhat progressive, given the message of the movie.  Truthfully, many workers have been poorly treated throughout our history, the miners especially, but now... I have a sneaking suspicion that in many cases our workers cannot compete with overseas labor, and that is a problem...

Thursday, April 18, 2024


My plan to get some extra rest has been foiled by the low blood sugar alarm, which went off about 15 minutes ago, and here we are, waiting for it to come up after what I thought was a sufficient snack.  Alas.  My blood sugar went up after Pub Quiz -- the burger and fries were too much in retrospect -- and I thought my gym time and insulin just right.  Oi.  PQ was... we came in second, so, as we say in my family, the biggest loser.  We trailed more at the half but scored well late; the problem was that the Final J! round category was indeed a question recycled from J!; it was one I had blown, so of course I remembered it.  So did the team in front of us.  But it was good to get together once again.  

Yesterday on J! two on the questions were ones I had had on my shows (a decade apart), and I couldn't help but note that when you hear your questions, you remember.  Thom -- one of the PQ members -- was on Millionaire!, and he said the same thing.  Odd how that works.  If only I could remember forty more questions, and I would feel less dumb.  

Matt Gaetz Is Winning (msn.com)
Interesting.  Honestly, I do not know what to think about him.  He is slimy but so are a bunch of other guys.  Opportunistic?  So is everyone else?  In it for the wrong reasons?  Probably.  Petty?  Who isn't.  Does he get results?  Sort of.  As with a lot of people in the GOP, I am not sure what the end game is, and until we know that... that is a problem.

Pride event controversy in Broadview Heights | Watch (msn.com)
I am now truly sad I missed this, as this seems like it would have been a giant train wreck, and we all know how much I love those.

Here’s what Ohio lawmakers say should be done to solve the state’s housing problems (msn.com)
Interesting?  I am not sure it is enough; certainly not for production and getting stuff in the ground, although the zoning stuff could alleviate some of the issues there.  I sometimes wonder what would happen if someone suggested the state go and build some small but decent (i.e., starter) homes and then sell them to first-time homeowners (albeit those with good credit and the means to do so); I don't necessarily think that would be a huge help either, but the only way to get prices down is to boost supply...

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bemused and Amazed

 Nothing like not being able to sleep once again.  Ok, it happens, but it seems to be happening more lately, which is not good.  Funny thing is, the day was...pretty good.  Less stressful.  Hit the gym.  Heavy rain on the way home, which affected but not terribly the commute.  Healthy dinner of salmon and veggies... can't complain about that.  I feel the fatness coming on, but the scale said 184, so... 

Half of my parishes have responded to my invite for next month's Communion breakfast, and the turnout promises to be... high, from what is reported.  I am pleasantly surprised by that, and if the other parishes respond...well, it would be a nice turnout!  I need to send an update to the caterer and do some administration!  I do have a month, and it is only 40-50 people, but...  

‘Smiling his ass off’: How Trump used the New York bodega visit to return to form - POLITICO
Don't we have to give some "credit" for Alvin Bragg, for setting himself up like that?  I mean, if the guy is indicting Trump and store owners, but not actual criminals... I would argue that this is one of the things that people like about Trump, his ability to call out the idiocy of modern life...the old comment that people look at Trump and like him because they take him seriously but not literally...

Turmoil at NPR after editor rips network for political bias (msn.com)
This could be me, but does anyone -- except for those who work and listen to NPR -- not believe that they have a liberal bias?  I occasionally pop on, such as while channel surfing, and there is no way they can deny it.  Then, of course, people find the social media posts of the CEO, and... we're off to the races. More seriously, I like the idea of challenging people about intellectual diversity; if there are 87 Dems and 0 GOPers on staff, that is something of a problem, and if they don't realize it...

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Seeing is Believing

 Cut the grass today; really didn't want to, but seeing the perfect weather, the upcoming weather report, and hearing my neighbors cutting...well, I decided to do some adulting and cut it as well.  I forgot to charge the weed-whacker battery, so that will remain undone, but at the very least the yard is cut.  The engine fired up right away (a good sign) and there were no issues at all with the cutting; indeed, it went fairly well, though I went the wrong way a few times.  I need to figure the best way to do it instead of roaming about!

Had an eye doctor today; drove out to the East Side (she is by Beachwood Place) and, as always, I did NOT miss the East Side; not saying that West Side driving is much better, but on the aggregate, the East Siders... whoa.  More importantly, my vision is fine -- I didn't think it was 20/20 with the glasses, but it was, and I was even told that at 20/20, it is not necessarily perfect, which blew my mind.  I got a new prescription anyways -- a slight change if I want -- but that was that.  Phew!  Then back home to work, where I had two meetings and received another project.  Oi!  I guess it was good to destroy some lawn; that good feeling lasted until J!, where I completely blew an easy Final.  Oi.  I was not pleased by this development.  Old age and mental decline, I sense.

What is the Best Way to Help Israel and Ukraine? – MishTalk
I don't know; while I see the point of not wanting the Speaker to rely on Democratic votes to get things done, he wouldn't have to if the GOP was united on anything, and the fact that we are out is our problem, and a colossally easy one to solve (I would think).  But, as long as the inmates try to run the asylum, we will have this problem, and hence the need for bipartisanship.  In the meantime, I need not remind everyone that many bills have been passed this way; I always recall the example of the Compromise of 1850 and, for that matter, the Kansas-Nebraska Act (I am a Civil War guy).

They criticized Israel. This Twitter account upended their lives. (msn.com)
I would feel badly, but if this is what lefties believe -- going after people for whatever the post, act, and believe -- they really can't complain about it being done to them.

Broadview Heights residents storm council meeting to oppose Pride Fest on city property - cleveland.com
Had I known about this, I would have gone!  I wonder... I think we lean a bit to the right out here, but not that much, so will these people rush to the polls the next time and vote these people out?  I doubt it, but if that is what it takes to get some shakeup on City Council.... fine with me.

Monday, April 15, 2024


My blood sugar has been all over the place today, and not sure why... started off fine most of the day, then a bit low in the afternoon, high after dinner, and then -- after what I thought was enough insulin to cover -- it came crashing down.  Alas.  Now I have to snack... enough to not go low again, but not too much that I spike again... and the way the day has gone... oi.  There are days when diabetes is a hot mess.  I think stress is the main cause, as stuff is just meh lately...

Went to a fundraiser/informational fest today sponsored by the Diocese about the history of the Church in Cleveland.  Interesting, sort of; I think I prefer a little more academic stuff, but that is me... that said, parts of it were fascinating, such as the immense workload the early priests had -- traveling across all of northern Ohio, dealing with parishes that they may not understand (due to the language) or that they may not like (due to ethnicity).  And, all of this was done with a shortage of priests, resources, buildings, etc.; sort of like now, in a way, save for the fact that we may have too many buildings now...  of course, this reminded me I need to leave something for the parish.  The venue -- the West Side Irish American Club -- was mostly nice, but the toilet seats in the men's room... well, let's just say that they had not been cleaned since St. Patrick's Day.  It did remind me of Ireland...

Actually, on the way home I did reflect on the fact that the West Side and East Side Irish -- despite a history of rivalry -- manage to work together and put forth a parade, etc... of course, us Polacks cannot even pull off one celebration for the upcoming Polish Constitution Day fest.  Mind you, I could get involved, or try to get some other people from church and the Polish community involved, and try to put Humpty Dumpty together, but...the last thing I need is something else to do, and considering the last time I helped out with one of the groups I almost got walking pneumonia... methinks I will pass.

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Friday at dinner we were discussing the possibility of World War 3; the very premise of this surprised me, for many reasons, but in the context of the Middle East, I said that I thought that Iran would not do much of anything, as they were selling oil to the Russians and Chinese at $80 a barrel, and that was more important to them than political points.  In other words, there would be a gesture and something, but that would be it.  They, of course, proceed to prove me wrong by shooting 300 missiles at Israel.  Now, given that it seems they were intercepted with minimal damage... could my theory be correct?  I guess maybe, provided there is no further shooting on either side; which, for reasons, is doubtful.  Quite frankly, the Israelis would show incredible restraint if they did not; but as they are fighting one war now, I can see how they would not want to fight another...now.  

Finished book 11 yesterday, Those Turbulent Sons of Freedom, about Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.  One thing the author stresses -- about half the book -- is how close they were to siding with the British multiple times during the war.  There is an argument to be made that they were playing both sides and -- more seriously -- that they wanted economic security (i.e., recognition of their land claims -- there was no Vermont the time, and many of surrounding colonies claimed the land) and it didn't matter who granted it.  But... it was something of an open secret that there was something questionable afoot, and one wonders why no one sought to reveal this; perhaps the war ended at the right time and it was simply easier to conceal it?   Book 12 is much longer, so... alas.

I made salmon today and -- if I can humblebrag -- I cooked it perfectly; just the right level of firmness, the proper seasoning (both blend and quantities), and even a suitable side of green beans.  I have been weighing in at 182 pounds, and with some good workouts and extended times on the treadmill, I feel that my body -- with the birthday impending -- is doing as well as can be expected.  That said, healthy eating and a generous dose of high-protein food is just what the MD ordered to build muscles and maybe burn another pound or so.  Let us just say that it was a rare day in which I impressed even myself.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Something new

Yes, there I was, worried about getting 50 posts in two months, and then I took yesterday off.  By which I mean, I crashed -- hard -- last night.  Indeed, I fell asleep during one of my favorite economics podcasts!  Alas.  Funny, as I when I resumed it today, they were discussing this study about lottery tickets:

The economics of American lotteries (economist.com)
Namely, the poorer the people, the more likely they play the lottery.  My parents played, but I seldom do -- the occasional pool or such, of course, but not regularly.  One thing that was discussed is that in some ways it is not that economically foolish -- some people win, if you are poor, you are spending money (often) unwisely anyways, and if you do win... it was worth it.  I think that is correct, but... in the aggregate, people are poor because they spend money on dumb crap (so there is less money for the stuff they actually need).

This was more of an argument because this morning I signed a contract and made a deposit for the bathroom renovation... so obviously I will be spending less on stupid crap.  :)  More seriously, it was a bit nervous (I left off the total on the check) and the contractor was amused.  It is the contractor I wanted and the designer and I had a good sit down... so I think it should be good.  The stuff has to be ordered and set on the schedule... actually, the price is pretty good; barring economic catastrophe, I should be able to handle it.  That is good as I have a bunch of stuff I need to fix after the bathroom.  

The Mental-Health Benefits Linked to Going to Church (msn.com)
I do not think anyone would think of me as being particularly mentally there, but... on the other hand, I am mostly happy and I do have a sense of... well, I am not a Millennial.  :)  I think this article is correct; being a part of a church does give you a sense of purpose -- working for a goal -- and plenty of things to do.  I also have plenty of friends/acquaintances/church people I know, which is key, too.  On the other hand...if younger people don't want to get involved... then they cannot complain about being depressed and lonely.

Last night I had dinner with some former coworkers.  It was quite nice, and we had a good time, but... I think I have thing -- or, better, dogs have a thing for me.  They have a golden retriever puppy (which is the size of a horse!) and the thing was all over me.  Does it know that I am an easy mark?  I wanted to feed it, but was told not to from the table (which seemed fair), and the thing was... fairly nice.  I mean, like most dogs, it wanted to be my friend... and it was well-behaved, but at the end of the day, I am not a pet person.  At least it was nice to get out of the house (not like I don't) and be social...

Thursday, April 11, 2024


So, I went into the garage this morning, and I discovered a visitor.  A couple of days ago the exterminator came in and while there was NO evidence of mice in the house, but in the garage the bait traps had been picked clean.  He refilled them and I offered to put down some glue traps; he said it wasn't necessary but it wouldn't hurt.  So a couple of days ago I put them down where I thought they would arrive... and nothing.  I moved them out of the way of the truck yesterday and forgot to reset them...so I was quite surprised when I saw a Mickey on one.  This is NOT acceptable, so I put even more down tonight.  I am not exactly sure of the end game -- just keep putting them down -- but if I can supplement the bait traps, so be it.

All kinds of little things today; lots of little work projects, a trip to the gym, a bunch of errands after work, then I came home and watched J! (finally got the final correct, and I am loving the slightly easier questions), and then it was off to the laptop to handle some medical claims, pay a few bills, and handle some emails and links.  I have cleared a few of those away, which is... good.  I finished book 10 a couple of days ago, yet to start book 11, and that is a concern, as I had a few come in from the library today.  Some of them are smaller -- I can boost the numbers -- but it is not a good precedent.

Hamas May Not Have Enough Living Hostages for Cease-Fire Deal - WSJ
This could be me, but... I bet a lot of people -- especially in Israel and on the right -- have sensed this from day one, and what happens then?  If I were the Israelis...well, for one, massive retaliation against the Palestinians would be immensely justified.  More seriously, I would be into the American left (not that it would bother them) for supporting people who were knowingly negotiating while keeping the fact that these hostages were dead quite hidden.  How do you treat such a people?  You don't, of course.

A welcome transformation at the West Side Market: Tom McIntyre - cleveland.com
I always get a kick out of articles like this, because, of course, is why these obvious changes weren't done sooner during the Jackson administration?  The answer, of course, is that the place was run a spot for Frank's cronies, and thus left to go to seed.  One would think our wonderful hometown news source would report on that, but I think we all know the reason why they did not...

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The economist in me

This will be post #1,750... can I reach 1,800 by my birthday?  Fifty posts in two months is possible, but considering I am behind on my reading...well, the fun is in the trying, as it is with so many other things.  Alas.  Of course, by posting tonight...  funny, though; my blood sugar was a bit low after work so no gym, but this was fine; I handled some banking issues for the food pantry and myself, caught up on some emails, handled some insurance stuff... in short, the paperwork pile is much less reduced.  This is good!  Also good... regular J! returns.  My scores were higher -- even with leaving four questions on the board -- but the Final J! was completely out of my category, alas..  I also finished one of mom's puzzle books today; I have many to go through, but some day they will be completed, and I will be very sad.

Inflation data came out, and one thing that struck me was the difference between price growth in food eaten at home (high but moderate) and food eaten away from home -- which was 4.2%.  Whoa!  That is a lot, and I am certainly seeing it when I go out.  Which, by the way, seems to be less; I have been saying I am overdue for a restaurant trip -- to say nothing of the fact that it is my turn to treat for sibling dinner -- but I keep finding reasons to not do it.  High gas prices and the need to save for the bathroom renovation (still waiting for the contract) were the most recent reasons, and while they are good ones... the extra $20 I spend here or there will probably not make an appreciable difference.  Consider it doing my part to arrest this raging inflation.

Speaking of, I was also fascinated by the latest employment data; it appeared that many people noted that nearly all of the growth was due to immigrants in the job force.  This is sort of good, but, again, to me this is a symptom of the fact that Americans do not want to work, especially in the poorer/lower classes.  This would have been less relevant had not one of the social justice groups I deal with had a group discussion about how -- when we got started -- the point of a food bank was to provide food to supplement your grocery needs, and now it has become the entirety of your food purchase.  Yes, costs are higher for everyone, but they are also higher for food pantries, and if people expect more... to me, these are related; there is no mechanism to force people work (ahem, liberals) and thus they do not, and then have to rely/demand to supply their needs.  Again, not all of these people can work, but... a bunch of them could, and if they were... well, our crushing need for imported laborers would be rather less.  Yet another reason to vote Republican, not that we need any not to.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024


 No blog yesterday, as I went to visit one of my best friends from high school and his family, who slightly delayed their Easter trip to see his parents to take advantage of the eclipse.  Mainly we caught up on the news and then I played a number of rounds of "The Great Dalmudi," which is...fun and interesting.  Basically a trump-taking game, but there is some strategery involved -- when to take trumps, when to play big runs, etc.  Social mobility, if you will, is not exactly impossible, but can be difficult. 

As for the eclipse...it was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen, and I am not -- as we all know -- exactly a fan of nature and such.  It was completely cool, watching the moon clip out the sun, bit by bit, and then, when it was total darkness -- in the middle of the day -- it was incredible.  I could see how people back in the day would crap their pants over this; someone in the neighborhood was setting off fireworks and I couldn't but reflect on how medieval a practice that was.  I also thought of the Crucifixion (recency bias, obviously), the verse about how "darkness came over the land" seemed to be extremely apt.  I was surprised at how cold it became; I had to go in and put on a hoodie for about 20 minutes, and it was only until the sun had returned about 1/3 that it felt warm again.  I can now see how people globe-trot for this sort of thing!

ESPN is reporting that Tara VanDerveer is retiring.  Good for her, I guess; I am always a little sad when these things happen, but she has deserved the right to go out on her own terms.  Coaching -- especially in the NIL era -- is not for the faint of heart, and I can see how some old dogs may or may not want to learn new tricks.  Geno might yet catch her after all...

The Women's NCAA Tournament Outshone the Men’s. But It Got 99% Less TV Money, - WSJ
Speaking of... I guess I would say that while it outshone the men's tournament this year, it might not happen again next year; Reese and Clark are gone, for instance.  UCONN may not win again -- I don't think Hurley is leaving -- and that would certainly help the men's ratings.  I need not mention how awesome it would be if Duke clinched it all next year, which would boost ratings (albeit for the wrong reasons).

Calipari to Arkansas?  Interesting.  Fascinating how the coaching tree works (and people wonder why the athletes complain about them not getting a piece of the pie).  I guess I am a bit surprised; it seemed like they wanted it to work, but I guess if Arkansas and a big pile of money called...  well, Coach Cal is not exactly known for his heightened sense of ethics, if you get my drift.  I joked with my sister that Rick Pitino is certainly available for UK....she mentioned Greg Kampe, which was equally humorous.

Early medieval money mystery solved (phys.org)
Fascinating stuff!

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Firing Line

I realized today that it is two months to my birthday, which, as you can imagine, depressed me immensely.  I mean, my life is half over, and... oi.  And, sad to say, it is the best half that has passed.  Sigh. At least Mass was quite nice today; Divine Mercy Sunday, where we honor the religious meditations (and fervor) of a Polish nun, so there was some extra meaning in today's service.  At least Mass was done in less than an hour, so the Polish community was not tempted to slash tires.  It was mentioned that we should be using the bell tower as an observation post for tomorrow's eclipse, but we were told that it was well-nigh impossible, as we have it heavily screened to keep out the pigeons.  Alas.  I had some visions of revenue enhancement, but...

Yesterday was an interesting and busy day, met a friend for coffee, hit the gym, ran some errands, then met a friend for lunch at Kumo buffet, which was quite good; my friend picked out as it was better than the one across the street -- fewer health violations, more authentic Asian cuisine, better quality overall.  And it was quite good -- three plates and dessert, which was not exactly good for the waistline.  Then home for a bit and finally another party for a friend's birthday.  Interesting -- they converted half of their garage into a party crib, with a TV, fridge, tables, couches, etc.; I sort of liked the idea, should do it for myself.  A firepit on the driveway -- a perfect touch, as it was just cool enough that you wanted one, but not so cold that you could not survive without it.

The women's national championship was... mostly good?  Iowa seemed to be on fire at first, but the game turned slightly in the second and then South Carolina -- using its size and physicality -- pulled ahead.  You know, I think Clark... had a good game, but she does commit some inopportune turnovers.  I realize, of course, that they would be nowhere without her, but...at times it was glaring.  

Who should pay for Ozempic? The people who got us into this mess. (slate.com)
Interesting.  I am of both camps; on the one hand, this is a popular take, but on the other, I find it odd that -- as always -- that we are always shedding the concept of personal responsibility.  Yes, Big Food makes unhealthy food, but if we know it is unhealthy, and eat it anyways...

I Tivo'ed the PBS American Masters episode about William F. Buckley, and it is interesting; certainly didn't fail to address his unpleasant take on Civil Rights (as expected) but -- and I know this must have killed them -- but they do address the nascent Trumpism, such as his run for the mayor of New York, the sense of law and order, and how he personified away from the Bush/Romney school to this new and... different approach.  I am fascinated by this, but there is no small part of me that wonders how they found anyone at PBS to do it...

Friday, April 05, 2024


 While the first game went as expected -- South Carolina pulling away -- the second one was much closer (which I also think was expected) and quite exciting.  It was impressive, watching UCONN put out a lead early and then the Hawkeyes came back.  The ending...well, it was exciting, but also... well, better basketball it was not.  I think that is one difference between the men's and the women's games; the men tend to have more buzzer beaters and such, whereas in the women's game...well, there are a lot of bad shots.  Odd.

This could be me, but I am...surprisingly calm about the eclipse.  Maybe because I have some cash on hand, plenty of grub, that sort of thing.  I saw a bunch of places with signs saying that they are closed for the eclipse; our company is off but as it is a Monday and I can work from home...we will be doing so, which is fine.  In retrospect I should have offered one of my three couches as a place for visitors.  Alas, such an opportunity for revenue enhancement...

This School Didn’t Want Caitlin Clark. Now It Has to Face Her. - WSJ
This could be me, but I am not exactly sure what Geno did wrong here.  Ok, picking Paige over Caitlin might have been an error, but -- not recruiting a player when he thinks he has a better one -- is... fair to both?  Why have a player come and not play?  Maybe he could have put together a two-guard offense, but... I think that getting the players he wanted is highly commendable.

What Liberals Get Wrong About ‘White Rural Rage’ — Almost Everything - POLITICO
Don't get liberals everything wrong about everything?  :)  I got a kick out of this, the article author refuting the work of the authors of the book using their own arguments and data, God forbid...  if people think they are getting a raw deal they will go elsewhere, that hardly seems like a complex concept...

Thursday, April 04, 2024


My sister and I had our monthly dinner for March tonight...I know, we were busy and things got delayed.  She chose the new Cozumel at Broadview and Snow; it was good -- place was packed -- but we were surprised at how...spare the decor was.  I know it is a former bank, but normally you see schlotskys and stuff on the wall.  Slightly odd, but it was fine.  One odd thing... the bathroom was a one-seater, which surprised me, as it is a Mexican restaurant, if you get my drift...  As always, it was good to catch up; my sister is hell-bent on retiring.  I can't imagine it... I am glad for her but for now, I can't imagine not working.  That and the designer for the bathroom got back to me... so I will be slaving away. 

What’s Wrong With the U.S. Economy? It’s You, Not the Data - WSJ
How Far $100 Goes at the Grocery Store After Five Years of Food Inflation - WSJ
I got a kick out of these, being as they were literally next to each other.  I think this is the problem and of course we in the GOP should be hitting the Dems on this.  I was reflecting on my own economic health; I am making more, but some costs are up, and if I had major credit card debt, or expenses (I live pretty cheaply)... it would be much worse.  Only because the bathroom needs to be done and I have been saving for it... otherwise I would wait.

Another way in which we could profit is through the conflict in Israel... one would think that Trump would be assailing the Palestinians more; to me, Jewish voters are a potential source of votes for us, and it seems that no one seems to want to say that the Palestinians have brought this on themselves... they are keeping the hostages, acting in a manner contrary to international law, etc., One of the nice things about Trump is that he has been able to get into the Democratic coalition, and to cleave another plank of it... well, it would be something.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024


 I had a charley horse again last night, but today it was much better.  One of my friends suggested to me -- his wife is in the medical profession, so I gave it some credence -- that I try to walk around more at work (easy to do, and prolly better for me) and that I take some vitamin C during the day -- not only for the energy but it would help with the muscles.  And it worked, mostly; felt a couple of twitches but that was about it.  I suspect if I got a full night of sleep and drank just water... alas.  I was productive today -- had a meeting, hit the gym (shoulders and back), and then did some much-needed laundry.  Also made some fresh green beans (I love them, easy to cook, and healthy) and baked some potatoes -- they were on sale and we all know how I love to economize...  Funny, I had planned to do more, but here it is, 11 PM, and...alas. 

NIT selection changes not popular with mid-majors, or many favored Power Six conference programs (msn.com)
I saved this a few days ago, and forgot about it until now... I do find that the most humorous part of this, that all of these changes were made to put more larger schools (sell more tickets, more viewers) into the NIT, and lo and behold... it didn't work.  I have not watched any of the games this year -- a boycott, if you will -- and I wonder if others are joining me.  If the ratings are down and such this year... well, that would be vastly amusing to me.

JD Vance's VP prospects could rise after he helped deliver Trump a big Ohio win (nbcnews.com)
Um...good?  I mean, I think he has a lot going for him -- young, smart, good presence, that sort of thing.  I think Trump would be wise to pick him -- the idea of him and Kamala Harris debating makes me chuckle -- but I can see him not wanting to pick a white guy from a non-battleground state.  Alas.

The True Cost of the Churchgoing Bust (msn.com)
Interesting... but, reading this, I kept recalling a comment made by the Mizzou coach when the Big XII imploded (at first) and that the KU-Mizzou series ended, and while everyone was saying how sad it was, he noted that you don't get to sleep with your ex-wife once you get divorced... and I feel the same way about this.  You don't have to be religious or involved in a faith tradition, but then you can't complain about being alone and isolated... I mean, I always laugh -- on the one hand, I am too busy with church stuff. but I have certainly made friends and have a sense of belonging...

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

War Inside and Out

Funny, well, not really; I have had charley horses the last three nights, and then to top it off, they are re-cramping during the day.  While on the one hand the pain isn't that much worse -- or, as my father used to say, worse and worser -- it is vastly annoying, and even by drinking more water and walking around more (it got steadily warmer by the day) it has not really helped.  Alas.  God is telling me yet again that I am not a young man anymore; that and my depressing J! scores.  I really might have to consider NOT doing a word seek or something during the show and paying attention so my mind works faster.  Yes, the questions are harder for tournament play, but... that depresses me more, actually, the mental decline.  Sigh.

I watched the "20 Days in Mariupol" documentary, and it was fairly riveting.  To me the worst thing about this -- aside from the isolationism gripping my party -- is that the Russians have not nearly suffered enough.  Their civilian sites are unscathed, and even their industries and infrastructure are barely touched. I realize we cannot start WWIII, but when you read about how our intelligence agencies are warning the Russians about terror plots... sigh.

I have to hand it to Kim Mulkey; just as she gets an apology from the LA Times, she manages to piss off the governor of Louisiana -- a problem for the coaching staff at LSU, I would suppose -- with this latest National Anthem flap.  While it could be innocent, with her you really cannot give her the benefit of the doubt, can you?

Monday, April 01, 2024

The Art of Being Impressed

My first impression of the LSU-Iowa game was... wow, that was Kim Mulkey's outfit?  Very restrained, especially for her.  That said... it was a good game, with Iowa pulling away late and getting the W.  I was a little surprised, given all the drama in the LSU world; I would have thought that they would have been armed for bear, and they were for three quarters or so.  But, turnovers and Caitlin Clark were too much for them, and... Iowa will be here next week.  

Tennessee fires women's basketball coach Kellie Harper week after NCAA Tournament ouster (msn.com)
Interesting.  For one, I was surprised that they fired her, being a Pat Summitt alum and all.   Plus, she has been fairly successful, albeit... well, never having gone past the Sweet Sixteen round seems to be the issue, though... had they ended the South Carolina streak, I bet she is still employed today.  I can easily see her going anywhere she wants... I heard UT is looking at Kara Lawson from Duke (who at least made it to the Sweet Sixteen, thank Buckeyes!), which would be a good hire, though... I can see not wanting to perpetually coach in the shadow of Pat.

Right now I am watching the Doc Severinsen episode of "American Masters," and I am perpetually saying "Jesus."  One, he's 90, and he is damned impressive -- hitting the gym hard three days a week (and hitting it), touring, making music, and being active.  I have listened to some of his albums (I saw them at the library and was like hmm...), should listen more... but he is quite the tale.  I can imagine all the trumpet playing is good for breathing and the heart, and provided you stay active... well, I have a goal for my next fifty years or so. 

I sent out the email invitations for the hopefully annually occurring Mass and Communion breakfast.  Now, of course, we just have to get people to come...hell, I hope they even RSVP.  More seriously, I hope this goes well, as it would be good to meet, get together, share spirituality... that sort of thing.  Other Districts seem to have it and I would like to think we could at least do that.